indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 360 The night of not telling fake chapters

Chapter 360 The night of not telling lies

The honey-colored gem was turning in Zhu Jue's hands, and the lights in the restaurant reflected on it, which was really beautiful.

"Don't take out the gems here, don't you see that the people next to you are looking at you?"

Noticing the gazes gathered around her, Olivia lowered her voice and said to Zhu Jue.

No matter how you look at it, Zhu Jue’s behavior seems to be in front of other people in the restaurant. To put it mildly, it’s called showing off wealth, but to put it mildly, it’s ostentatious. Gemstones as big as pigeon eggs are undoubtedly extremely rare even in the center of Shuguang City There is no such thing as dangling in front of people.

"I know, but I won't take it back because I just want others to see it."

Zhu Jue put down the gem, but did not take it back, but continued to put it on the side by the window.

The wind chime that had been nestling in Zhu Jue's arms suddenly rang at this moment.

Zhu Jue, who was about to pick up his chopsticks again, suddenly turned to the tissue box, took out two tissues, wiped his mouth and said, "It's almost time to eat, you have something to do tomorrow, go back and prepare."

"Are you hiding something from me?"

Olivia, who was sitting opposite Zhu Jue, could of course see the temporary change in his movements, and intuitively told her that today's meal was not as simple as she imagined.

"It's nothing, I met an acquaintance, you go back first, I will stay in Bailu Square for a while."

Zhu Jue didn't mention to Olivia that the hive system discovered that the gentleman had come to Egret Square to make a deal. This was his private matter, not to mention that he was not going to tell anyone about the Dreamland.

"You don't need help?"

The old seal that she was wearing next to her body had only been warmed up for a while, and Olivia still wanted to give Zhu Jue something in return.

"No need, it's just a matter of saying a few words, not an enemy."

After taking back the gems, getting up and paying the bill, Zhu Jue left the restaurant with the wind chimes.

As I said before, he didn't leave Bailu Square, but returned to the big banyan tree where the gentleman had traded with people after going around in a circle.

This is to confirm that the gentleman has left with the black swan, and will not suddenly appear to interfere with his next actions.

Standing still under the banyan tree, looking at the virtual image of the falling rain, Zhu Jue could sense the people coming behind him, raised his hand and threw the gems over without looking back.

Then he simply leaned back on the seat built around the banyan tree, crossed his legs and waited for the person who caught the gem he threw to come.

"Do you know that I'm following you. Or, you wanted me to follow you."

The person wearing round sunglasses sat down, raised the gemstone in his hand, and said calmly, after a short pause, he continued,

"What does this mean, meeting ceremony?"

"You can think of it like this. It's the reward I paid you in advance. As for the reason, I want to ask you to do me a favor."

Zhu Jue didn't turn his head to take a closer look at the person's face, and the latter wasn't going to do so either. The two were clearly sitting side by side, but they looked at each other. One seemed to want to see the real person from the virtual rain curtain in front of him. Raindrops, and the other stared at the trunk of the banyan tree, as if it was covered with some rare bugs.

"If my memory is not confused, today should be the first meeting between the two of us."

The development of the matter was somewhat unexpected, but the man did not leave directly, but chose to continue listening.

"There is a conflict between me and the gentleman, he wants to kill me, and I am going to kill him before that day comes, but before I do it, I need to make sure that some original things are not changed, so as not to look twice after killing someone A smear, after all, I am very interested in the dreamland."

Zhu Jue's answer was very straightforward, almost revealing his purpose without any concealment. Such a straightforward answer made the man next to him look at Zhu Jue with doubts in his eyes.

Are people speaking so directly now?

Why not lie?

It's not that Zhu Jue can't make up a lie, but that he thinks it's unnecessary.

Originally, Zhu Jue's plan did not include this link, but he followed up only because the Hive System discovered this transaction, and the monitoring function included in the latter is not just fixed-point monitoring.

In fact, after the gentleman left the house, the mobile monitor of the honeycomb system had followed him and monitored the whole transaction. Zhu Jue could hear the conversation between him and the man next to him clearly through the earphones, otherwise Zhu Jue would have heard it clearly. Will not actively expose themselves.

"I know who you are, a temporary worker under the gentleman, am I right?"

Obviously, the man in the sunglasses is also a smart person, and he guessed his identity just by combining several elements in Zhu Jue's words.

"That's right, so you should understand what I said above."

Zhu Jue is still telling the truth.

"Of course I understand, it's really rare. It's not that the case of gentlemen hiring temporary workers has been exposed in the past few years. As far as I know, there are quite a few times, but there has never been anyone who can do what you have, even anti-tracking Are you not afraid that I will tell the gentleman now when you come to my side? To be reasonable, people who violate the contract will not end well."

After clarifying Zhu Jue's identity, the man in the sunglasses immediately laughed a little more in his words, and the expression on his face was no longer as dignified as before, but instead had a strange look.

It's just a temporary worker, so what? He doesn't say clearly about the strength of a gentleman, but he also knows a general idea.

Why do gentlemen dare to solicit and squeeze these people in such a way that is similar to "cutting leeks"?
His plan is really so seamless?

To get to the bottom of it, isn't it because he feels that no matter what accidents happen in the end, he can easily uproot that not-so-obedient "leek" with his own power.

Those who have only had a few adventures in the dreamland, how can they compare with him and the black swan who have been operating in it for several years.

I just wish that this "leek" grows very strong. Special, special, very strong!

"I'm not here to discuss any deal with you, I'm just here to inform you, maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, in short, within 3 days, the gentleman should be gone. I said this. If you don't believe me, you can tell the gentleman now. Let him come to me, in this case, maybe tonight will be the last time you will see him."

The man in sunglasses can't say anything, Zhu Jue is sure of this, that's why he dared to say such things in person.

The reason is very simple. In the content of the negotiation that was overheard just now, the gentleman mentioned a very interesting thing.

"If you don't help me, I'll go to cooperate with the dream eater, and if I lose my channel at that time, you will only regret it!"

This sentence was said by the gentleman himself, and the content is easy to understand. The gentleman is stepping on two boats, and his hole card is the space door.

"Are young people nowadays so arrogant?"

Now it is the turn of the man in sunglasses to be puzzled. In his opinion, the purpose of this temporary worker looking for him should be to unite himself to kill the gentleman, and what he has to do is to choose between informing the gentleman and helping the latter. Just choose one of the two.

Who would have thought that the temporary worker could continue the conversation after announcing the gentleman's death without saying a word?
"You need to continue the transaction with the gentleman, right? I will be his successor. I can give you all the terms of the transaction between the gentleman and you, and I can also give you preferential treatment. More in-depth cooperation in the future is not impossible. Under such a premise, let me meet with you first, if possible, I would like to ask some questions, is it too much?"

Before the man in sunglasses could respond, Zhu Jue turned around for the first time, tapped the gemstone in his hand and added with a smile,
"What's more, I gave you a gift first, and I killed a dream eater during the last trip. No matter how you say it, I am full of sincerity."

"Ha! It's surprising that a gentleman should be under your surveillance instead."

Speaking of this, the man in the sunglasses realized that Zhu Jue's appearance in Bailu Square was not a coincidence, he pondered for a while, and then asked,

"What do you want to know?"

He decided to listen to the temporary worker's answer, maybe there might be unexpected gains.

"According to my investigation, the Shining Gold Bank is undoubtedly just a lie of the gentleman. He used us to collect treasures for him in the dreamland, and to do some strange tasks. I want to know what the gentleman does. Harvesting in this way interests, I don’t believe he has no other business.”

"Your thinking is correct. You people are just a part of the business he owns. The gentleman holds a space door leading to the dreamland in his hand. Relying on this passage that can connect with reality, it can be said that he has made a lot of money in the past few years." Broker and postman, these are the pronouns he often uses when dealing with us people. You should understand the meaning of these two terms. It doesn’t make any sense to just kill the gentleman. Since you are his temporary worker, you should You have entered the space gate, and now you want to do it, you should have found the position of the gate, right?"

When it comes to the space door, the emotions emerging from the eyes under the sunglasses are somewhat intriguing, deliberately leading the topic to this most critical issue.

They have coveted that door for a long time, but the gentleman did not know how to reach a cooperation agreement with the dream eater, so that they did not dare to act rashly, for fear that the gentleman would fall to the dream eater. To replace the gentleman, could it be that he found the location of the space gate?

"Of course, if I didn't find that door, how could I do anything to the gentleman."

Tonight's Zhu Jue, don't be too honest, ask what you ask and answer, and his answer is undoubtedly what the man in sunglasses wants to hear.

"As long as you can really replace the gentleman, of course we can cooperate, and I promise to know everything about your problems."

No matter what method the other party is going to use, compared to the difficult gentleman, he thinks that this "arrogant" young man is undoubtedly easier to deal with. He paused, then continued,

"However, all of this is based on your success in replacing Gentleman. Before that, I will not disclose any key information to you. After all, Gentleman is my partner right now. You are not. All I can do is wait for you to share. Win or lose without interfering."

"This is enough, and I hope we will have a happy cooperation in the future."

Zhu Jue found this person today because he wanted to achieve this goal. From what he heard just now, he knew that the man in sunglasses came from the real traveler organization, and he seemed to have some kind of important resource for a gentleman in his hands.

As Zhu Jue said above, he doesn't want to get just a dry space door after killing the gentleman. If he can, he naturally hopes to take over as many things as possible.

"Happy future cooperation!"

It was a bit awkward no matter how you heard it, but there were smiles on their faces when they shook hands.

Who will have the last laugh?
(End of this chapter)

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