Chapter 361
Leaving Bailu Square, the man got into a taxi by the side of the road, took off his sunglasses, took out his mobile phone and dialed a certain number impatiently.

After a few short busy tones, someone answered the phone.

"Gentleman was targeted by his temporary worker. My intuition tells me that he is a powerful guy. Heh, in a sense, there is only one person in a few years, and there is a problem if he is not strong."

The suitcase was opened on his lap, and the man said while counting the contents.

"So so what, the gentleman will not allow this unstable factor to continue to exist. That guy has been in business for so many years. Maybe he doesn't have many thugs in order to cover up people's eyes and ears, but he has enough contacts and various resources. Just crush that temporary worker to death without leaving any traces."

The taxi turned to a quieter street, and nothing could be heard outside except the sound of rain, so even the voice on the phone was much clearer.

"No, this time is different."

The man answered subconsciously, thought for a while and said,
"Only 10 minutes ago, that guy announced in front of me that the gentleman would die. In my opinion, such remarks are very irresponsible and arrogant, but since he dared to say such words, it is undoubtedly based on some kind of confidence. At least it showed attitude."

"Did he ask you any conditions?"

There was silence for about 5 seconds, and the voice from the phone was much lower.

"This is the interesting part. He found me to ensure that he could replace him and continue to cooperate with us after killing Gentleman. In fact, I asked him the most important thing directly. Yes, he knows the location of the space gate. .”

"Do you want to inform the gentleman about this? Is this why you contacted me?"

"After all, it involves the space gate. You know better than me the gentleman's changes over the past few years. The longer he holds the space gate, the more powerful he becomes. In the past two years, he has flirted with the dream eater. At first he wanted to recruit peacefully, but now Even forcing us by force is a bit of a trick, I think it would be a good thing to change someone, trying to control an arrogant newcomer is much easier than dealing with old fritters all day long."

He was tired of seeing the gentleman's confident face, and he had long wanted to be on the opposite side with someone else.

Of course, if you move your butt over by yourself, that would be a great thing.

"Being able to follow you and the gentleman without even noticing it, and daring to appear in front of you directly before the matter is completed, you think he is arrogant and easy to control, then have you ever thought that he might be because everything is in his hands? Master, so you don't care about your attitude at all?"

The person on the other end of the phone obviously saw more comprehensive things, and he continued without thinking for a long time,

"We have to intervene in this matter. No, we can't contact the gentleman. He doesn't even know that he is being followed. Naturally, he won't believe that someone is ready to do something to him. He will even suspect that we are colluding with others to defraud him. Not only You won’t ask us for help, and you might even turn around and cooperate with the dream eater!”

"The gentleman is being harassed by the dream eater recently. This is what I heard from him in the transaction just now. He also provided us with information about the dream eater. Maybe he no longer believes in the dream eater. We completely We can take this opportunity to draw him closer to our camp."

Mentioning the dream eater, the man immediately remembered the content of the conversation with the gentleman just now.

"A few minutes ago he was still saying that his relationship with the dream eater was deteriorating. A few minutes later we told him that someone was going to kill him, so he could only cooperate with us. If it were you, what would you think?"

The person on the other side of the phone obviously didn't agree with his thoughts, and he retorted mercilessly as soon as the voice fell.

"It's not true, and it's not true if you don't say it. Just watch and wait for the temporary worker to kill the gentleman and occupy the space door?"

The man's words were a little more angry, not because of his companion's rebuttal, but because he realized that the hidden thoughts behind the temporary worker's words were so complicated. If they didn't intervene, they would be fine. No matter what you do, it seems that you will be in a passive situation.

"Temporary workers are temporary workers. After all, the information he knows is only a small part, so he won't wait to show up in Bailu Square to test your tone. We don't need to remind the gentleman, we just need to be in the next few days Find a way to keep in touch with him, once he is attacked, we must be the first thing he thinks of, and it will not be us reminding him, but he will ask us for help!"

What they have to do is to become the gentleman's first choice when he needs help. All it takes is to let gentlemen know that they've always been there.

"Then starting tomorrow, I'll find some reason to argue with the gentleman."

At this time, the man knows what to do. After thinking about it for a while, he said with some self-deprecating,
"I underestimated that guy, young people nowadays, it's not easy"

So at this moment, where is that extraordinary young man?

If he was here, he heard the two of them analyzing the information between his words so carefully, and the layout was so careful, he was afraid that there would be some mistakes.

Zhu Jue was probably about to laugh out loud.

Griffin Avenue, gate 131.

This place name may sound a little strange, so it's better to change it.

A gentleman's residence!

Zhu Jue never thought of giving everyone, including the gentleman, a chance to react to his actions. In Bailu Square, Zhu Jue mentioned killing the gentleman within 3 days, but he only said tomorrow, The day after tomorrow, the remaining day is not the day after tomorrow, when can it be?

Zhu Jue thinks that he doesn't need to monitor the gentleman any more. He already knows what he should know. As for the rest of the inside story, he obviously can't find out anything just by monitoring the gentleman's actions. There are only a few days left, and if you continue to procrastinate, there may be accidents.

So without any hesitation, he left Bailu Square and went straight to this place.

Some things should be understood.

The rain that became lighter during the meal tended to expand as time went on. Zhu Jue did not immediately go up to knock on the door after arriving at the destination, but chose to wait under a green tree in front of the gentleman's residence.

He is waiting for the right moment.

The rain falls along the gaps between the branches, and some of it accumulates on the branches, or is blocked by the veins, making the whole leaf heavy. Only when the night wind blows, it falls with the tiny branches and leaves, hitting the dark on the umbrella surface.

Zhu Jue was holding an umbrella, with his left hand in his pocket, Feng Ling was squatting on his right shoulder, one person and one cat, all four eyes were staring at the gate.

"Scavenger, are you alright?"

About half an hour later, Zhu Jue hung his head and poked the lawn with his toes, and the water seeped out of it and flowed up the edge of his feet.

As if in response to Zhu Jue, his voice fell, and the light at the entrance of the house not far ahead was lit. A few minutes later, a well-dressed gentleman appeared at the door, also holding an umbrella in his hand, looking like Like going somewhere else.

Suddenly, the gentleman's movements did not stagnate without any warning. He frowned and turned around. His eyes did not drift to any position, but moved forward in a daze, and finally met the eyes of Zhu Jue under the tree.

"Mr. Gentleman, I have to say it's a coincidence. I wanted to take a walk after supper, and I ran into you just going out when I got here."

Zhu Jue raised his voice with a smile, left under the green tree, and walked to the street on his side. The street lamp was beside him. The rain splashed on the umbrella and mixed with the street lights, like a string of pearls. The light cast by the lamp was completely blocked by the black umbrella.

Under the umbrella bone is still filled with darkness, only two pairs of pupils are shining.

Outsiders may look scary, but the people and cats under the umbrella are quite at ease.

Slowly confirming that the door has been completely locked, the gentleman clenched his right palm, took the umbrella with his left hand and left the entrance, and walked to the side of the street on his side along the path.

On the street about 5 meters wide, the two stood on one side.

"Subordinates investigate the boss. This is a big taboo in the workplace. It's not good to do so."

The gentleman squinted his eyes, and the killing intent in his eyes could still be clearly felt by Zhu Jue even through the rain curtain.

"That's a good statement, but the boss thinks about squeezing the employee's full value all day long before stuffing him into the trash can. Isn't that too good?"

Zhu Jue kicked a stone in front of him that was squeezed out from under which tire, and asked loudly.

"Is there a problem after just participating in one trip? You are very good. There are many people who have doubts like you in the past, but most of them choose to wait and see for a while, in order to go through a few more trips and desperately search for treasures." , in order to allow myself to compete with me, and secondly, I also want to take the opportunity to check my details, especially the space door, which is a treasure in the eyes of many people."

There was no look of panic on the gentleman's face. He has experienced this kind of thing many times in the past few years. Although he used to be in other places, it doesn't matter where he is, so he stopped for a while and then Then said,

"But those guys don't understand that what they did was exactly what I wanted to see. Because of their doubts about me and their own weakness, they spared no effort in treasure hunting, and it can even be said that they did not hesitate at all. During this period of time, I got a lot of benefits, such as the origin of the moonshine wine and the "Nakt Manuscript" in the hands of the great elders in the church in Usa Town. They found these information for me. I just stayed at home Waiting, I can watch their treasures put into the storage box, and when I finally kill them, I can easily get the news that I don’t know how long it will take to get it.”

(End of this chapter)

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