indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 606 Overlapping Worlds

Chapter 606 Overlapping Worlds


The same question was on the minds of all survivors on the block.

They received an order from their superiors to come to Community No. 1, set up a security zone, evacuate the people, and wait for people from the scientific research institute to take over and conduct on-site investigations.

But in an instant.

The world has changed!

They see the monster, and immediately find themselves in a sickeningly weird world.

So they started fighting, using all the combat abilities they had learned in daily training, but the bullets sprayed from their guns went straight through the monster's body, and the melee weapons seemed to be waving in the air, without any real sense of hitting .

Desperately, this is the case.

Their means of attack have no effect on monsters!

But the monster's claws, tentacles, and even that disgusting look turn them into a corner!

However, when they realized this, they gave up the counterattack and prepared to evacuate desperately, those monsters disappeared as suddenly as they appeared, leaving only the mess on the ground and the collapsed comrades in arms.

The survivors embraced the corpse, and the medical equipment was at hand. As the first-line guard force of Qianfan City, the medical equipment equipped with them was undoubtedly of outstanding performance.

As long as he was not killed on the spot, even a missing arm or leg could be saved.

But when the survivors rummaged through the bodies of their comrades-in-arms and tried to repair them, they couldn't see any wounds.

The only thing that can be seen is the face that has not closed its eyes and is full of horror.

"Get out of this block, immediately!"

The captain of the community patrol was still alive. As the highest authority on the scene, he tried to wake up the surrounding soldiers who hadn't recovered from what happened just now and took them out of the block.

This is the right decision.

"Report sir, we encountered a large number of monsters, they appeared suddenly, I suspect it is caused by the space distortion above the community, our attack is ineffective against them, including the security team suffered heavy casualties, urgently need support"

The footsteps staggered and moved outwards. The captain of the patrol team received a direct communication from the chief of the security department. He panted and reported everything that happened on the scene, but was interrupted by the chief in the middle of the sentence. After a short silence, the forward pace stopped. He stood there, his face was full of astonishment, his lips opened and closed, and he continued with difficulty,

"Impossible, those monsters appeared in front of our eyes. How could there be nothing? There must be something wrong. No, I'm sure it's not a hallucination. Do you think those soldiers who died were all scared to death by hallucinations? "

There was no reply from the other side of the communication, and an email entered his mailbox not long after.

Inside was exactly what had happened on the block they were on a few minutes earlier.

As the police officer said, in the video, they are the only people shooting randomly, running, shouting into the air, doing meaningless tactical actions, just like... like clowns performing intangibles in a stage play , but there is no witty soundtrack, only a dull silence.

Then fall, one after another!

"The support troops will arrive within 5 minutes. Judging from the current situation, we believe that the terrorist organization should have affected your spirits in some way. Heavenly Brain is searching the entire area to find suspicious persons. There will be A professional team takes over the scene, you find a place to rest, and someone will come to conduct a mental examination on you later."

"But we did meet monsters, we."

He knew that the Chief of Police thought they were hallucinating. He wanted to refute, but he opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say for a while.

Because even he couldn't be sure if what he just met was a hallucination.

Turning off the communication in a trance, a familiar siren sounded in the sky not far away.

It should be the second batch of support troops from the Ministry of Security.

Maybe they will also encounter their own situation just now, or maybe not, after all, they are a professional team.
Is that really an illusion?
of course not!

Gadamon fantasy territory.

Not long after arriving nearby, Zhu Jue and Gu Yinxing were approaching the area where the whirlpool was located along the hidden outer streets.

To be precise, Zhu Jue was running with Gu Yinxing on his back. The latter not only closed his eyes, but also covered his ears with his hands.

This is helpless.

The reason is very simple. Zhu Jue, who has obtained special abilities because of Gadamon, immediately noticed the strange fluctuations of spiritual energy in the distance after entering the No. 1 community through the direct elevator passage.

In order to get to the destination as soon as possible without missing key messages, and to ensure Gu Yinxing's mental state as much as possible, Zhu Jue could only choose to speed up in this way.

As the distance continued to shrink, Zhu Jue began to sort out their flow from the majestic spiritual energy constantly gushing out of the vortex in the sky.

This vortex clearly has nothing to do with Gu Ginkgo's mental state, so there is only one possibility left, which is something made by the cultists in the Ouroboros organization. Therefore, as long as you find the flow of these energies, you may be able to Can determine the core of the problem!
Leave the peripheral street and turn into the main road of No. 1 community.

Gu Yinxing only felt that the person carrying her rushed forward for a while after turning the corner, and then stopped, as if retreating into the alleyway again.

"what happened?"

"Open your eyes and you will understand."

When Zhu Jue's voice came, Gu Yinxing immediately opened her eyes. The scene in front of her made her a little dazed, and her eyes widened.

"How do we go back to the wrong, why does the scene of the real world appear here?"

What appeared in front of Gu Yinxing was clearly the real street scene of No. 1 community. Whether it was those things that were not distorted at all or the normal ambient light, she subconsciously thought that they had returned to the real world, but the environment of the alleyway made her She was sure that she should not have escaped from the illusion.

"It must be related to the vortex we saw just now. The surrounding energy is not responding properly. You are waiting for me here!"

Zhu Jue, who saw the environmental changes on this street first, immediately connected the scene in front of him with the vortex in the fantasy sky than the dazed Gu Ginkgo.

This is Gadamon's illusion. Zhu Jue knows that what appears in front of him may not be the real reality, but a projection-like existence. This can be seen from the heavy rain that is still falling around.

Relying on his keen sense of psychic energy, Zhu Jue noticed that a large amount of psychic energy was gathering towards the middle of the street. Zhu Jue was wearing a black robe and approached there.

Not all areas are converted to reality.

At this moment, the main road of the community in the fantasy territory is like a combination of the real world and the fantasy world. The two worlds are intertwined like building blocks, and different pictures can be seen every few meters.

Through a mechanical arch, Zhu Jue finally came to the middle of the street.

The first thing Zhu Jue saw was a large number of Bayaki hovering above the street and groups of cultists below, but what really attracted his attention was the bone tree in the middle of the street and the floating tree on top of it. An extremely eye-catching black figure!

(End of this chapter)

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