Chapter 610

Compared with the ancients, Zhu Jue prefers to deal with great races.

It's not because the former looks more terrifying, but because the latter is more or less old acquaintances, and they have communicated with each other on the soul level, coupled with the absolutely rational way of thinking of the great race, Zhu Jue has a special interest in them. Natural goodwill bonus.

Of course, the more critical point is that after entering the illusion for the second time, Zhu Jue, who had changed his thinking due to an unexpected discovery, conceived a new plan in order to pursue the initiative, and if this plan is to be realized, the great race may can play a key role.

So as soon as he left the illusion, Zhu Jue left the hotel to find a place where he could set up a liaison circle.

Fortunately, compared to the necessary cover-up when contacting the ancients, because the great race can change into human form, there is no need to find those unpopular locations, just make sure that the summoning circle is not found.

In the end, Zhu Jue simply chose to open another room, and asked Suzi to check and confirm that there was no surveillance camera, and then he closed the curtains and contacted directly.

The whole process was quite smooth, and it was related to the top dark technology of the Mi Go clan, and not only the ancients were interested, so the great race left another liaison circle long after the last liaison ended.

If the last time the contact magic circle was to directly contact the entire great race, then this time it is a private contact method,

Therefore, in the process of casting the spell, Zhu Jue only mentioned Gadamon a little bit, and the great race flashed in the meantime.

Having had previous contact, when the great race appeared, it still looked like the vicious desert bandit Ivanka.

As an intelligent race who has lived in this era for five years, Ivanka is quite proficient in using the items in the hotel. She controls the remote control to turn on the TV through mental power, adjusts to the news program, and watched it for a while, mainly focusing on the upper right corner. corner time.

In turn, the night scene mode of the balcony window is activated, and the curtains are automatically moved to the sides, and the original coffee-colored glass gradually becomes transparent, revealing the corrupted scene in the central empty layer.

Zhu Jue didn't waste time, and took the initiative to mention his experience after entering the Gadamon environment for the second time when the other party was performing this series of actions.

"Gadamon's power can indeed change the illusion and reality in a small area, even if it is only incomplete. You guess that the other end of the vortex is the deep world of Gadamon. It is not impossible, it is absolutely impossible for ordinary life Invisible things, Mi-Go has always advocated secrecy, they are used to hiding themselves, just like the thing they created billions of years ago that can summon the faceless god in the dark, but hide it deep in this Somewhere on the planet that is not allowed to be touched by any life other than them."

Affirming Zhu Jue's conjecture, the great race casually mentioned certain mysteries that existed in the distant past, until Zhu Jue frowned because of a name that was mentioned, and then stopped describing in depth, and his eyes shifted from the TV screen to on him, then asked,

"Judging from the content of what you just said, do you think the Mi Go family will be with Gadamon in the deep world?"

"Of course, Gadamon is a terrifying existence created by them, and neither you nor the ancients I contacted mentioned that it is incomplete. The Ouroboros organization can rely on a cadre in the illusion to open the deep world, borrow The power of Gadamon forcibly opened the gap between the world and the illusion, which means that the Ouroboros organization must have reached some kind of agreement with Mi Go!"

To say that Mi Ge is a subordinate of the Ouroboros organization or the "Zero" organization, Zhu Jue will never believe it, just from the attitude of the ancients and the great race towards human beings, these once had a brilliant civilization Even if the ancient intelligent race is self-destructed, I am afraid that they will not be inferior to human beings.

This is just like human beings will never regard ants as their masters. The gap in life levels determines that even if there is a subordinate relationship between Mi Go and the Ouroboros organization, the former should also be the leader of this relationship.

"In any case, it is an established fact that the Ouroboros organization was able to borrow Gadamon's power, and as you said before, it is absolutely impossible for Mi Go, who advocates secrecy, to hand over Gadamon to the Ouroboros organization. I don't know if it is correct to use the word "care" to describe it, but I can be sure that where Gadamon is, Mi Go must also be there, but it may be their souls rather than entities that appear in the illusion, but souls The demise of the body undoubtedly means the complete death of the body!"

The importance of Gadamon to Mi Go is undoubtedly more than that of Shoggoth to the ancients, after all, the former is unique.

"You want to go into the deep world and kill Mi Go?"

The great race was keenly aware of Zhu Jue's thoughts, and after a brief silence, he continued,

"Without Mi Go's control, Gadamon will immediately fall into a chaotic state of disorder. Do you want to take advantage of this state?"

"That's right, without the control of Mi Go, the danger level of Gadamon seems to be raised to the limit, but that is for other beings, and I am what it considers 'one of my own', as long as I activate my spiritual power at that time , must be able to avoid its influence, and if there are people from the Ouroboros organization present, they will also have to withdraw because of Gadamon's complete loss of control, which gives me a chance to destroy Gadamon!"

Kill Mi Ge first, then use Gadamon's power to clear the field, and then find a way to destroy Gadamon, and as long as it is destroyed, the Ouroboros organization without the support of Gadamon's power is like a rootless weed. Everything you do will turn into a joke!
"Now I have the tools to enter the deep world. What I lack is only a key, which is the cadres of the Ouroboros organization. But those guys are all brainwashed cult members, and there is no possibility of cooperation at all, so I I need your help, with your ability, since you can control a human being across time and space, cultists like this should also be within your control, right?"

Speaking of this, Zhu Jue's plan has been fully confided, and the "sudden realization" in the illusion made him realize that the longer the time drags on, the more unfavorable things will be for him.

So he wasn't going to play hide-and-seek with the Ouroboros organization anymore, what he had to do was flip the table.

Drain from the bottom of the pot!

"Sounds like a good plan."

The great race raises its legs, leans its upper body to the left, rests its palms on its chin, looks at Zhu Jue with both eyes,

"But I refuse!"

"I don't have any interest in Mi Go's dark technology, and I can leave it to you to handle it at that time. I think you should be very interested, aren't you?"

Zhu Jue thought that the great race didn't intend to help without pay, so he refused, so he couldn't help saying.

The dark technology of the ancient intelligent race may make organizations like the Archaeological Association ecstatic, but it is worthless in Zhu Jue's eyes.

"No, the reason I reject you is that it is impossible for you to destroy Gadamon now!"

The great races have always spoken bluntly.

"What. Didn't you say it was possible?"

Now it was Zhu Jue's turn to be stunned. He clearly remembered what the Great Race said when he awakened his special ability in the factory.

It is precisely because of this possibility that Zhu Jue tried every means to find the location of Gadamon and Mi Ge. Now it is difficult to determine the target location, and he has even planned how to capture a leader of the Ouroboros organization in the future.

As a result, at this critical juncture, the great race said that it is impossible for him to destroy Gadamon now?
"I want to know why."

His face was gloomy as if he was about to drip water.

"If you don't have the medicine given to you by the ancients, then you are not even qualified to talk to me now, and the possibility of counterattack that you have with that ability, in my opinion, is that you find Mi Ge, and through them To destroy Gadamon The latter is the creation of the former, although it is a very special existence, Mi Go is not those ancients with useless wings, or they have absorbed the experience of the ancients, in order to prevent Gadamon from getting out of control , you have the method to destroy it in your hands, your current state can ensure that your sanity will not collapse when you approach Gadamon after mastering the method, but your plan is to kill Mi Go first, which is equivalent to your own Cut off the only possibility of destroying Gadamon,"

While ridiculing a wave of ancients, the plan drawn up by Zhu Jue, who was an understatement of the great race, was completely negated from the very first step.

After hearing the reasons of the great race, Zhu Jue inevitably fell into silence. He did not expect that the so-called possibility of destroying Gadamon by the great race would be destroyed in this way.

Thinking about it now, it's no wonder that the last suggestion it gave in the factory was to find Mi Ge and Gadamon. Zhu Jue thought he was asking him to kill them, but who would have thought that there was such a meaning behind it.

But it's not easy to find Mi Go, you have to know that even if they exist in Thousand Sails City, there is a question mark!
Going into the deep world to kill Mi Go means that Gadamon cannot be destroyed.

However, if you want Mi Ge, Zhu Jue has to find a way to find someone in the Ouroboros organization who knows where Mi Ge is, and extract information from the other party. The problem is that regardless of whether the latter is willing to tell him, Zhu Jue almost It can be predicted that the people who know where Mi Go is is probably only the top few people in the Ouroboros organization.

Finding and capturing them alive is almost synonymous with destroying the Ouroboros organization.

Regardless of the great race sitting on the side, Zhu Jue suddenly lay on his back on the bed, closed his eyes and paused for two seconds, then turned around and buried his head in the bedding.

"Mi Go holds the key to destroying Gadamons, so not only can I not kill them, but I have to find a way to capture them alive, but now there is no clue to help me find Mi Go, if I want to know where they are, I have to continue Arguing with Ouroboros, delaying time, and I have to go directly into the deep world to destroy Mi Go's soul just in order not to delay time, this is a fucking endless loop!"

Zhu Jue, who fell into a state of autism, kept mumbling, and after a while began to repeat the words of the great race,
"Mi-gos are not the same as the ancients. They created the Gadamon and can destroy it, but Shoggoth wait, Shoggoth?"

The whole person bounced off the bed straight like a zombie, Zhu Jue suddenly turned to the great race, stared at him, and hesitated in his words: "Since the ancients can create Shoggoths, it shows that they are also quite accomplished in creating things, everyone They are all ancient intelligent races, and it seems that wars broke out between each other, so there is no reason not to study each other, right?"

"That's right, although the Shoggoth created by the ancients lost control and turned against the creator, it is undeniable that it is indeed a very great creation."

The great race gave full affirmation in this regard, and then seemed to think of something, and looked at Zhu Jue with a different meaning, and said,
"Maybe you can try."

(End of this chapter)

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