indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 383 Goal, Go!

Chapter 383 Goal, Go!
With the last rays of the setting sun dissipating from the sea level.

The world is once again shrouded in darkness.

Lisanna, who found the "key" in the inn, walked out without turning her eyes. When she came to the door, she turned around and explained to the manager of the chamber of commerce that she and the president would be back later tonight.

But his eyes drifted upwards, looking at the figure standing on the balcony on the second floor of the hotel on the left.

There was no light in the house, but it was barely distinguished by the light from the warehouse in the post station, so the two guards behind them just glanced at it, thinking it was a guest, and didn't pay much attention.

Amidst the neighing of the horses, the wheels began to roll, leading the carriage away, leaving only a little smoke and dust floating.

On the edge of the balcony, Lobelin was holding a note in his hand. There was not much content on it, just a short sentence: Someone snatched the scorching box, the president needs assistance.

This was the excuse that Lisanna used the key to delay time when she came back, and used the note quietly left in the room by the gravel parasite to remind Lobelin when passing by the hotel that he got it after Lisanna left.

"It seems that there are quite a few contenders this time for enemies who need assistance even from you."

Holding the note in his hand, Lobelin jumped down from the balcony. The scorching box was something he had to get. Now that he finally saw hope, he would naturally not allow anyone to intervene at this critical moment. Foot damage.

It was only when he reached the door that the noise from outside made him stop, retreated behind the door, and observed the situation outside from the angle.

A few people in black robes stopped the steward of the Shuojin Chamber of Commerce outside the post station. From the voice, they seemed to be asking about the whereabouts of Zhu Jue and Lisanna.

"Dream Eater?"

The other party's attire made Lobelin immediately think of the few people he killed in Popeye's Tavern today, and he quickly confirmed this through telepathy.

How come there are two groups of people?
Lobelin cleaned out these cultists and competitors after asking about the burning box. He thought it would save trouble, but he didn't expect that there was another team of dream eaters now.

In the usual way, Luo Beilin might choose to attack again, but now is obviously not a good time to do it, not to mention the opponent's strength is unknown, in case of an even match, the Burning Box is prone to problems.

But it doesn't seem right to leave like this.

Staying behind the door for a while, eavesdropping on the voices outside, Lobelin was surprised to find that the team of dream eaters acted as if they didn't know what happened today.

They didn't ask the dream eaters who came to the Shuojin Chamber of Commerce before them, and they didn't show obvious hostility, and even put themselves in the identity of an ordinary merchant in their speech.

This is a little strange.

You must know that when Zhu Jue chatted with Luo Beilin before this, he also mentioned that dream eaters came to snatch the scorching box this morning and were killed by them. In this matter, Luo Beilin did not think that Zhu Jue Will lie to myself because that's pointless.

Then there is only one possibility left. These dream eaters are not the same group that they killed. They may already know that the dream eaters at Dilas Harbor are dead, but they don’t know who did it. There is no way to find out, and there is another possibility that these people did not join the original group of people at all, and they did it on their own, but these two routes will eventually intertwine at one point, that is, they can only focus on the last one. The key box of burning heat comes up.

That being the case, there may be an opportunity to take advantage of it!
No longer in a hurry to go to the villa of the Earl of Outland, Bellorin straightened his clothes and walked out of the door.

The people outside the door naturally noticed the existence of Bellorin immediately, but as the latter thought, the group of dream eaters didn't know who he was at all, they just looked at the wooden mask on his face in surprise , which made Bellorin, who was still secretly on guard, completely relieved.

"Hey, your vice president said that he wanted to give something to the Earl of Outland, and he promised me to take a look at it before. Where is he now?"

Bellorin didn't look at the group of dream eaters, and asked the manager of the Shuojin Chamber of Commerce on his own.

Lisanna and Zhu Jue were just two people when they left, but Zhu Jue was not there when they came back, but there were two more armed guards, plus the note just now,

Not surprisingly, before the manager could answer anything, the Dream Eater first noticed his question.

"You just said that the vice president of the Shuojin Chamber of Commerce wanted to send something to the Earl of Outland?"

The leading man in black turned his attention to Bellorin. It's not like he hasn't been to Dilas Harbor before, and he certainly knows the Earl of Outland.

The vice president of the Shining Gold Chamber of Commerce sent something to the Earl of Outland?
In his opinion, this kind of behavior that is close to flattering would be impossible without the instruction of the president of the Shuojin Chamber of Commerce. They were very vigilant, and soon thought of the deterioration of their relationship between the Dream Eaters and the Shining Gold Chamber of Commerce during this period of time.

Falling to the local forces in the Dreamland will not only protect the interests of the Shining Gold Chamber of Commerce in the Dreamland, but also will not violate the alliance with the Dream Eaters. At least in the matter of not completely falling to the Dreamland Brigade, Dream Eater The latter will not completely tear their skin apart.

Therefore, in a sense, this behavior of the Shuojin Chamber of Commerce can even be said to have found a new path in the already precarious alliance between the two parties.

"Hmph, what a good plan!"

Thinking of the hidden meaning behind the move of the Shuojin Chamber of Commerce, Rao, the leader of the Dream Eater, couldn't help secretly admiring the decisiveness and accuracy of the new president's decision-making.

tsk tsk~
This brain power is really not very strong. Anyway, when Luo Beilin heard this, he thought that his plan had been exposed, and almost did it directly. As a result, the person in front of him turned around and left with the team after he finished speaking, probably going straight The manor of the Duke of Outland is about to come after a squirrel.

Luo Beilin was naturally happy with this result, even the quicksand face under the mask was a little churned, and he followed these people from a distance, and these dream eaters would help him find his target.

On the other side, Outland Manor.

The content of the banquet in the dreamland is not different from what Zhu Jue imagined. It is still the same old-fashioned interlacing of wine and wine. People in bright clothes shuttle between the banquets, putting on a hypocritical face that seems to be smiling but not smiling. communication.

As for the misfit Zhu Jue, for the whole three hours, he just wandered around the periphery of the reception, either leaning against the fountain, or half lying in the peripheral corridor, rotating the bottles in his hand, just barely drinking. unconscious.

However, Zhu Jue's current physique really does not allow him to get dizzy, and the wine will be absorbed in a short time after entering his stomach.

So Zhu Jue became a frequent visitor to the toilet.
After coming out of the toilet for the fifth time, Zhu Jue finally saw the butler of the manor he had been waiting for at the dinner table at the end of the reception.

"Mr. President, the reception is over, the Earl is waiting for you at the door, and Miss Lisanna is also there."

Originally, Lisanna was not allowed to follow, but she took the initiative to tell Earl Outlander that there are special rules for the location of the scorching box, and Zhu Jue, as the newly appointed president, has not fully grasped it, and it is very likely that Triggers the built-in mechanism in the stash, so it's best to have her with you.

Alteran did not refuse Lisanna's proposal, he didn't think this woman could play any tricks under his nose, and his eager anticipation for the burning box made him subconsciously ignore some unimportant details.

"I know that is a treasure left to me by my ancestors, but now it has to be given to someone else, this is really hiccup~"

Zhu Jue was rubbing his stomach, belching, he was not drunk, but his footsteps were still swaying, and in the end he even had to lean on the side of the butler to walk forward, muttering and complaining non-stop, until the door did not stop .

Not only did the butler not stop him, but he had a smile on his face. The same expression also appeared on the face of the Earl of Outland, but the latter was a little more sarcasm.

"Mr. President has been drinking all afternoon, and he was still complaining that you robbed him of his treasures on the way here."

The butler bowed and stood by the carriage to report what he had seen in the afternoon. In fact, he had been following Zhu Jue's every move after the deal was concluded. Whether the deal agreed to by the latter under pressure from his own side was really soft or something else was prepared. , perhaps we can see the clue from his behavior at the reception.

The things the master didn't have time to do naturally had to be done by him, the housekeeper, and Zhu Jue's final behavior undoubtedly dispelled their last suspicion.

"A young man is a young man after all, and he can't hide anything in his heart. Oh, it's a good thing, don't worry about him."

Autlan waved his hand casually, glanced at the young man on the other side who was retching on the side of the road while supporting Lisanna's shoulder, and said in a deep voice.

set off!

Target the Burning Box!

(End of this chapter)

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