indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 607 Mastery of ideas!

Chapter 607 Mastery of ideas!

So far, Zhu Juelong has met three bone trees.

The first tree is in community No. 37, the second tree is in community No. 40, and the third tree is in Gadamon Mirage. As for the tree in community No. 39, which is an unfinished product, it is not counted.

Among them, the bone tree in community 40 can be said to have completely collapsed because of him, but he did not see the whole picture, because the bone tree had already changed into a monster when it appeared in front of him, so it was difficult to make an evaluation.

The other two Zhu Jue have seen with his own eyes, no matter the size or shape, although the detailed data is difficult to explain, there are vague concepts in his mind.

Because of this, Zhu Jue can be sure that even if the two bone trees in the No. 37 community and the Gadamon illusion are blended into one, it may be difficult to surpass the one that appeared in the middle of the main road of the No. 1 community in the illusion. Huge bone tree!

Its rhizomes are intertwined on the street, and only the exposed part covers tens of meters of the street. Not only that, but its external representation is also completely different from the bone tree Zhu Jue saw before, which is particularly ferocious. !

The trunk of the bone tree that appeared in the No. 37 community is off-white, but the bone tree here seems to have been painted with an unknown amount of dark green paint on the original foundation, and then it has been blown by wind and rain, so that it is glowing with gray-green phosphorescence. The trunk is swollen like the corpse of a drowned person, and the bark is covered with fine and dark lines.

On the main trunk, there are only five main branches, whether it was accidentally generated or disturbed by some unknown factors, which makes them very similar to the shape of human palms after adding the trunk, except that at the position of the "fingertips" suddenly The mutation also gave birth to countless slender small branches, entangled with the houses extending to both sides of the street, like the claws of the devil attacking the houses in a late-night horror story!

Obviously, this kind of artificially created bone tree definitely does not have the possibility of some abnormal "perversion" of the individual or eating some kind of genius and treasure to become like this.

Even if they were eaten, they were fed by the growers!
In fact, the reason for this change in the Bone Tree was actually in front of Zhu Jue, the black-purple energy pouring out of the vortex in the sky and pouring into the Bone Tree couldn't be more conspicuous!
Zhu Jue, who was aware of this, naturally found the figure standing on the top of the bone tree, he was in the space between the whirlpool and the bone tree.

Although he didn't make any special moves, his appearance in that position is enough to prove that this guy is most likely the leader of this place and one of the key figures in the Ouroboros organization.

Just what are these people doing here?
If it were in the real world, Zhu Jue should have "friendly" invited that friend down to inquire about the situation at this time, but this is Gadamon's illusion, and the situation here may be under the surveillance of the other party's high-level , It might be possible to catch that guy directly, but it is obviously unlikely to ask for some valuable information here.

Waiting on the sidelines for a while, waiting for them to make a decision on the next move?
Zhu Jue, who was standing in the shadows on the side of the illusion street, blinked slightly slowly, and the colored light mixed with the rain fell in front of him.

He stood here, looking at the weirdness on the street ahead.

He didn't know the reason for everything in front of him, he only knew that it was done by the Ouroboros organization, let alone their purpose.

Now he is just a bystander, knowing so little that he can't even do the most basic reasoning.

A sense of powerlessness filled Zhu Jue's mind for no reason at this moment.

"Oh, I thought I was an insider"

Somehow, perhaps because the spirit exists independently of the body, in this environment, Zhu Jue's mind turned extraordinarily fast. After a short silence, his face suddenly became gloomy, and he muttered to himself.

At this moment, whether it is a sudden awakening, or the divergence of thinking in a special state, Zhu Jue's mind suddenly drifted to another place.

Because of what was happening in front of him, Zhu Jue suddenly realized that he seemed to be fighting against the Ouroboros organization until now, but in fact he spent most of his time investigating at their pace.

The killing game played by the Ouroboros organization brought him here, and the chaos in the lower-level community made him investigate. When Rona was attacked, he accidentally learned of the existence of the Gadamon Illusion.

Knowing the existence of Mi Go in the killing game, destroying the bone tree in the bottom community, breaking through the shackles of oneself, entering the illusion, and discovering what they did at this time.

This step by step, it seems that Zhu Jue has the upper hand, and even caused great trouble for the Ouroboros organization.

But he ignored a premise, that is, the Ouroboros organization did everything first, and then he tried to crack it and fight!

Is it familiar?

This is like a repeat of the history of the catastrophe in Yecheng five years ago!
It's just that Zhu Jue was frozen under the glacier at that time, so he was helpless, but now, he was clearly able to move freely, and the thought of watching from the sidelines once again appeared in his mind.

This made Zhu Jue feel ashamed, and even felt a little annoyed for a moment, subconsciously trying to avoid thinking about this aspect, and then seemed to think of something, and laughed dumbfounded.

When did I actually start caring about this kind of thing?

There's no doubt that battling your own inner self can be embarrassing.

Because Zhu Jue can deceive anyone, but he cannot deceive his own heart.

But if this is not the case, people will not be able to see clearly that what is terrible about themselves is not the embarrassment generated after examining their hearts, but the self-perflection after feeling embarrassing!

The line of sight is fixed in the projection of the present world ahead.

Zhu Jue couldn't help asking himself, do I have to wait until the Ouroboros organization completes the overall plan this time before thinking about the way to break the situation?

At that time, how likely is it that I will ensure the success of breaking the game?
Recalling the actions in Qianfan City during this time.

After learning that he will face the Ouroboros organization that has been entrenched in Thousand Sails City for many years and is even backed by "Zero" secretly, although he is not afraid, his actions inevitably begin to change due to various factors. Be cautious.

Of course, this cannot be one-sidedly said to be a bad thing, and it is true to be careful when sailing for ten thousand years.

But that is under the premise that Zhu Jue Neng and the Ouroboros organization will stand on both sides of the Qianfan City chessboard and play a fair game!
Now the Qiansail City government knows very little about what is going to happen, not to mention that there are two or five youngsters sent by the Ouroboros organization lurking in the government, and the only one who can help is Newcastle from the epidemic prevention station.

No matter how you look at it, Zhu Jue is at an absolute disadvantage in terms of intelligence and resources. He hasn't even figured out what the Ouroboros organization wants to do until now.

This is ridiculous.

Zhu Jue suddenly let out a long breath, clenched his fists, and the haze on his face quietly dissipated, replaced by a look of excitement.

Thinking is the greatest suffering of human beings, but it also contains extremely interesting pleasures.

This is true.

Only when people see themselves clearly can they understand what they want.

He wants to take the initiative, not still be fiddled with by the Ouroboros organization.

He wants the other party to follow his own pace, instead of him conversely following behind the Ass of the Ouroboros organization!
It's never been his style
Once you think of this, the idea is clear!

If you must make a change, start now!
Turning the neck, the neck bones clicked.

Swaggeringly took to the street, not surprisingly, Zhu Jue's actions quickly attracted the attention of a few cultists around, but only a few people, the light in the illusion was rendered by the heavy rain, making the visibility on the street plunge.

Basically, a few meters away is a blur, and more than 10 meters, that is, there is no distinction between humans and animals.

In addition, this is Gadamon's illusion. From the perspective of the cultists, no outsider can come here, let alone change into clothes in advance.

When a bayaki flew over his head, the wind blew Zhu Jue's clothes and he didn't show any surprises, even the few "attentions" disappeared without a trace.

Dressed in a black robe, he didn't respond to close contact with Byakhi, and the bone tree would affect the mental state of any normal people who approached, but it seemed to have no effect on him at all.

What else is there to say?

This must be one of our own!
 After finishing this chapter, the fox himself had clear thoughts, and part of the content is actually the fox's current thoughts.

  I'm not afraid of everyone's jokes. After holding back for the past few days, the subsequent plot has been deleted and edited more than ten times, and until today I have a thread in my heart that I am satisfied with.

  Anyway, this time I will write according to my own heart.

  Stay tuned.

  In addition, I recommend a friend's new book "One World's Name", a new book by the author of a boutique novel, the quality is guaranteed.


(End of this chapter)

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