indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 347 Inquiry After 5 Years

Chapter 347 Inquiry After Five Years
The forest, the bushes, and the low roar of "rumbling" came from nowhere.

This is what appears when the video in the memory chip starts playing.

"Can these things be photographed in Dawn City?"

Holding a skewer in his hand, Zhu Jue sat side by side with Suzi on the bank of the river bank in Shenzhen-Hong Kong District where he visited yesterday, pointing to the scene in the video and asking.

As a super city, Dawn City has decent greening projects in several urban areas, but this does not mean that any urban area can have such a large open space to accommodate such a large forest.

"There are three parks in Dawn City that are open to the public. The vegetation coverage in them is different from what is shown in the video, and an obvious car engine can be heard in the background sound. Judging from the sound, it should be a high-power engine. Whether it is a private It is impossible to allow vehicles to gallop in public or open parks, so Jude should have taken this video outside Dawn City."

Suzi's electronic brain is intercepting some pictures in the video at an extremely fast speed to compare and search on the Internet, and then quickly draw a conclusion.

The price of a memory chip depends on the content it carries. To put it bluntly, just like the video I shot at the beginning can stand out from the thousands of videos that appear in Yuntu every day. If the memory chip wants to sell at a high price, it must also have enough stimulation.

Judefa's status naturally does not allow him to imitate the life of the upper class. In fact, he probably doesn't even know what the real life of the upper class is like.

Therefore, in order to sell the memory chips at a high price, Jude probably wanted to shoot some special content, and the location he chose might also be very special.

Sure enough, as the video progress bar progressed, the bushes separated to the two sides, the roar of the engine became louder, and lights began to flicker in the forest ahead.

Vehicles and crowds!
There were nearly a hundred people in strange clothes gathered on both sides of the road, and a dozen cars of various shapes were parked among them. Obviously, this should be the scene of a certain car race.

"Death Speed."


"Another name for an underground car race. Its nature is similar to that of an underground boxing match. You can regard it as a gambling car race without any rules. These racers have only one goal. Upon reaching the finish line, except for the use of weapons of mass destruction, any behavior on the track during the race is allowed, including crashing into competitors' vehicles or simply drawing their guns and killing them from the external decorations of these vehicles You should be able to tell."

Following Suzi's explanation, Zhu Jue's eyes were also focused on the vehicles that were about to start the race. Sure enough, almost none of the dozen or so vehicles were not armed. The front bumper of an off-road vehicle on the left rear position even has a row of retractable drill bits.

God knows whether it is to compare the speed or the crashworthiness.

There is no doubt that Judefa should have made his idea on this car race. Because of its illegality, the underground car race will naturally not be made public. If he can take a close-up shot, maybe he can make his memory chip valuable , that might be what he was thinking.

However, Jude in the video waited on the side of the road for about 3 minutes and suddenly seemed to find something, and started to run to the side, focusing on the crowd at the starting point.

"Hey, over there, where are you from!"

Just as Jude tried to get closer, the sound from nearby made him suddenly turn around, and the rest of the video was the scene when he ran away.

"Can you see who it is?"

Judefa's abnormal behavior proved that he should have discovered the target, but Zhu Jue didn't know who the members of the "Zero" organization who participated in Yecheng were, so he had to ask Suzi next to him, hoping that she could point out the other party.

"The members of the 'Zero' organization have always been mysterious. There are quite a few people involved in the Yecheng attack. The information we have collected so far is only from a small number of them. We want to analyze who is 'Zero' in this video in a short time. ' people are difficult."

Suzi's words are very straightforward. It's true that she has a strong ability to process information, but it's hard for a smart woman to cook without rice. She can't conjure things that don't exist in the database.

After all, the Yimeng is just an underground organization, and even the federal government knows very little about the situation of the "Zero" organization, let alone them.

It may be because Judefa had witnessed the people of the "Zero" organization during the catastrophe in Yecheng, and this time he happened to meet in a car race, so he recognized him immediately, but he has been killed now, and he has not left any information , so much so that Zhu Jue also glanced at each other.

"Then what should I do, I got the video but can't find out who is the target, isn't this memory chip taken for nothing?"

The number of people captured in the video in those few seconds was at least 20 or more, and Zhu Jue didn't have so much energy and resources to investigate one by one.

"I will take the video back to the organization for further research. If the target cannot be determined, we can start with the car race itself. The underground car race is a relatively closed circle, and there may be a possibility of investigation."

It is impossible to give up the news that I finally found, and if I don't know it for a while, it doesn't mean I don't know it for a lifetime!

"Okay, come to me when you have news."

Zhu Jue still has time, he has been waiting for five years, and he doesn't care about waiting for a while, thinking about the beehive system at home, throwing the bamboo stick in his hand into the trash can not far away, getting up and preparing to leave.

"and many more!"

Just as Zhu Jue took a step forward, Suzi suddenly grabbed his sleeve.

"Anything else?"

Looking back with a surprised expression.

"I have something to ask you. It's not about 'Zero'. It's about what happened at the Spring Festival in Rongxia City five years ago. The person who fought me at the ceremony of burning the puppet was you, right?"

Although she had already made a judgment in her heart, Suzi still used a questioning tone when she really said the words.

"You still remember, oh, you are a robot, there are archive records, why, you don't want to take revenge now, do you?"

Zhu Jue originally didn't intend to bring up this matter. After all, he almost killed him at the time. Now that he brings it up, it is easy to damage the unity. Who would have thought that Suzi would bring it up on his own initiative, shrugging his shoulders and asking back.

"No, I have to thank you. At that time, my condition was extremely bad. I was a mechanical puppet without the ability to think for myself without the biological master brain awakening. If it weren't for you, the mistakes I made at that time would be irreparable."

While speaking, what Suzi recalled was not the battle in the puppet burning ceremony, but what happened in the spiritual world at that time. After a pause, she still gritted her teeth and said,
"Also I want to know if you are."

He choked on half of the words.

What Suzi really wanted to ask was whether the cat that appeared in her spiritual world had something to do with Zhu Jue, but she realized that she couldn't ask this question when she got to her mouth.

If that cat is related to Zhu Jue, regardless of whether he admits it or not, he has never shown such a mysterious ability in this operation, which is enough to prove that this may be his secret. After telling Zhu Jue that he knew his secret, further speaking, would Zhu Jue think that Yimeng already knew his secret.

This man is very dangerous, Suzi knew this clearly five years ago, if he revealed his secret, who knows if there will be any danger?

If the cat had nothing to do with Zhu Jue, then if I made it clear here, it would be tantamount to exposing my secret to the other party, which seemed to be an unfavorable ending for me.

To say or not to say, that is the question!
With this in mind, the expression on Suzi's face changed for the first time since she came to Shenzhen-Hong Kong District this time.

"Don't worry, I didn't mean to ask you to repay your favor. You might not believe me when I said it. I planned to kill you at the time, but your luck is very good. In every sense, it is the same."

Zhu Jue stared at the tangled expression on Suzi's face for a while, and then said contentedly,

"I didn't expect you to show such an expression. I've learned a lot. Please keep it up. I'll go back first."

I was going to ask her how much this type of guy sells for. I definitely can’t install an electronic brain. It’s pretty good to have such a human figure analysis machine by my side. Tsk, it’s really disappointing. Wind chimes, vanilla flavored at night Cream cake, I'm going to treat myself after a tiring day. "

As the sun was setting, Zhu Jue's figure was far away, only a whispered BB's words were blown into Suzi's ears along the evening wind.

By the way, her hearing is several times stronger than most people in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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