indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 59 Technology vs. Mystery

Chapter 59 Technology vs. Mystery
The bullet will eventually run out.

The moment the gunfire dimmed, the Faceless Monster disappeared into the woodland.

The Faceless Monster has wings and its flying ability is quite outstanding, which makes Zhu Jue very headache.

What made him feel even more helpless was that the monster flapping its wings didn't make any sound or the sound was extremely soft. Zhu Juejing calmed down and heard more of the wind passing through the forest.

All I could see was a huge black shadow looming among the surrounding branches.

It seemed to be teasing Zhu Jue in this way, invisibly increasing his psychological pressure, and then making some irrational behaviors.

Zhu Jue, whose only long-range attack method is the Blue Wing Pistol, only feels intimidated by this guerrilla type.

Holding the long knife in one hand, frowning and scanning around, the blue bird is not on his shoulder.

Behind him, the Faceless Monster was climbing down the tree trunk with its head down, its long and narrow tail gradually approaching Zhu Jue in front, and at a certain moment, it rushed towards the back of his head.

There was a crisp impact sound, sparks burst out, Zhu Jue turned around and slashed at the tail with a knife.

The Faceless Monster roared, using the tree trunk as a pedal with both feet, not to cull it. The moment it jumped up, the wings on its back were opened to the maximum, and it used the momentum of gliding to forcibly draw an arc in a low-altitude dive posture, re- Lifted to the mid-air of the woodland.

Zhu Jue, who was thinking of confronting him head-on, jumped into the air, but suddenly found that the faceless monster had no intention of fighting at all, so he could only kick on the tree trunk, and turned around with his strength to intercept the faceless monster in mid-air.

Facts have proved that those with wings are different. Zhu Jue's agility is not enough to leap into the air with a temporary borrowing, so he can only watch the faceless monster slip away from his eyes.

"Tsk, this is determined to consume me."

As long as the Faceless Monster with air supremacy does not want to fight Zhu Jue, it can fly away now. Zhu Jue will definitely not be able to catch up. After all, he does not have a jetpack or other three-dimensional mobile devices on his body. Hanging around in the woods.

Looking at the screen in front of him, the Faceless Monster is currently on a tree branch in the northeast.

That's right, Zhu Jue had discovered the Faceless Monster only by relying on the blue bird's high-altitude reconnaissance. These monsters knew nothing about machinery, and Zhu Jue actually saw the concealment it thought it had.

It was supposed to be a sharp counterattack just now, but it turned out to be such a big opening, this guy was so cowardly that he chose to attack with his tail.

"Since you don't leave, you must still plan to attack me. After being discovered by me, you will escape by gliding. Reverse... There is a way."

Press the control core of the blue bird with the thumb, and the control interface appears in front of him. On the video interface, he selects a tree in front of him, and the blue bird lands, facing Zhu Jue.

He continued to pretend to be looking for the monster, and exposed his back. As expected, the Faceless Monster circled around again to prepare for a sneak attack. The previous collision made him believe that the human in front of him could not cause harm to him. Even if the sneak attack failed, it could still retreat calmly.

Familiar with the plot, with the blade blocking the tail, Zhu Jue rushed to the tree trunk where the Faceless Monster was, and it was about to escape by gliding.

"I like the gliding show so much, I'll show you off."

Press the strong light mode on the blue bird's lighting interface with your finger, and the eyes of the blue bird that stops on the tree branch in front of the faceless monster's gliding position burst into dazzling white light when they are neutral!
The Faceless Monster was suddenly hit by a strong light. Although it has no eyes, it obviously has other organs that provide vision. This momentary stimulation made it inevitably make mistakes in its movements and lose its balance. This is a chain reaction.

Zhu Jue's movement was different from the last time. Before, he turned suddenly, but this time he was prepared. When he jumped up, his body began to rotate, and finally he turned his feet against the tree trunk to accelerate. Compared with the previous Actions should be steady and quick too.

The faceless monster kept shaking its limbs, trying to stabilize its flight, but this time time was not on its side, and before it could fly back to a safe height, the bat wing on the left was directly cut by the long knife.


The nearly one-meter-long wings landed on the ground. Zhu Jue inserted the long knife directly into it, shook his hands, moved his shoulders, and watched the faceless monster with only one and a half wings left unable to maintain its movements, and fell into the forest.

"If you have the ability to fly with half of your wings missing, this time I admit it!"

Pulling out the long knife again, he walked towards the Faceless Monster, his footsteps became faster and faster, and finally turned into a sprint with long strides.

The night wind in the mountains and forests was blowing against his face, Zhu Jue lowered his body and increased his speed to the limit. This was the first time he ran unreservedly.

The trees beside him couldn't even see the shape clearly.

No matter what kind of monster it is, if a wing is broken, unless it can grow a new one immediately, it will definitely not be able to fly. The Faceless Monster climbed up from the ground and landed on all fours. The damage to its body made it extremely angry. However, its action was still retreating, trying to climb a nearby tree.

It's scared!

The reason is simple, the guy in front is not human either!

The aura on his body made the Faceless Monster, whose intelligence level was obviously higher than that of the Fish Monster and the Man-faced Mouse, panic.
The blue bird behind him was still under the strong light, and the lines on Zhu Jue's face were clearly visible, his arms swelled rapidly, and his silver-gray hair fluttered in the wind.

"I still want to run and drink!"

With a loud shout, the mutated arms clenched the long knife and cut directly at the middle of the tree that the Faceless Monster had just climbed to, without even the slightest stagnation, it passed through and directly chopped at the Faceless Monster behind.

The castration was over, but it didn't mean it was over. Zhu Jue used momentum to drag the long knife from the faceless monster's chest and abdomen, and rotated his body to inject new kinetic energy into the long knife.

From the upper right to the lower left, with a slash, the flesh and blood were split!
Take another step forward with your right foot, retract the knife, and retract your hands to the left waist and abdomen. The next moment, it looks like a long spear protruding, with the tip of the knife piercing the monster's chest.

With a shrill neigh, the Faceless Monster could no longer support his body and knelt down towards Zhu Jue.

Withdrawing the knife again, his arm returned to its original shape, and he slashed horizontally. His head soared into the sky surrounded by blood.


He took a long breath, adjusted his breathing, pursed his lips, and continued,

"That's all for today's video, don't forget to bookmark and give a reward!"

He took off his sunglasses, thinking that the mutation of his own arms was also photographed, and he had to ask Wutong to deal with it specially after returning to change this part into a normal person's arm.

As for what Wu Tong thought when he saw the content of the video, Zhu Jue didn't really care. When he really wanted to ask, he just said that he had used the power injection.

(End of this chapter)

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