indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 580 Unknown Curse

Chapter 580 Unknown Curse

In the gray void.

Large pieces of rubble floated from all directions, and finally gathered into a suspended stone ladder.

On the topmost step, at some point, a figure in a loose gray robe appeared, with no limbs or face, he just moved down the steps until the last step, and when he moved forward, he stepped on On the dark asphalt road, streets, buildings and people began to emerge in the emptiness of nothingness.

If Zhu Jue was here, he would find that this was the street he stayed on not long ago.

The gray-robed man was walking in the middle of the street, but his strange attire did not attract anyone's attention.

Even the pedestrians passing by or walking towards him, even the snowflakes falling in the sky, couldn't stop on him.

He is independent from another world!
Coming to the church, looking at the closed door, an obscure incantation sounded from under the hood.

A translucent figure appeared in front of the door, half-kneeling on the ground, dazed as if he had been immobilized, he got up after a long time, looked around blankly, until he saw the gray-robed man kneeling again at the door .

"Lord Ansegus!"

His forehead was pressed against the ground, fear mixed with fanatical worship.

"You used the sigil. I remember I told you not long ago that this sigil can only be used to face that special person."

The extremely old hoarse voice should have come from the dying old man, but now he speaks fluently even though it is harsh.

"Yes, the other party has discovered my stronghold. I suspect that it is through the mobile phones of several low-level members, using communication to locate or relying on the traitors in the Thorn sect."

"She didn't die the person Fei Di chased after?"

That should have been a mortal man.

"It should be her."

"I can't feel your soul, I can only briefly awaken your remaining consciousness, you don't even have time to switch consciousness, he makes you feel scared?"

The questioning continued, and in front of the gray-robed man, ripples appeared in the phantom representing Ryan.

"No, I voluntarily gave up resistance, because I can feel his powerful soul. The death of Father Marando made me realize that it is difficult for me to defeat him. Instead of retreating for the very small chance of surviving, I chose to attack him. When the seal is activated, I am sure that the seal is now in effect, and the day when the Kingdom of God comes is his death day!"

Ryan described the situation at that time, with his head down all the time, without any intention of getting up.

"Well done, I wanted to find someone to design it, but I didn't expect him to find you on his own initiative. There will be no obstacles on the road of faith. Ryan, your sacrifice is worth it. I think you should serve by the side of the great existence. Witness our success."

"Thank you for your gift!"

Ryan, who was praised, seemed to have received a great reward. His blurred figure gradually dissipated, and finally turned into a black-purple energy ball, flying to the central empty layer outside the street.

Return to private clinic from Community 13.

Zhu Jue locked himself in the bedroom, and from the moment he left the church, he felt something was wrong.

The trance and hallucinations began to appear in his originally sober will, and it was still under the condition that he did not forcefully use special abilities. This has never happened in recent times.

At first, there were signs in the corridor, but Zhu Jue thought it was the sequelae of drinking the Gadamon seed medicine at the time, so he didn't pay much attention to it. After all, the various hallucinations he experienced often add up to a Spring Festival schedule. .

However, the hallucinations outside the church made him realize that this was not an ordinary hallucination.

His body was sunken in the sofa, his hands were resting casually on the armrests on both sides, his head was held high, his eyes stopped on the ceiling, and he watched the chandelier change from the shape of the morning glory reflecting the beige light into a ball first. Glowing with strange phosphorescence, the wriggling twisted colloid gave birth to a few irregularly shaped eyes after a while, and concentrated on him after spinning around a few times.

If it were an ordinary person, I would have rushed out of the room screaming at this time, and called the police to say that I had run into a ghost.

However, the person sitting on the sofa was Zhu Jue. He personally slaughtered a monster that was more terrifying than this scene, so these things in front of him naturally couldn't affect him.

Not to mention fear, he still had some leisure to distinguish whether these eyeballs looked like men's or women's.

Of course, there is only one final result, and that is the monster's eyeballs.

What Zhu Jue really cared about was the fact that he started to hallucinate.

You must know that Zhu Jue has broken his own shackles to some extent, even if it is only part of it, after drinking the Gadameng daughter body potion.

With the improvement of his ability, his will has actually been strengthened to a certain extent. Under such a premise, as long as he doesn't fight against those extremely special monsters of spiritual pollution or look through a few classics in his hand, it is difficult for his spirit to recover. problem appear.

Coupled with the help of Moonshine Wine and Concentrating Incense, occasionally some mental exhaustion will quickly recover.

However, this time he found that the relief of this state was very slow. It took about half an hour from the No. 13 community to the private clinic, and his hallucinations still did not disappear.
"False death can't distort my will, and death is imprinted on your fate at this moment."

Talking about Ryan's last words before his death, there was no problem at the dinner party today, no matter what Zhu Jue thinks, the most likely culprit for his current state is him.

However, even if the goal is determined, what makes Zhu Jue helpless is that he still doesn't understand what method Ryan used to affect his spiritual will.

The actual contact between the two parties was limited to Zhu Jue's punch, and the contact time did not even exceed a second.

Zhu Jue didn't believe that he was recruited because of this contact, because at that time his fist was still covered with a layer of wind element. If Ryan could attack him at that moment through the elemental protection, why would he stand there? Waiting to die there?

dong dong dong~
"Zhu Jue, we opened the storage, and there is something wrong with the things inside. Are you resting?"

Gu Yinxing's voice came from outside the door.

"I'll come over now!"

A silver-gray light flashed in his eyes, and a roar sounded faintly from his side, and all the illusions around him immediately dissipated.

Suppressing hallucinations with a strong will is not a solution. Although it cannot completely eliminate this situation, it can help Zhu Jue not be affected in a short time.

Leaving the bedroom and turning into Suzi's room, Zhu Jue immediately saw the dismantled storage case on the table and a glassware placed aside alone.

It's full of black-purple liquid!

"What is this... It's like the pus in the contaminated area."

Pulling out the chair and sitting down, Zhu Jue picked up the glass jar, which looked familiar no matter what.

"It shouldn't be simple pus. The thing that can be collected by the cadres of the Ouroboros organization and put together with this item must have its special function. There are some equipment purchased before in the clinic. I want to try to detect it, but I'm not sure if opening it has serious consequences."

Some time ago, when Zhujue got echinoderm meatballs in the arena, Suzi bought a lot of "private goods" in the name of purchasing medical equipment. They were originally used as disposable items, but now they seem to be useful again, but The contents of the glass jar looked ominous, so Suzi decided to ask Zhu Jue for advice first.

"Wait a minute, I'm not in a good state right now, wait for another opportunity to tell the truth,
 WPS crashed, Chapter 3 is estimated to be too late, postponed until tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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