indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 594: 3-Man Squad

Chapter 594
This is a weird city.

Zhu Jue and Gu Yinxing ran along the street following a cloud of black and purple psionic energy.

The colored halos projected by the light board above the head are mixed and falling in the rainwater. They are obviously illusory light waves, but they always give people a sense of reality that they will fall on the top of the head at any time.

Gu Yinxing raised her hand to wipe off the rain on her face, brushed the broken hair from her forehead to the back of her head, and tried her best to keep her vision clear.

Turn the corner.

Different from the desertedness just now, there are many scary "people" walking on the street here. As Zhu Jue said, the fat man outside the clinic is indeed a normal existence among these "people".

The dark red flesh piled up all over, with four arms, the tall and strong monster with a ferocious face growled silently beside him; the thin monster with its tongue pulled up to the neck and blood and tears dripping from its deep hollow eyes leaned against the trash can, Still holding something in his hand, he kept getting closer to the mouthparts that he didn't know if he could use his mouth to call.

Gu Yinxing looked at the scenes in front of her like a night walk of ghosts, and silently prepared to look away.

Suddenly, steel bars full of rivets meandered and climbed on both sides of the street in a way that could shake the coffin board of a great man, somewhat like the vines of morning glory, but the latter always needs to be wrapped around some pillars, and These steel bars twisted out of thin air in a disgusting posture.

The rainwater all over the sky seems to be the nutrient solution for watering them, making them more and more entangled, until even the already thin street lights have to be swallowed.

The normal light sources are constantly affected, leaving only those sticky neon colored lights wandering around.

Gu Yinxing can bear these monsters. After all, although their appearance is disgusting, they are only limited to the level of horror movies. However, these unreasonable scenes around her inevitably affect her.

Although she was reminded by Zhu Jue when she came here, she still felt unwell, not because of her body, but because of a sense of obscurity in her spirit, and the stickiness from her drenched clothes aggravated the feeling special feeling.

Gu Yinxing's mental changes are also constantly affecting this world. The cleaning robot that is passing by in front seems to have undergone some changes. Some black mucus has grown on the rusty and white-stained shell. The decorated eyes opened and closed at a certain moment, and the upper part of the semicircular head suddenly turned to her, and the rain that fell on it was blood-colored.
"Don't look at the things around you, that will only exacerbate the deterioration of your mental state, follow me, and put your attention on me!"

Zhu Jue noticed the changes in the surrounding illusion, and immediately realized that Gu Yinxing's mental state was deteriorating, so he quickly slowed down and turned around.

He didn't mean to blame anything, because he knew that for a normal person, bearing this kind of thing was really hard work.

"I know, I'll watch you!"

His eyes fell on Zhu Jue Kuanhou's back through the rain curtain, and he forced himself to forget everything around him, and just ran forward like this.

Just as she was getting used to this state, Zhu Jue suddenly stopped, turned around and put her arms around her shoulders, and shrank behind the car parked next to her.

"Don't make a sound, look at the direction of the front of the car."

Zhu Jue put his right hand on the back of Gu Yinxing's neck, and the psionic group had already been dispelled by him, and said in a low voice.

Following Zhu Jue's instructions, Gu Yinxing's eyes widened. On the street there, there were actually humans other than the two of them moving!
They were dressed in strange black robes, with cloaks hanging from the shoulders that only reached the elbows. Apart from these attires, what Gu Yinxing could see was that they seemed to have these utensils in their hands.

Some eye-catching silver long swords, a lantern emitting yellow light, and the person closest to him seems to have a thick book in his hand.

The three walked on the street, completely ignoring the scene around them.

"who are they?"

"These monsters around are normal people in the real world, so who do you think the normal people appearing here?"

Zhu Jue's eyes were always locked on those three people, and his palm fell on Gu Yinxing's back, and he pushed gently,
"Go forward and keep up with these people!"

"A member of the Ouroboros organization?"

He replied while shifting his footsteps, bowed his body and moved forward.

"Of course, looking at the slutty appearance, those who don't know think they are the saviors. It seems that they are the ones that the psychics detected just now."

Apart from the two "smugglers" who came in by special means, only the people from the Ouroboros organization and Mi Go could move freely in the illusion created by Gadamon.

The answer is self-evident.

Relying on the surrounding environment, the tracking went extremely smoothly.

Of course, this does not rule out that those people have no defense at all, and they don't think that anyone will be able to enter here to track their actions.

After a distance of about a few hundred meters, the trio stopped at the door of a house and gathered together as if they were waiting for something.

"Do you know where this place is?"

Zhu Jue looked left and right, leaned into Gu Yinxing's ear and asked.


"I mean the real world. You have to understand that although the surrounding environment has changed due to your mental state, the basic scene in this illusion is still the City of Thousand Sails. In other words, this street is located in our private clinic. In the community where I live, if these people are waiting for people in the house, no matter who he is, I need to know the location here, and I can come to investigate after I go out later. It seems that there is no need, he has come out!"

Just as Zhu Jue was speaking, the door over there opened, and a stooped man appeared from it.

Not as tall and straight as the members of the Ouroboros organization outside, not only does his figure not look like the monsters around him, it is even inferior to ordinary people. , the trembling appearance seemed to dissipate at any time.

The three of them surrounded him when they saw him coming out. Zhu Jue and Gu Yinxing were at their sides, and they could barely see their movements. reciting the words above.

"Repent, preach!"

Gu Yinxing was very familiar with this scene, and said in a low voice,

"Their behavior is very similar to these two processes within the Thorn sect, first sinner's repentance, and then God's mercy. Why do they preach here?"

"Maybe it's because I wouldn't dare in the real world, so it's fun to come here."

As he said this, Zhu Jue's eyes were fixed on the trembling person among the three of them.

After the so-called "preaching" by the three people, the people who were still kneeling on the ground raised their heads as if they had really realized something, and then stood up tremblingly after a while, and their bony bodies followed the three people who had turned around. .

(End of this chapter)

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