indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 58 Turn Invincible?

Chapter 58 Turn Invincible?

Every part of the body swells and changes, the originally pretty face is gradually blurred, and is covered by a layer of black viscous liquid, and the originally uneven facial features finally change into an inverted triangle shape, which looks somewhat like split beards on the outside. mask.

The various parts that were previously scattered on the surrounding people were all concentrated on Xiaowei's body at this moment. The mutant, which had grown several times larger than before, put her hands on the ground and was about to climb up. Her consciousness was almost completely lost, but in her heart The anger is still there.

She is out for revenge.

Who is the target and why is revenge?

This kind of content was completely forgotten in her mind, so she prepared to completely destroy all living creatures in her perception.

There seemed to be one beside him, but he seemed to be standing a little closer.

The sound of a knife cutting through flesh and blood.

The monster's perspective suddenly spun, and when it became clear again, it was already parallel to the ground, and everything in the field of vision was falling into real darkness.

"So you don't even care if there are people around you when you mutate?"

With the long knife on his shoulder, Zhu Jue looked narrowly at the headless corpse on the ground.

Before, Zhu Jue was waiting for this guy to mutate, but later found that the first mutation process was quite slow, and even required full investment. The mutant completely ignored his existence during the whole process.

So much so that in the end Zhu Jue simply approached the monster within two meters, holding a long knife in both hands, waiting for the complete mutation to end, the moment it wanted to get up from the ground.

With the knife in hand, the monster's head fell to the ground.

"Some things are so simple. Do you really think you are invincible?"

Kill this monster that has just mutated, and take out the strips of meat in its head.

This is not the end.

These people can become like this, must rely on a mutant or protoform that has existed in this forest for a long time, and Zhu Jue came here for it.

The problem is that the unexpected mutation of this person who was originally left as a living and information source led to the severance of clues.

"I should have kept one more alive before I knew it."

Having said that, Zhu Jue didn't feel too much regret.
These people have feelings similar to religious beliefs for the monster. This kind of existence is the most difficult to resist. It is unreliable to ask them to tell the location of the monster or take him to find the monster. things.

Zhu Jue has his own method.

These people claim that they belong to the Faceless God Sect. Zhu Jue doesn't know how the connection between them was established, and it's not clear why these people still maintain a certain degree of sanity after seeing the monster, and their hue value has not soared like ordinary people And then into madness.

But one thing is certain, that is, there should be some kind of communication or induction between these people and the monster, otherwise this so-called Faceless God Sect would definitely not be established.

Raised the long knife to cut off Xiaowei's mutated monster tail, held it back and forth between the two horns of the head next to it, and then pinched the two sides together to tie a knot. The monster's head was raised in front of him, then his wrist was turned over, the blade was carried on his shoulder, and the head hung behind him.

The shape of this monster is exactly the same as the one seen in the previous video. Zhu Jue's idea is very simple, use this head to fish out another monster!

"Blue Bird, turn on the light."

Walking towards the deeper part of Fang Doushan, Zhu Jue let the blue bird rest on his other empty shoulder, turned on the light, took out his phone and checked the time, it was 11 o'clock in the evening.

Zhu Jue didn't know the specific location of the monster, so he could only assume that it existed in the depths of Fangdou Mountain.

"Little boy, strolling around the forest farm with a strange head~"

"I'm not afraid of the black tentacles, and I'm not afraid of that monster~"

The strange singing voice lingered in the woodland, Zhu Jue jumped forward, the hillside was still upward at first, and the slope became flat again after a while.

This is the top of this mountain, and further forward, it may be the sunken basin between Fangdou Mountains.

"It's really troublesome if you haven't shown up yet~ that strange looking friend, are you at home?"

Tired of looking, I just stood on the top of the mountain and found an open place, and howled.

"Friend, are you home~"

"Are you home~"


The voice echoed in the valley ahead, Zhu Jue rubbed his nose, unexpectedly found that the effect seemed to be pretty good, much less effort than his wandering in the woods.

"Look, look, look for friends~"

"Find a faceless beast~"

"Like a bat and a cow~"

"He cut off his head and walked all over the mountain~"

The melodious singing spread throughout the Fangdou Valley, and Zhu Jue stood on the platform with his hips akimbo, exercising his lung capacity.

On the mountainside, those frightened young men and women who were frightened by Xiaowei and others before, ran until their strength was exhausted, and finally lay down in the woodland trying to hide, waited for more than ten minutes in fear, but never saw traces of those monsters.

They thought that the danger was still in this dark mountain forest, and they were waiting for the fear that might come at any time.

As a result, such an unknown song came, and I shrank in the hiding place, looking around blankly.
I sang back and forth two or three times, but still nothing happened.

"Hey! Faceless Monster, do you dare to promise me when I call you!"

The voice of shouting was dry, Zhu Jue packed up his things, and was about to leave here and continue to go deep into Fangdou Mountain, and finally shouted.

Suddenly there was a snake-like neighing sound in the forest, Zhu Jue's footsteps stopped, and he turned around with some surprise.

"So you like this tune, tell me earlier."

Looking at the monster approaching in the forest ahead, Zhu Jue looked left and right, and finally chose to retreat to a place with dense trees. Behind him were several trees with more branches, which were erected behind him like a fence.

Take off the weapon box and put it aside, put the head with the long knife hanging in front of you, insert the long knife on the right side, and reload Qingyi.

Regardless of the previous battles, Zhu Jue will never be careless in the face of this mutant that has existed for a long time.

Some ear-piercing noises reached his ears, Zhu Jue suddenly raised his head, and looked at the strange monster squatting on a branch about 6 meters high in front of him.

"Meet you for the first time. Give you a baby!"

Withdrew his right foot, and then kicked on the head in front of him, hitting the monster on the branch.

It was just a dull collision sound, the blue bird's light was upwards, and the head of the faceless man had been directly penetrated by the five sharp-edged claws, and slowly tightened, as if pinching a dough cake, easily smashing it Grabbed into a puddle of broken mud.

It is still silent, only the sound of flesh and blood being crushed can be heard.

"You're not a protozoa. It's dangerous."

There was no frivolity in his eyes anymore, he raised his left hand, and previewed the blue wing pistol.

Rapid fire mode.

Bullets poured towards the faceless monster's head.

The wide bat wings are in front of him, like a shield of flesh and blood, sparks fly!

 Big guy, don’t forget to vote for your recommendation while reading the book~ In addition, remember to add it to the bookshelf for collection~

(End of this chapter)

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