indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 593 Her Sail City

Chapter 593 Her City of Thousand Sails

"Is it a wind chime?"

Looking at the wind chimes on the side of the sofa that were vaguely aware of Zhu Jue's touch and bobbing their heads, Gu Yinxing subconsciously came up with the pet that always curled up in Zhu Jue's arms and turned somersaults.

"Of course, haven't you found it running around with me these days? You don't think normal pets can do this, do you?"

"No wonder you took it with you when you left Community 40. It's just that since I can see the wind chime, what about Suzi?"

Reluctantly letting herself accept the other appearance of Fengling, Gu Yinxing turned to look at the place where Suzi was sitting before, and there was nothing there.

"The spirit of a normal person does not belong to this world, so Suzi will naturally not appear. As for why Fengling's soul is revealed here, you will know later."

Zhu Jue didn't explain too much, turned his eyes to the broken furniture around him, got up and walked to the living room door, saying,

"We have to act quickly. The time you can maintain this state is limited. If there are any problems, we will communicate on the road."

"How do you know that time is limited to wait for me."

Although her mind was full of doubts, Gu Yinxing still followed the protagonist's footsteps without hesitation.

Going down the stairs quickly, and reaching the stairs on the first floor, Zhu Jue in front of her stopped suddenly. Gu Yinxing, who was still on the stairs, could only see the flickering lights in the lobby on the first floor, and the sound outside seemed to be coming to an end. There have been some changes.

"I have to tell you in advance that everything you see later is not real. Try to keep your mind as calm as possible. I don't want to take you back just after I came in."

Zhu Jue turned sideways, covering most of Gu Yinxing's sight, and turned to the clinic door with meaningful eyes.

"I'm not that vulnerable!"

Gu Yinxing asked herself that she was used to seeing life and death, and she was able to control her emotions under the premise of mental preparation in advance.

"That's good, come down."

There was only so much that could be done, Zhu Jue didn't intend to dawdle, and waved his hand to signal Gu Yinxing to keep up.


After arriving at the lobby on the first floor, Gu Yinxing subconsciously put on a fighting posture. She clearly saw a fat monster with a bloated figure pacing at the door. The drooping greasy fat covered the thighs, and it swayed left and right following his movements. , as if it would fall to the ground in the next second, turning into a puddle of disgusting gel.

Zhu Jue, who was at the side, opened the door and went out without realizing it. He was less than half a meter away from the monster, and he still had the leisure to look around, and then turned around to greet her.

The strange thing was that the monster also seemed to be Zhu Jue who hadn't seen it, pacing around by itself, looking around from time to time.

"Didn't you see it?"

After walking two steps forward, Suzi still chose to stop, resisting the nausea, and reminded in a low voice.


Pointing to the "fat man" next to him, Zhu Jue directly raised his hand and waved over, passing through his chest without any touch,

"He's not a monster, just a lost soul."

"You mean he's human?"

"Of course, at least in the real world, he is human, but because he is not in a good mental state, that's why he looks like this. You should see other guys with weird descriptions later, which is probably not bad. Not bad."

"but he"

"Why is he here?"

Zhu Jue guessed what Gu Yinxing wanted to ask, and said bluntly,
"Because this is the illusion created by Gadamon, which exists independently but is closely related to the mental state of any creature that enters this world. I have now imitated your soul state, so what I see is the same as what you see, If our places were reversed, I'm afraid what you see now is enough to make you need to leave here immediately."

"You mean it all exists in Gadamon's illusion, and its appearance is changed by my will?"

"Smart, how should I put that sentence? There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's hearts. What you see may be the same as what I see, but the information it feeds back to our respective minds may be different. completely opposite."

Zhu Jue opened his arms and walked backwards to the middle of the street. Following his footsteps, another "City of Thousand Sails" appeared before Gu Yinxing's eyes.

A heavy rain suddenly fell from the sky.

In the rain, Gu Yinxing saw that the mechanical arch on the left that should have been equipped with a color detector was covered with cameras that looked like long guns and short cannons. As old as ten years, the gorgeous neon in the central empty layer in the distance has no sense of prosperity and beauty that is often mentioned in the news, just like the mold growing on the skin of expired fruit, it is just disgusting.

With just one word, Gu Yinxing quickly realized the meaning of Zhu Jue's words.

Because this is her impression of Qianfan City, the Qianfan City in her mind is like this.

Pompous to the extreme, stale to the extreme, dirty to the extreme!

Just when Gu Yinxing was thinking in a daze, Zhu Jue had already walked quickly across the street, came to the outer street of the community, and looked up at the central empty floor.

"Sure enough, it's not in this layer?"

Clutching the railing, Zhu Jue looked disappointedly at the blurred colored light in the distance, there was no egg he wanted to see surrounded by countless dark tentacles.

On the first night when he came to Qianfan City, he saw the prophesied scene. Zhu Jue has been waiting for this period of time, even though he didn't know what was inside that egg at all, until as time went by, He started to come into contact with the Ouroboros organization, and he knew more and more secrets.

But there has never been any change in the central space of Qianfan City, so that Zhu Jue can't help but look at the prophesied location.

Until he knew the existence of the "Kingdom of God" and learned from the mouth of the great race that it was an illusion created by Gadamon, Zhu Jue was almost as blessed as his soul, and immediately realized that the scene in the prophecy must be related to the "Kingdom of God".

That black egg, maybe Gadamon?

Such thoughts appeared irresistibly, and then took root in Zhu Jue's thoughts. His intuition told him that even if it wasn't Gadamon, it was a very similar existence.

Zhu Jue didn't see it in Gu Ginkgo's world, and was disappointed, but not too surprised.

This is an illusion created by Gadamon, or it can be said that it is an illusion created by Mi Go's manipulation of Gadamon. Naturally, they will not expose the former at will.

What Zhu Jue has to do now is to tear off the disguise of this world and find the truth hidden in the illusion!
"Where should we go now?"

Gu Yinxing, who had regained his composure, stood beside Zhu Jue, and the timing of the question was just right.

She really didn't know where to go, even though everything around her grew out of her consciousness.

"Go find those guys running around in your world!"

Raising his hand, he condensed a mass of psionic energy no bigger than the size of a thumb, and Zhu Jue let it search for similar energies nearby.

This approach was taught by the great race. Psychic energy is a very special energy, not as common as other elemental energies. Where it is active, something must have happened, and I think it will not be Things dominated by Gu Ginkgo's spirit, because it is impossible for her to manipulate dark energy.

Apart from Zhu Jue, the only ones who can do this are the guys he mentioned running around.

As long as he understands what those guys are doing in this world, Zhu Jue will have the confidence to follow the clues to find the hidden things behind.

 Today's Valentine's Day, as a single fox, I will cry alone in the den, and I will play games at night, no code words, only one update today.

(End of this chapter)

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