Chapter 611 Me too

It was early in the morning when Zhu Jue returned to the clinic. It was nearly five hours since he left the hotel and said he was going to find the secret of "Lightning Thunder".

Gu Yinxing had already slept in Suzi's room, while Suzi was in the living room. The former wanted to wait, but her mental exhaustion made her unable to do so.

"You haven't slept yet, oh, you don't need to sleep, I'm confused, help me make a supper, anything is fine. Don't add coriander, and don't want green onions."

Slightly bowing his back, Zhu Jue's shoulders drooped, his eyes half-closed, and while talking, he put a simple bottle in his hand on the table, pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Fried noodles?"

Before he got up, the kitchen at the back was already lit, and the beeping sound of the induction cooker came with a certain sense of rhythm. Suzi looked at Zhu Jue, and the beige light cast by the chandelier in the living room enveloped him.

Zhu Jue's current state looks very different from when he just left the hotel, and he is so depressed that he is not so much in the sage mode as he has just experienced a life-and-death battle. Don't get me wrong, it is a serious life-and-death battle.

The eyes turned to the extra simple bottle, the inscription on the bottle and the precision fitting groove on the spout let people see the extraordinary in it at a glance.

Suzi didn't mean to ask. Seeing Zhu Jue hanging his hands by his sides, his chin resting on the table, and staring at the bottle blankly, he knew that he was probably emptying himself. He got up and walked into the kitchen, holding the bowl after a while A lot of beef was added, and steaming fried noodles came out.

"I went to meet with two friends to discuss the next action. I spent three hours doing the test and now I barely have a plan in my mind. The success rate is not guaranteed. If it fails, I am afraid that our trip will not only be in vain. It may also cause big troubles to Qianfan City. I guess I have to get involved. I am not a big deal. It is common for me to take risks, but there are tens of millions of people in this city, which makes me hesitate. Although he is not considered a good person, using the lives of tens of millions of people as bargaining chips is still too heavy."

Stirring the fried noodles with wooden chopsticks, staring at it for a while, Zhu Jue suddenly reached out to take the bottle, pushed the cap off with his thumb, and took a sip of it as a drink, then stuffed a large ball of noodles into his mouth immediately, While chewing, he said in a muffled voice,
"It's just that although the chance of failure is very high, if it succeeds, it can solve a lot of things. Those guys from the Ouroboros Organization will definitely have to eat shit. Maybe even the problems that have been troubling me can be solved once and for all. So now I Some people are not sure what you are staring at me for."

"If you said these words to get advice from me, there is no need. The future of Thousand Sails City would be unimaginable without your intervention, so no matter what you plan to do, I will support it. Haven't you already got the ultimate trick? Have you got the cheat book, if you don’t use it, its existence will become meaningless.”

While Zhu Jue was speaking, Suzi sat opposite, her gaze resting on Zhu Jue's face, and she said,

"Besides, through the study of micro-expressions and the analysis of the current situation, when you mentioned the plan to me, you have actually made up your mind in your heart. You just want to confirm my attitude, so what I just said is the answer I gave you. Putting aside my identity as a member of the Yi League, I will give you the answer in my own name!"

"I don't believe in the ability of the Thousand Sails City government. If even you can't do it, then no one in the Ouroboros organization will be able to stop it."

Another voice came from the door of the living room. Gu Yinxing was standing there, wearing a thin checked pajamas, with a pale face and a particularly serious expression.

She really wanted to have a big dream and sleep comfortably, but her complicated thoughts forced her to barely maintain a light sleep. After hearing the sound of the kitchen, she woke up almost immediately and realized that it should be Zhu Jue returning to the clinic.

Suzi doesn't know how to stir-fry things at night.

At this time, Feng Ling nestled in Zhu Jue's arms also lost no time to straighten up with two hind legs, put two paws on the sides of Zhu Jue's shoulders, rubbed his forehead against Zhu Jue's chin, as if expressing "I am the same" mean.

"Haha, you put a lot of pressure on me, but the meaning in your words is correct. If the Ouroboros organization is allowed to continue to operate, the final result may not be much better. Instead of waiting for those bastards of Ouroboros to start After destroying Thousand Sails City and trying to solve it, it’s better to let me try stud in advance, let’s see who dies first!"

There were not many noodles left in his mouth, Zhu Jue rubbed the forehead of the wind chime in his arms, pressed its two long and narrow ears together, paused, and without waiting for the two to answer, choked up the remaining Jiada The Mengzi body potion allowed the spiritual energy to circulate throughout his body.

There is no taboo that Suzi and Gu Yinxing are next to each other, this is trust.

Zhu Jue showed his attitude.

Not long after, the potion began to take effect, and the black-purple mist wrapped around Zhu Jue, and then flowed back to his body within his breathing interval, forming a small-scale circulation, and his skin was also black-purple and silvery. The gray staggered lines are really strange.

Gu Yinxing and Suzi stood aside, feeling at a loss. They always knew that Zhu Jue was extraordinary, but they had never seen such a scene beyond ordinary people's comprehension.

Unlike the last body transformation after drinking Gadamon's potion, due to Gadamon's will suppression, this time Zhu Jue's torso did not appear to be deserted, but purely enhanced his physical strength and spiritual power. Ability to manipulate.

This is the result that Zhu Jue had expected a long time ago. It is not good or bad. It is a pity to lose the ability to transform his body into sand, but what Zhu Jue wants now is to increase his combat power as much as possible to add victory chips for his next plan. Now that the Gadamon daughter body potion has been made, there is no reason to store it.

Feeling the surging power all over his body, the lines on Zhu Jue's body were faintly visible, and he picked up a chopstick of fried noodles and stuffed it into his mouth. With his empty left hand, he gestured for a pistol and pointed at his chest.

After eating the remaining noodles in twos and threes, he stood up abruptly, pinching the nape of the wind chime and holding it in his hand, and glanced at the two people who hadn't recovered from their senses, regardless of whether they could understand or not, He said to himself: "From this moment on, you have to be mentally prepared, Gadamon and I can only live one, so the next situation is endless!"

Take big strides to the outside of the living room.

"Act now?"

Suzi looked at Zhu Jue's sloppy actions, and subconsciously glanced at the clock on the wall, it was 5 o'clock in the morning.

"What are you thinking?"

Zhu Jue, who had just walked to the door of the living room, held onto the door frame with one hand, turned half of his face, his voice was a little low,
"Of course, go to bed first. I'm going to let the bed be sealed for 8 hours to recover my strength. Call me when lunch is ready. I'll act in the afternoon!"

The voice and movements are very cold, but what Naihe said can be casual.

Suzi still wanted to ask about the target of the afternoon's action, but Zhu Jue's figure had disappeared at the door.

In a broken and gloomy world.

Benjamin knelt down, trembling, with his forehead touching the ground, not daring to make the slightest movement.

In front of him, a gray robe or cloak without cuffs was suspended in the void, with some light yellow lines faintly visible on the edges, and the face under the hood was hidden in the shadows.

The gray-robed man's gaze didn't stay on the black-robed man for even a second, but he just stared at a certain place in the dark sky.

Occasionally, black and purple light appeared, accompanied by some indescribable figures.

"Master Anzigus, the second attack was not completed, please punish me!"

The Bone Tree, which could not withstand the energy infusion, finally failed to persist until they entered the real world to complete the plan. The aftermath of the explosion even caused a lot of casualties. injury.

But no matter what, the failure of the plan is an irrefutable result.

"The bone tree failed to withstand the energy of the great existence, it's not your fault"

A hoarse voice seemed to sound from the void, lingering in Benjamin's ears. It was clear that only one person was speaking, but the voices overlapped.

"Your pity makes me terrified, I implore you to give me another chance, Lord Ansegus, I will never let the same thing happen again!"

"The second attempt is meaningless. Thousand Sails City has already sensed the problem, and they will not rashly step into the area affected by the bone tree. The god servants in the warehouse have not yet come to use, and the time is coming. They must not be here. You are in disarray, so let’s stop here, everything is going according to plan, and it’s time for our friends in the government to make an appearance. Your failure, in the eyes of the Qiansail City government, is likely to be a harbinger of disaster, and you may be able to achieve the same goal. As a result, at the tree world, those people are still useful in terms of the success of the plan."

The voice fell, and there was no more movement under the gray robe. Before Benjamin could reply, he disappeared completely when the voice disappeared, and he didn't know where he went.

So in this world, only gray-robed people are left.

At a certain moment, black and purple energy fell from the sky, covering him, and black and purple lines suddenly appeared on the gray robe.

However, they didn't exist for a long time before they were completely suppressed and dispelled by the bright yellow lines at the corners.

Nothing remains.

"Mi Go, having such great power but not knowing how to use it, is extremely stupid."

In the void, his whispers echoed.

(End of this chapter)

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