indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 362 2 Helpers

Chapter 362 Two Helpers
For Zhu Jue's arrival, the gentleman was a little surprised, not because Zhu Jue was aware of his plan, but because Zhu Jue was able to find this place. You must know that although his residence is not a fixed place, it is the place where he has been living in recent months. For the newly bought real estate, all the formalities were handled by others, and even the head of the household on the real estate certificate is not him until now. It stands to reason that there should be no traces left.

In fact, the gentleman had a premonition that Zhu Jue would pose a threat to him. From what happened when he entered the dreamland last time, he knew clearly that the former had no respect for him. From the gentleman's point of view, this Perhaps it was because of an illusion given to the opponent by the completely defeated wild boar.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be in a hurry to assign the dream eater to attack Zhu Jue in the dreamland.

"Come to me alone, it seems that you are very confident in yourself."

His left hand was behind his back, covering the trembling of his sleeves. While speaking, the gentleman's eyes were quietly observing all the places around him that might hide enemies.

Talking about it, he didn't think that Zhu Jue would come to the door alone.

Regardless of the strength of the latter, it is absolutely impossible for the gentleman to guess part of his plan based on one trip, and then find his residence in less than two weeks. Someone found Zhu Jue and tried to use him to surround himself.

The Zhu Jue in front of him is just a target that attracts his attention on the bright side, and the real person must be hiding in the dark.
"No, I have two helpers, and I arrived very early, otherwise how dare I appear in front of you openly."

Zhu Jue raised his hand and scratched his chin, and told the gentleman very frankly that he was not alone.

"The two helpers, wouldn't they be the other two travelers?"

Rhinoceros and AK, exactly two people, the gentleman thought about the possibility of them becoming Zhu Jue's helpers and whether their combat power could pose a threat to him.

"Rhino and AK are too weak. As for Black Swan, I'm not stupid enough to ask your people for help."

Regardless of the gentleman's face, Zhu Jue just went on to say,

"The helpers I brought are much stronger than them, and one of them is very close to you. I advise you to search carefully, otherwise the battle will end faster than you imagined. Are you afraid?"

"Even the identity of the black swan was discovered by you. It seems that you and the people behind you have been planning for a long time."

Secretly perceiving the possible enemies around, the gentleman ignored Zhu Jue's teasing and continued to speak, but the ominous premonition in his heart became more and more intense.

"Hey~ It's not as long as you think, it's only a few days. Is there anyone behind me? No one, don't scare me. I'm a timid person. It's not good to be scared out of trouble."

Zhu Jue showed an embarrassed expression, pretending not to understand the gentleman's words, and looked behind him with a "panic" face.

In an instant, the umbrella was thrown aside due to the great impact, and at the same time as the umbrella surface exploded a large curtain of water, the gentleman finally couldn't help but do it!
He didn't use any power injections, and his body had never undergone scientific transformation, but when the gentleman really sprinted, his whole body seemed irreversible as if a bullet had been ejected from his gun. The street between the two of them was cracked, and it was only the splash in the process. The gravel that was driven away could easily be embedded in the lamppost, creaking.

Zhu Jue, who was the target, seemed to have just noticed the gentleman's offensive and wanted to back down, but the street was only 5 meters in total, and with the gentleman's speed, this distance was crossed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the gentleman was not as slow as before. The ferocity and murderous intent in his eyes were enough to prove that this guy definitely had the blood of many people on his hands.

In these years of operation, cleaning up batch after batch of temporary workers under his hands, the gentleman did not rely on sneak attacks or the secret assistance of the black swan, the Dream Eater Organization, the Dream Brigade, and other forces, why did it take so long? Didn't move him, just because of the mutual restraint between forces?

The hidden strength of a gentleman is beyond everyone's imagination!
"Quicksand, kill him!"

He raised his right arm high, the gentleman didn't have any weapon in his hand, but he still roared and slashed down the knife, the surrounding rain exploded one after another under this powerful oppression, he wanted to kill Zhu Jue before those who were hiding in the dark Kill those who know!
And the quicksand in the gentleman's mouth is naturally the gravel parasite that he has just controlled. Even though he has only controlled it not long ago, the gentleman is still full of confidence in its ability.

Because when the two merged, he had already perceived how powerful the ability of this special parasite was, and just now he was reminded by quicksand to go out hastily, and the weapon and cane he was carrying with him also fell into the room .

As for the reason for going out in such a hurry, it was to search for another part of the gravel hidden in Dawn City!

The news conveyed by the gravel after merging with himself is undoubtedly a huge surprise for the gentleman. After all, no one would dislike the number of parasites that can greatly strengthen themselves in all aspects, right? ?

Then again, after the quicksand fused with the gentleman, he really obeyed his orders. Almost as soon as the latter finished speaking, a large amount of sand and gravel spewed out from the cuffs, directly wrapped the palm of his hand, turning it into a real fist. A hand knife that cuts iron like mud.

For this blow, the gentleman undoubtedly had great confidence, and even foresaw the scene of the man in front of him being torn to pieces, and began to think about how to deal with the other two enemies after killing him.

However, before the knife in his hand cut into the flesh, a finger appeared on his forehead ahead of time. It didn't mean to attack him, but it seemed purely to point at him.

"I've said it all, I have a helper who is very close to you, why don't you listen to persuasion?"

At this moment, Zhu Jue still turned his back to the gentleman, and the umbrella in his hand had not yet floated away, but the other arm was pointing directly at the gentleman.

Scavenger swept over it!
A larger amount of gravel recoiled from the gentleman's palm, not to mention, the daughter body that was originally attached to his body did not have the slightest hesitation in the face of the prosperous mother body, and "betrayed" the gentleman in an instant, and even became a counterattack against him. Headlines.

How does it feel to have more than a dozen sand snakes piercing into your flesh and blood in the blink of an eye?
Zhu Jue, who turned around, thought that it should be more painful, and the gentleman's current expression perfectly confirmed this point.

The gentleman who was aggressive a second ago flew back to the other side of the street dripping blood in a blink of an eye, and the blood stained the lawn under him red in just a few seconds.

Zhu Jue didn't choose to kill the gentleman right away, so he didn't continue to attack, but stopped after turning around. The gentleman's physique is indeed strong. It would not be strange for an ordinary person to suffer these blows and die on the spot. The gentleman who fell on the lawn was still struggling to get up, even though blood was flowing freely from the dozen or so holes in his coat.

"That jewel. Your trap. Why?"

What the gentleman didn't understand was not that the gravel parasites turned against each other, but why Zhu Jue guessed that this day would come at the end of the first trip, swallowed the blood in his throat, and asked through gritted teeth,
"Could it be that your joining my team was arranged by others from the beginning?"

The gentleman still doesn't think that Zhu Jue discovered his plan during the first trip, but thinks that Zhu Jue had already set up a trap through the storage box and the people behind him before meeting the wild boar and him. Just let him take the initiative to step in!

That's right, only in this way can we explain why the guy in front of me has such a powerful strength without any transformation, and even has such a terrifying thing in his hands. The more he thinks about it, the more certain the gentleman is about his guess, so that His face became extremely ugly unconsciously.

Has the smooth sailing of the past few years actually caused me to be negligent to this point?

Taking back the scavenger, Zhu Jue walked across the street, watched the gentleman's expression change, smacked his lips and said, "No matter what you think, you still lose in the end, let's not waste time."

"Losing? Do you think you can kill me with just that mass of gravel?"

Staring at Zhu Jue, the gentleman's eyes were bloodshot. It would be too embarrassing for him to be easily defeated in this way for his business and plunder in the dreamland all these years!
"It seems that you still have some means."

Zhu Jue stopped, touched Feng Ling's forehead, and said with a light smile,

"Okay, I also have a helper, let's compare whose cards are better."

(End of this chapter)

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