indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 384 Bloody Beach

Chapter 384 Bloody Beach

The weather is not bad.

Zhu Jue leaned on Lisanna's body, looked up at the bright moon and starry sky in the sky, patted Lisanna's shoulder with his palm, and asked, "How is the situation?"

"Before at the chamber of commerce station, I left a note for Lobelin and gave a reminder. If he sees it, he should follow up with the president. Can we let them get the things first, and then find a chance to steal them, so that Not only avoiding direct conflicts, but also getting the treasures in the scorching box."

Lisanna sniffled and subconsciously turned her head to the side. Zhujue smelled too strong of alcohol, but she spoke very fluently without being drunk at all. She looked around to confirm that no one was paying attention, and immediately said in a low voice .

"There won't be such a chance. When Otland discovers that something is missing, who do you think he will suspect first? After all, the development of the Shining Gold Chamber of Commerce in the Dreamland is only a few years old. It is targeted by an earl. When the time comes It's only going to get worse."

To Zhu Jue, the other party's act of grabbing the scorching box was simply dozing off. Someone gave a pillow, and he was looking for a way to open the scorching box. Of course he would not refuse, but there are still some things to pay attention to. Naturally, the corresponding consequences must be borne.

"Later, you take out the scorching box and hand it directly to them. Don't make any extra moves. I have to rely on them to help me open the box. If there is no accident this time, I will have to fight with them. When it is necessary, I will not Keep alive, whether it is the guards around or the Earl of Outland, the operation of the Chamber of Commerce at the Dylas Harbor will definitely stop at that time. If that happens, you can get the Dylas Harbor Station as quickly as possible. Clean out the valuable things in it, and then go to organize chambers of commerce in other regions.”

Is the Glittering Gold Chamber of Commerce important?
The chamber of commerce established with great effort by the gentleman for many years undoubtedly has its own unique value. If possible, Zhu Jue certainly wants to keep it. If the Earl of Outland is asking for something else this time, maybe he Gritting his teeth, he agreed.

It just so happened that the other party wanted the scorching box. Knowing the value of this treasure, Zhu Jue certainly wouldn't give it up.

I don't know what the future of the Chamber of Commerce will be like, but at least he is bound to get the treasure in front of him!


In front of the convoy, the butler who was already standing on the edge of the breakwater raised his hand to call for the parking team, stopped at the door of the carriage where the Earl of Outland was, and then walked towards Zhu Jue. The latter tilted his neck and looked limp The housekeeper casually ordered two guards to come up, set up Zhu Jue, and said to Lisanna next to him,
"Mr. President can only come here, I will let the guards take care of him, Miss Lisanna, come with me."

Drunk will be drunk, but precautions should be taken.

Taking out the key from her pocket, Lisanna nodded and followed the butler to the coast. Zhu Jue, who was limp behind her, was dragged by two guards to a large rock on the breakwater.

Passing by the Earl of Outland's carriage, Lisanna found that the door of the carriage had not been opened. Apparently, the former had no intention of getting out. Instead, several personal guards beside the carriage started to move, except for a blond young man with his arms crossed all the time. Apart from the movement, the rest of the people walked out of the team with the priest who was only mentioned in words before.

This was the first time Lisanna saw the priest, and after just a few seconds of observation, she frowned.

The black robe covered the wide upper body, which was somewhat unusual, and the thin arms were exposed in the sleeves. The disgusting smell of the sea was sticky and disgusting. At first, Lisanna thought it was some marine life under the breakwater. Rotting corpses, she didn't realize that the priest was the source of the stench until she saw the disgusted guards around the man in black.

Keeping a certain distance from them, Lisanna did not violate Zhu Jue's explanation.

Rowing, arrived at the reef where the scorching box was hidden, and opened the storage box without anyone noticing. In order not to expose the product made by this modern technology, Lisanna sank it directly into the bottom of the sea after opening it. Then he returned under the observation of everyone on the shore.

"The scorching box. Finally found it, great sea god, you finally favored me again."

The priest, who had been keeping silent all this time, saw the scorching box placed on the bow by Lisanna, and the previous "coldness" dissipated without a trace in a second. He was shaking with excitement and didn't say hello to anyone. Straight past the guard beside him, he couldn't even wait for the boat to land, and rushed into the sea with big strides.

The splashed sea water wets the robe, and the fabric that was originally loose fits perfectly to the body at this moment, highlighting the strangeness of the priest's figure even more.

"Hey, you guys, get into the water and drag him back. It belongs to the Earl. Don't let this disgusting guy touch it first."

Among the guards standing on the shore, a woman wearing a light leather armor and holding a machete upside down turned her head to order her subordinates, and immediately two of them rushed into the sea.

The priest didn't make a decent resistance. In fact, his resistance seemed to be limited to constant struggle, not much different from the appearance of a child begging an elder for something in a mall.

The person was shaking like a tractor, and the two guards rushed down, with an armpit fight, and immediately became a dead dog.

"Such a role should be guarded against?"

Another personal guard on the shore threw a piece of beef jerky into his mouth, and looked at the priest lying on the beach not far away, panting, with a surprised face.

"For a guy like this, I can make him lie down completely with one punch."

The woman didn't answer his words, but stepped forward to take the scorching box from her subordinate.

"Why does this box get hot? Didn't it just be fished out of the sea?"

Holding the scorching box for a few steps, the female guard was a little overwhelmed by the heat emitted by the exquisite relief on the box surface, but after thinking about it, she felt relieved. A treasure is a treasure, and it would be strange if it had no special characteristics. .

"Sir, I got it."

Stepping onto the breakwater, Jazz had already left the carriage and was surrounded by everyone.

"The appearance is very good, the scorching box. The name is also appropriate, is it very hot?"

Autlan looked at the box in the female guard's hand. Not long after, the sea breeze blowing in front of him became hotter. At the same time, he also noticed that the female guard's hand holding the box began to tremble slightly, as if she was holding the box in her hand. It's a freshly baked fruit pie.

"Yes, sir, the temperature of this box is increasing."

The female guard didn't feel anything at first, but after holding it for a few minutes, she realized that the temperature on the surface of the box has not stopped rising for a moment, even she can't hold it anymore!

"My lord, that is the curse of the sea god!!!"

On the beach, the priest stretched his neck and shouted loudly, wishing that everyone on the beach could hear,

"Anyone who does not know how to open the box touches it will be burned to ashes!"

After a few seconds of silence, the female guard jumped back, instantly distanced herself from the Earl of Outland, and then put the scorching box on the ground. The priest's voice obviously scared her.

"Sir, please stand back."

The butler stood in front of Alteran, frowned, looked at the priest who was stumbling towards the beach, and said in a deep voice.

"I'm not so afraid of a box, get out of the way!"

Pushing aside the butler in front of him, the Earl of Outland walked to the front of the team. He was not even interested in lowering his head to look at the drenched poor guy kneeling under the breakwater in front of him. He just lowered his eyes,
"You said before that you have mastered the method to open the scorching box, now I will give you this opportunity to take out the treasure and dedicate it to me."

"Of course, the great Earl of Outland, I will dedicate this treasure to you, thank you for giving me this opportunity!"

He prostrated himself on the ground respectfully and saluted, and immediately rushed up the steps of the breakwater, took the box that was already at the same temperature as a hot kettle into his arms, turned around and rushed to the sea.

The surrounding guards naturally followed closely to prevent this crazy-looking guy from doing anything out of the ordinary.

However, this group of talents ran halfway, and someone in the team fell forward.

On the beach where the moonlight splashed, the dark red blood splashed out proved that things were far from that simple!
"Take the scorching box, kill!"

Someone shouted in the darkness, and several black shadows rushed out.

"Enemy attack!!!"

Being able to become the earl's guard, these people on the beach naturally have the ability. The moment their companions fell down, they turned around at the same time. It was impossible to escape. The earl was watching from the shore. At this time, laziness was undoubtedly causing trouble for himself.

Similarly, if you show your abilities at this time, if you are favored, you might be able to become a personal bodyguard. The current treatment is simply the same as the current treatment, so only two people are left in the team to watch the priest. The remaining people, led by two guard captains, a man and a woman, drew their weapons and rushed back towards the group of men in black robes.

Up and down the breakwater, nearly twenty pairs of eyes looked toward the shadow on the left, trying to lock the enemy's position.

However, what appeared in that shadow was a terrifying monster with disgusting slender black tentacles all over its body!

They roared and rushed into the crowd, ignoring the swords coming from all sides, as long as they got close, the tentacles on their bodies would immediately attack, tearing through the armor and devouring flesh and blood in just a few seconds!
The only ones who could fight seemed to be the two personal guards, each trying their best to deal with a monster.

"These disgusting monsters are too an eyesore!"

Earl Outland's face remained unchanged, and he said to Barov next to him.

"Please wait a moment, it's just a bunch of bastards."

Glancing at the situation on the battlefield, Barov grinned disdainfully, put his palm on the hilt of the sword at his waist, and rushed straight to the battlefield in the next second, smashing the monster's attack from the monster in front of him, turning around and sending it flying !
"It's a little tricky."

On the breakwater, because the guards guarding him went to defend the earl, Zhu Jue, who was free beside him, watched the battle on the beach.

The guard named Barov is indeed not weak in combat power.

"This is just the beginning. They are all dream eaters. I killed a few in the morning, but I didn't expect there to be another team."

Luo Beilin did not know when she had appeared behind Zhu Jue, and said in a deep voice.

The man on the edge of the coast still walked forward with the scorching box in his hands.

"You are mine, you are my treasure!"

The corners of his mouth curled up in a strange arc. In the moonlight, the priest whispered, his broad back pressed against the drenched black robe.

It reflects the texture similar to the hard shell of crabs!
(End of this chapter)

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