Chapter 348
"New news from Miss Olivia."

The virtual screen on the window trembled, and the sound of the intelligent broadcast came to the ears of Zhu Jue, who was watching "The Book of Dekian" in the studio and monitoring the gentleman's residence.


Across a door away, Zhu Jue's voice sounded a little muffled.

"While reading the information, Zhujue, there is something new about the cult in Hesai Town, come to the Archaeological Association, right now."

The cult problem in Hesai town did not end completely because of the return of Zhu Jue and Olivia. After all, there were a large number of local cult members, and only most of them appeared in the battle at the tavern. Well, some things inside this cult also need to be further investigated. The sudden disappearance of the terrifying monster deep in the swamp naturally cannot be regarded as nothing happened.

After two days of searching by the Archaeological Association, Olivia, as the main investigator and person in charge of the case, received many follow-up reports from the investigation team of the Archaeological Association, so she immediately informed Zhu Jue, hoping that he could go there together discuss.

"Reply to the message, I'll be right there, help me prepare a dinner."

Too lazy to take out his phone, he simply asked 1103 to reply to the message for himself, put "The Book of Dekian" in his handbag and stuffed it into his pocket, waved towards the bed, half of his body hung outside the bed, trying to hook up the milk with his tail The wind chime of the cup jumped out immediately.

"The success of parasites depends on whether the state of the parasite and the parasite can maintain a balance. Once rejection occurs, it will cause extremely serious consequences. Modern biotechnology does not support humans trying to coexist with parasites. It is not that technology cannot It’s not worth the loss, because compared with parasitic technology, we have more mature prosthetic transformation and biochemical transformation, in fact, I don’t mind you wasting too much time on parasitism.”

On the suspended light screen, the gray-haired old man narrated his own views. Although the words were carefully considered, the meaning was straightforward.

In front of the screen, the gentleman closed his eyes and leaned back in the seat.

"I paid so much money to find you, not for you to tell me how difficult parasitism is, but for you to give me a solution. I will give you a week, if you can't do it, let me know in advance."

Picking up the quaint teacup engraved with delicate patterns, he took a sip, the gentleman waved his hand to close the light screen, sat up straight, and his eyes fell on the transparent cabin in front of him. His expression became much more relaxed.

Prosthetic transformation?
Biochemical modification?
These two methods can greatly enhance the combat effectiveness. The gentleman is very clear about this. However, his goal has always been to pursue the liberation of the soul. He will only try these methods when his mind is confused. He must ensure that his soul is pure. If he wanted to enhance his combat effectiveness on this basis, the lump of gravel in front of him was undoubtedly the most suitable thing he had encountered over the years.

"How can I master you?"

Moving forward for a certain distance, the gentleman propped his chin with one hand, and lightly kicked the cabin with his toes.

As soon as he finished speaking, his pupils contracted rapidly, and he subconsciously sat up straight. The gentleman clearly saw the gravel in the cabin as if he understood his words, and his body that was still in a static state suddenly distorted.

Just like a cobra swaying left and right with the flute played by an Indian snake dancer, the sand snake transformed from gravel was also swaying, and after a while it attached to the bulkhead and started its second shape change.


Looking at the gravel spelling letters one by one on the surface of the cabin, the gentleman's face was flushed with excitement, he patted the seat handle with his left hand, turned to the door behind him and shouted loudly,

"Go get me a raw steak!"

"Yes, sir."

Someone outside the door replied.

"You really have your own consciousness. Back then, even a wanted criminal could get your help, which means that you don't need too strict conditions to parasitize you. No matter what he can give you, I can definitely give you more ,better one!"

A gentleman expects Grit to make demands on himself, as long as he can communicate with it and gain favor, he is willing to pay no matter how high the price is!

The brightly lit dawn city center.

"I have to give him some sweetness, he can't always be lifeless, it's not good if he is sold as trash, count the time, and he will be untied in two days, and then he will have to fight with that guy, prepare in advance ,understand."

There was no one around, Zhu Jue put his hands in his pockets, looking towards the Archaeological Association building ahead, talking to himself.

Entering the association building with a consultant certificate, it is nine o'clock in the evening. Most of the employees in the association have already left work, and the corridor is empty, only the green plants under the lights reflect a little light.

As one of the team leaders of the field service team, Olivia naturally has her own office. It's not too big, but it's well-equipped.

"In the process of sorting out special materials, idlers are not allowed to enter."

The reminder letter pushed on the door did not stop Zhu Jue from walking, and he opened the door and went in. Before he saw anyone, a smell of chicken soup came over his face.

It wasn't that Zhu Jue suddenly went blind, but because the light in the office was very dark. Except for the virtual light screen in the center, the surrounding area was basically shrouded in darkness. There was only a desk lamp on the desk as a second light source.

Olivia was sitting on the edge of the desk at this time, looked at Zhu Jue who had just entered the door, raised her hand and ordered the pot behind her, the tender white chicken was floating in the light yellow soup, full of color, fragrance and taste.

Zhu Jue sucked her saliva, rubbed her hands together and went up.

"Why do I have to eat in my office, it smells like chicken soup everywhere."

Picking up the bowls and chopsticks that came with the chicken soup pot and handing them to Zhu Jue, Olivia said helplessly.

"Who told you to call me over at night? It was the time when I was going out for supper. Now you can't be hungry. Here, I'll give you a chicken leg."

Occupying the position that should have belonged to Olivia, Zhu Jue pulled a chicken leg and handed it over. The latter was going to wave his hand to refuse, but he paused halfway, and then took it again.

Smell the fragrance for almost half an hour. Let the idea of ​​keeping fit go to hell!

"What's the situation now?"

Adjusting his position under the air conditioner, he took a sip of the chicken soup, turned his gaze to the light screen in front of Olivia and asked.

"Since there is a cult in Hesai Town, these people must have a meeting place. According to this idea, the association's follow-up investigation team found a secret room in the mayor's residence of Hesai Town. There are some things in it. It may affect appetite."

Olivia clicked on one of the videos, which should be a real-time video during the investigation.

The content of the shooting is the general situation in the secret room. Weird characters and some special artifacts are everywhere in the room.

"It's not surprising, is it?"

Zhu Jue looked at it for a while and said aloud, in his opinion, it would be strange if there is no such place in Hesai Town.

"The key is 5 minutes and 35 seconds. It's here!"

When the video reaches a certain time point, Olivia pauses it, presses the button on the remote control in her hand, and the entire screen is continuously enlarged.

Zhu Jue stopped his chopsticks.

In the picture is a wall in the secret room, on which a mural is drawn with red paint that may be blood or other things.

The content is not complicated.

The lake and the monsters covered with spikes that are only half exposed on the water, and there are several rows of people kneeling outside the lake.

"I came to you to confirm whether the monster on this mural was the one you met in the swamp lake before."

That night Zhu Jue went straight to the swamp lake after the battle in the tavern, but Olivia didn't follow because of his reminder, so she only heard the sound of the battle on the side of the swamp lake, but she didn't really see the difficult animal. It is a monster described in words, so I will contact Zhu Jue immediately after I find something, hoping that he can come and identify it.

"Yes, it is indeed it."

Starting to chew the chicken again, Zhu Jue said pickily.

"Since it is exactly the same as the monster you encountered, it means that the monster believed by the cult in Hesai Town actually exists. Look here again."

Continuing with her actions, Olivia quickly adjusted the screen to 13 minutes and 15 seconds and pressed the pause button again.

This time the content on the screen is somewhat similar to the one just now, but Zhu Jue can clearly see an image similar to trees from around the lake where the monster exists.

"What does it mean that these two murals appear on two walls of the same secret room?"

"The second mural is the marsh lake in Hesai Town, and the first one represents another place!"

At this time, Zhu Jue also stood up with the bowl in his hand, leaned in front of the virtual light screen to look carefully, and then said firmly.

If there was no dream on the return trip, Zhu Jue might not dare to say so with certainty, but some dreams come true, and he remembers very clearly that in the lake of that black and white world, there is clearly a spiked A monster, and even bigger.

"This is a bit strange. It is normal for a cult to worship evil gods. Even if there are a little more in number, it is not a strange thing to have weird shapes. But I have never seen evil gods worshiping two places at the same time, and they still look exactly the same."

"No, they should be the same guy. The one in the swamp lake is very likely to be the clone of the other party."

"Why do you say that?"

Zhu Jue's statement undoubtedly surprised Olivia.

"Because there is no better explanation. When I killed that guy, nothing was left, let alone a corpse, not even a scream. I used to think that the monster was special. Now think about it, unless it is not Really, how else would this happen?"

In fact, this was just Zhu Jue's guess, and he didn't dare to guarantee it.

For these monsters, who can give a clear definition?
"If it is really just an avatar. It controls a small town with just an avatar, how many people should its entity control? What makes me even more surprised is that this monster must have existed for a long time. Why didn't there be any monsters before?" Information about it has only appeared in recent years?"

After saying this, Olivia herself felt a chill down her spine, and then seemed to think of something, and continued before Zhu Jue opened her mouth,

"It slept in the past, but was awakened in recent years?"

"Perhaps this monster is the same as the evil gods believed by the Silver Twilight Esoteric Order encountered in the "Unspeakable Series: Showers". They are all asleep. Or they have been sealed for an unknown number of years, and they have only recently been awakened."

The city in the deep sea mentioned by the middle-aged sailor before his death still haunts Zhu Jue even five years later.

How long have these monsters existed on earth?
Are they sleeping, or are they sealed?

The former is okay to say, but the latter is worth deliberating.

What kind of existence can seal these indescribable things that existed in the past?

(End of this chapter)

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