indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 581 Clues in the Teachings

Chapter 581 Clues in the Teachings
"Try it, you can't just watch it, but you must pay attention to leaving a part for the epidemic prevention department. I just told Newcastle that I have new information, and I can't give him a honey cake at that time."

Zhu Jue handed back the glass jar containing the black-purple pus to Suzi, and ordered by the way.

Right now, Qianfan City seems to be calm, but in fact, the storm is approaching.

The three of them are insignificant compared to this super city with a population of tens of millions. Even if the conspiracy of the Ouroboros organization is discovered, it is difficult to influence the thinking of the official government in a short period of time, and they can only rely on Newcastle to convey the message.

This requires Newcastle to completely believe in them, and to do this, it is too thin to rely on words alone, and there must be enough evidence.

The words of the deputy director of the Epidemic Prevention Office have more weight in the Qianfan City government than they do.

This is also one of the main reasons why Zhu Jue not only did not hide after Luo Na was noticed by the Ouroboros organization and was attacked, but took the initiative to maintain this channel.

Once ouroboros carries out terrorist activities in other communities in the lower city of Qianfan City, no matter how strong Zhu Jue is, he will not be able to take care of the overall situation at the same time. The tail snake organization is on its own.

Closer to home.

The testing equipment that Suzi bought before was in the utility room of her bedroom. After receiving Zhu Jue's consent, she took the glass jar and prepared to analyze it, leaving the other two outside to study the remaining two items.

"How to deal with these guiding incense?"

Seeing the three boxes of guiding incense opened in front of him, Gu Yinxing casually picked up one and sniffed it.

"Is this stuff a hallucinogen or something else with hypnotic properties?"

"No, it's not that simple. I tried to enter their so-called 'Kingdom of God' in the houses of those attackers before. Although it was only a short stay, I saw something. Members of the Ouroboros organization passed Using this guiding incense, the thought that can be achieved is a bit like drinking a dream. It is definitely not hypnosis."

Zhu Jue originally wanted to mention the dreamland, because the effect of this guide incense is very close to that of the dream potion, which can take people's spirit or soul to a certain place, but suddenly realized that Gu Yinxing didn't know about it, so he could only temporarily corrected,

"I'm pretty sure that after I inhaled the mist, my spirit entered another world. Of course, it may also be a hallucination. Although the scene is still in the room, the surrounding hallucinations have changed greatly. Deliberately affirmed Yes, in the illusion, I can move, and my spiritual will can also affect it."

"another world?"

Gu Yinxing's eyes widened, and she twirled the guiding incense with her fingertips, apparently a little unresponsive.

This kind of statement is undoubtedly "over the top" for her, but now Gu Yinxing is no longer the little girl who didn't understand anything five years ago. some of the remarks heard.

"Remember the three people I mentioned to you?"

After a moment of silence, Gu Yinxing asked.

"Dennis, Sakai Takuto, Benjamin...Of course I remember."

As far as I remember, Zhu Jue didn't know where to find these three people. In fact, he didn't think he could find them three years after the human rights march ended.

You must know that Dennis has now become a high-level insider of the Ouroboros organization. Not only is he leading the Gadamon human experiment, but he can also contact Mi Go. The other two are probably at the same level as him, and they want to use ordinary means Finding them is nearly impossible.

"They brought the Thorn sect into the human rights parade at that time. I remember that they seemed to mention the concept of the Kingdom of God when they preached the doctrine. At that time, I thought it should be similar to the existence of heaven, just to let believers firmly believe in it. vision, and what you just said reminded me that if the Kingdom of God does exist, then the teachings they put forward at that time may also have a certain reference value, but the Ouroboros organization was not established at all at that time, and they might have Did you expect this to happen?"

Gu Yinxing lowered her head, with her right hand clenched against her nose, the light from the bedroom was reflected on her forehead with scattered hair, half of her face sank into the shadow cast by her forehead, her delicate brows were tightly frowned.

"The core of the establishment of the Ouroboros organization is that they have a relationship with an ancient intelligent race called the Mi-Go family, so they probably had already learned part of the information from Mi-Go at that time, and based on this information to deceive At the same time, you are secretly using the power of the Mi-Ge family to develop your power. In short, they may know about it. It is too troublesome to explain these things now, so you continue to explain in detail."

Zhu Jue adjusted his sitting posture to help answer Gu Yinxing's doubts.

Trying to recall the situation at that time as much as possible, among the three people including Dennis, Benjamin participated in the most preaching activities, so she also had the deepest impression of this person.

Gu Yinxing pursed her lips, perhaps thinking of what she had experienced back then, her expression was a little sad, and after a short silence, she continued,

"Wait, I thought about it. At that time, the sect internally judged whether the believers' beliefs were pious by enduring suffering. Once they passed this experiment, they would be given the Fruit of God in the past two years. It will strengthen our bodies. It should be the transcendent body in the teachings, and the next step is to act on behalf of the will of the Lord in the Kingdom of God and the present world. Since ordinary members of the Ouroboros organization can use this incense, I may also use it. Zhujue, I want to try try!"

In terms of devotion to the faith, Gu Yinxing, who was one of the preachers of the Thorns Sect not long ago, was undoubtedly the best among them, and she also received the fruit bestowed by the gods, no matter how you look at it, she met the two conditions.

Of course, the previous one may not be satisfied now, but Gu Yinxing does not believe that the Divine Kingdom organized by Ouroboros can detect the degree of piety of individuals.

"No, even though I don't know the situation in the Kingdom of God, I can be sure that it is the core secret of the Ouroboros organization. A direct blow to the spiritual level, Baobuqi will directly collapse, and even I will not be able to save you at that time."

It is an established fact that the senior management of the Ouroboros organization can remotely activate the virus in the members of the organization. Gu Yinxing suffered a loss before, and barely survived by Zhu Jue's forcible suppression. Zhu Jue couldn't help at that time.

 There are two more later

(End of this chapter)

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