indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 568 Press Conference

Chapter 568 Press Conference

With the release of Weird Studios' new video, discussions of this low-level community emergency have intensified among downtown residents.

The heat that had been barely suppressed by relying on the ability of the Heavenly Brain inevitably rose again.

The group of monsters and the disgusting pollution area, coupled with the indescribably huge foreign object that appeared at the end of the video, even just listening to other people's descriptions, still makes people shudder. Even so, there are still quite a few Many people try to watch this part of the video through some special channels.


No matter how numb your hands and feet are when you see a ghost, you are mentally disturbed.

At least when I hear people talking about it, my heart is always itchy like a cat scratching, and it is impossible to stop it without looking at it.

These spiritual pollution source monsters that usually only exist in the security department and news bulletins are undoubtedly the ghosts in their hearts.

That's all.

Considering the need to hide abilities and warn the Qianfan City government, Zhu Jue specially asked Suzi to edit out the part about defeating monsters!

As a result, all viewers who watched the video did not know the final result.

Some people say that the shooter of the video ran away after seeing this scene. After all, judging from the video, this level of monsters is obviously beyond the monsters that have appeared in all previous videos, and it is impossible to solve it alone.

Some people also said that the person who took the video was likely to be slaughtered by the monster on the spot. The reason is the same as above, and the video was barely preserved by transmission, otherwise the video of the dispute would not have stopped abruptly.

Not to mention how noisy these two groups of people are, and what kind of controversy and panic they arouse on the Internet.

The Qianfan City government sent people to check the area in the video as quickly as possible, and they breathed a sigh of relief after finding out that the polluted area had disappeared completely.

Wait until the Qianfan City government comes to their senses.

While raising the level of vigilance against the Ouroboros organization, I also realized that it would be counterproductive to continue to conceal this matter, so I simply announced part of the content and promised to make it public at tonight's press conference part of the information.

This makes the recognition that was originally just to implement the spirit of "Hello, Hello, Hello everyone" suddenly become a government task of reporting work.

The honorees, including Zhu Jue, also changed from protagonists to supporting actors.

In order to ensure the normal progress of the press conference, the honorees, including Zhu Jue, were all received here at three o'clock in the afternoon.

First, someone explained the process to them. It was nothing more than what to say and what not to say when they went up. When they received the award, they had to add the Qianfan City government and so on.

Now that he has agreed to Newcastle, Zhu Juezi is ready to perform with them.

It's just that Suzi and Gu Yinxing didn't follow. Facing nine strangers, the awkward atmosphere made him wish he could put nine spirit pollution source monsters beside him, so that he could relax more.

"Hey, hello, can you get something to eat? I haven't eaten lunch yet. The staff meal is also good. It would be even better if there are steaks and chicken legs!"

Since the outside report hadn't ended, Zhu Jue, who had been waiting for almost an hour in the lounge of Qianfan City News Agency, was tired of waiting, said after catching a staff member passing by the door of the lounge.

In fact, Zhu Jue ate a lot in the clinic before coming here, but the scavenger is in urgent need of energy replenishment, and Zhu Jue can't find a monster that is a source of mental pollution for him to devour in a short time, so he can only find an opportunity to replace it with ordinary energy and pass it by. time.

Although the mutation of both arms gave Zhu Jue a part of the power of a scavenger, it does not mean that the ability of a scavenger has become dispensable. more useful!
"Sorry, it's not meal time. The restaurant in the news agency has no food preparations. If you need it, I can find someone to help you buy it outside."

The staff of the news agency glanced at the empty fruit baskets and dried fruit plates on the table in the lounge, and replied with some hesitation.

"I want to know how long it will be our turn to go there. If I have more time, I can go out to eat by myself."

Zhu Jue remembered the few restaurants he saw on the nearby streets when he came.

"There is still an hour or so, and I am also planning to go out to eat something. If Mr. Lecter doesn't mind, I know a pretty good restaurant nearby."

Before the staff of the news agency could reply, Newcastle's voice suddenly sounded from the side, and it was unknown whether it happened to be passing by or had some ulterior motive.

Zhu Jue didn't care about it, as long as he could leave the awkward lounge, he could go anywhere, so he followed Newcastle and left the news agency.

The location of Qianfan City News Agency is in the No. 3 community in Xiacheng District, a veritable high-end community. The architectural style here is somewhat biased towards the prime location in the inner city of Shuguang City. Large shopping malls and entertainment venues can be seen everywhere, and the color of the streets is no longer dull. The metallic gray is more like the beige-gray asphalt road. It should be that another layer of other materials has been laid on the steel structure.

"An hour more?"

Standing on the side of the busy street, avoiding a muscular man dressed as a Terminator, almost bumping into the flower bed next to him, raised his foot and pressed it with his heel, Zhu Jue smacked his lips, and asked in a muffled voice.

"It may take an hour and a half for you, because the reporting work of the Ministry of Security has just started. After they are finished, it will be the turn of the Epidemic Prevention Station to report. contact me."

Deliberately ignoring his secretary, Newcastle pointed to a restaurant diagonally across the corner, walked to the zebra crossing on the side, waited for Zhu Jue to go up, took out a cigarette from his arms and handed it to the latter, saw Zhu Jue He waved his hand, put the cigarette in his mouth and lit it nonchalantly, looked left and right without any trace, and then said,

"How is Mr. Rona?"

"He successfully left Thousand Sails City yesterday, thank you for your concern."

Zhu Jue stuffed his hands into his coat pockets and did not reveal where Rona had gone. In fact, he knew in his heart that Newcastle didn't care about where Rona went.

The pedestrian green light is on, and with the flow of people moving forward, the No. 3 community can see the sun. The afterglow at dusk falls on the pedestrians in different clothes around them, mixing into a strange spectrum and coming into Zhu Jue's eyes.

"Is there any new intelligence about the underlying community... or about the Ouroboros organization?"

Taking advantage of the noisy people around, Newcastle paused, as if thinking of something, then lowered his voice and said
"I'm not interested in the grievances between the Thousand Sails City government and the federal government. All I want to do is protect the people of Thousand Sails City. I think the person behind you thinks the same as me. Provide information!"

"I don't quite understand what you mean. It's just a transaction between us. How could it involve the grievances between the two governments?"

Zhu Jue asked back with a surprised expression.

"Heh, you really didn't leak a word. It seems that it will be quite difficult for you to admit the existence of that person."

Breathing out the smoke ring helplessly, the eyes under the Newcastle frame glanced at Zhu Jue's expression.

After watching the trailer released by Weird Studio five years later, Newcastle had a premonition that Rona must have received the help of the first-level inspector of Weird Studio to come up with information on those special items. Otherwise, with his mediocre experience in the federal government, he would not even be qualified to touch these things, so why trade them?

However, he didn't get the desired result after several overt and covert attempts. He was surprised by Rona's "anti-reconnaissance" ability, and even made people think that he "really" knew nothing.

Now that Rona is gone, he has changed to a doctor in a private clinic. Although he doesn't quite understand the reason for this candidate, Newcastle still believes that it is the inspiration of the person behind Rona.

So he inevitably hoped that the person in front of him was easy to talk to.

Rather than dealing with a middleman, Newcastle wants to talk directly to the person who can single-handedly destroy the polluted area!

Just until they come across the street.

All he could see on Mr. Lecter's face was an awkward but polite smirk.

(End of this chapter)

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