indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 567 Brothers are like siblings

Chapter 567 Brothers are like siblings

Frost covered, overflowing with white mist and the arms of the whirlwind.

Suddenly cracked countless light brown cracks!

It is like the broken ice on the lake in winter, and it is similar to the zigzag lines on the trunk of a century-old tree.

This is not a mutation of flesh and blood under the skin, Zhu Jue is sure of this.

Because what he felt at this moment was only an extremely weird sense of expansion and fragmentation.

Starting from the fingertips, the beige nails were broken first, followed by the fingers, palms, and forearms.
In just a few seconds, the flesh and blood of Zhu Jue's arms dissipated, there was no blood splashed out, and there was no severe pain or sense of emptiness.

The sleeves that should have covered both arms drooped, and Zhu Jue looked at the large handful of gravel floating in front of him.

I was speechless.

As the indescribable feeling in the early stage dissipated, his arm was transformed into the same existence as a scavenger under the transformation of the Gadamon offspring potion!

Numerous brown gravels rotate under the pull of the mysterious force, and according to Zhu Jue's mind, they turn into arms for a while, and imitate the appearance of a wind chime for a while.

Wait for the scavenger?
Zhu Jue, who was concentrating on the new changes in his arm, suddenly remembered that he hadn't had any communication with the scavenger since he woke up from the bottom community, and he didn't even issue a warning when his offspring in Gu Ginkgo's body was attacked. It's just that Zhu Jue was mentally chaotic at the time, so he didn't think too much about it.

Now that I think about it, something might be wrong.

"are you still there?"

He pursed his lips, inexplicably worrying about gains and losses.

The ancient man on the opposite side did not answer, it knew that Zhu Jue was not talking to it.

"Engulfed, suppressed, damaged, I need food. My consciousness is shattering."

A slow and weak voice sounded in Zhu Jue's mind, as if it would completely dissipate in the next second.

Even when the scavenger was subdued in the Luohua laboratory, the scavenger's consciousness was never so weak!
"What's the situation, why is the cleansing in my body? I originally had a group of life forms from other planets in my body, a group of gravel with self-consciousness, but it seemed to be affected by the potion, and the damage was serious, and my arm appeared. Same quality as it."

The only ones Zhu Jue can ask at this time are the ancients.

"The characteristics of the Gadamon daughter body, the transformation of the body. Adapt to all the abilities you have. Adapt to and strengthen your abilities. Any ability in your body, as long as it is weaker than it, will be transformed!"

The tentacles of the ancients flicked among the gravel in front of Zhu Jue. Starting with this sentence, they explained part of their ideas to Zhu Jue.

Many of the contents are difficult to understand, and even Zhu Jue can only analyze the key contents.

How does the Gadamon daughter body transform the human body?
Zhu Jue was completely confused about this question before, but now, after the explanation of the ancients and his own experience, he barely understands it.

The gadamon daughter body itself is a split product produced by a special existence created by the mi-go family.

It can be said that it has quite powerful abilities or characteristics, to some extent even stronger than the Shoggoths created by the ancients, otherwise it would not be possible to create two terrible pollutions in the No. 37 community and the bottom community area and those infected bodies of various shapes.

After all, the latter is just a servant. If there is no ability to continuously evolve over the long years, there is undoubtedly a considerable gap between the two in terms of the initial form.

The ancients carried out some kind of transformation on the gadamon daughter body to remove as much as possible the harmful parts of it to the living beings, that is to say, to the consciousness, such as spiritual pollution and strange mutations of physical convenience, while retaining its beneficial characteristics.

If I had to give an example, it would be like the Gadamon daughter body helping those members of the Ouroboros organization master the power that should be able to destroy sanity.

This ability can barely be called adaptability, that is, to help Zhu Jue's body adapt to the abilities he possesses.

Zhu Jue was able to undergo a mutation, so the medicine weakened the erosion of his mental state by the mutation state.

Zhu Jue was able to control wind and water (ice), so the potion made his body more sensitive to these two elements, making his control easier.

In the same way, the scavenger in Zhu Jue's body was also determined to be one of Zhu Jue's certain abilities by the energy in the potion, but the scavenger was not a simple elemental energy, so the energy of the Gadameng sub-body simply let it be compared with Zhu Jue's ability. Jue's body is completely integrated and transformed into a similar state.

Of course, the scavenger couldn't accept this. The biological instinct made it subconsciously fight against the Gadamon offspring, trying to hinder this behavior.

What is the result?

It's right in front of you, isn't it?

Although the scavenger is also a special alien life form, it is obviously not an opponent of the life form created by the ancient intelligent race.

Just like it can't fight against Shoggoth, the servant of the ancients at all, Gadamon is a representative work of the Mi-Go family to some extent, even if it is only a daughter, the will and characteristics contained in it are still unmatched by the scavenger .

Faced with this situation, Zhu Jue could only shrug his shoulders helplessly. Unless he stopped using the gadamon potion or transferred the remaining part of the scavenger out of his body, this phenomenon would inevitably happen again.

However, after feeling the effect of the potion of Gadamon daughter body, it is undoubtedly impossible for Zhu Jue to stop using the potion.

The arms are more sensitive to element control, the strength is increased, and the damage caused by mutations is reduced. These are extremely practical abilities.

Not to mention the special ability of gravelization, which seems meaningless, but the physical immunity in this special state is already very satisfying to Zhu Jue.

You must know that he still has a copy of Gadamon's daughter in his hand!
Now it's just the arms, who knows if it will expand to other parts of the body in the future?
Maybe after a complete transformation, Zhu Jue can also add a prefix of "sand crocodile" to his name.

The only difference is that there is one less seam on the face and no gold hooks on the hands.

As for the feelings of the scavenger.
"It's hard for you, my friend, no, my good brother!"

Zhu Jue held his head up, looked at the ceiling at a 45-degree angle, in order not to let the "sad" tears fall from the corners of his eyes, after a long time, he lowered his head and said in a muffled voice,
"You shouldn't die that easily. As long as you preserve your consciousness, and then find a way to feed you with those bastards from the Ouroboros organization, you can still recover, right?"

The scavenger did not answer Zhu Jue's words this time.

If it could, it probably would like to swallow Zhu Jue whole and turn it into its own food.

It's a pity that the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny.

Whether it's Zhujue or Gadameng's offspring, it can't afford to offend it.

What else can be done?

He could only lie down on the spot and pretend to be dead.

After all, they are all "brothers". There is a saying that brothers are like brothers.

Is there a more hard-core way to explain this sentence than the relationship between Zhu Jue and Scavenger?

With the "resolution" of the problems in the lower-level communities, the lower urban area of ​​Qianfan City quickly returned to calm under the operation of the government. Most of the people in the lower urban area thought that this was just an accident. Rumors" are just gimmicks created by some people to attract people's attention.

This continued until the third day after All Hallows' Day.

The Unspeakable Series: Filth is released!
Although Paradise Brain immediately prevented the video on the Yuntu website from being circulated in the Thousand Sails City area, in layman's terms, it was an area lock, but this did not prevent people from other areas from watching the video and telling the people of Thousand Sails City about the content of the video.

The federal government doesn't care what the Thousand Sails City government thinks, they are eager to find an opportunity to add trouble to the latter.

Moreover, even today, Zhu Jue is still unilaterally recognized by them as a special member of the government, enjoying the treatment and benefits of a first-level inspector.

Since Wu Tong and Li Qinglian were not Zhu Jue's authorized persons, there was no way to terminate the relationship, and Zhu Jue could not contact the federal government in order not to reveal his identity.

As a result, in the eyes of all parties, Weird Studio and the federal government still maintain close ties.

So, isn't this video the best government propaganda film right now?

After realizing that the content of the video took place in the low-level community of Qianfan City, the federal government tried every means to promote it. If it were not for the anti-aircraft weapons in Qianfan City, it might have to fly an airship to the sky above Qianfan City for a 24-hour scroll play.

And a hot announcer in a short skirt:

Even though our first-level inspector disappeared for five years and reappeared, he was still fighting such a terrifying monster of spiritual pollution.

Facts have proved that the federal government is the real force standing on the front line against monsters of spiritual pollution!

Qianfan City government, how about you?
Of course, the above thoughts only appeared in the dream of a high-level federal government official.

After he woke up, there was only one thing left in his mind, and that was how to contact their heroic first-level inspector.

Similarly, similar ideas have appeared in the minds of quite a few people one after another!
 I just sent my parents away today, the annual vacation is over, and tomorrow I will start to retreat and cultivate the code words.

  No one cooks for the fox anymore. I bought two packs of instant noodles. I’m afraid I’ll have to pick up the spatula after a long time~~~~~
  My talent points are finally going to the cooking talent tree!
  I don't need to say more about who the next Chinese little head is!

(End of this chapter)

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