indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 628 The Signal of the Beginning

Chapter 628 The Signal of the Beginning
Virginia has never considered the infected to be patients. This is not a guesswork, but a judgment she has made based on her experience over the years.

The Qiansail City government relies on the surrounding low-level satellite cities and the defense line formed by the army to isolate itself from the dangerous areas of the outside world. Although this can ensure the safety of this super city to a certain extent, it also reduces people's mental pollution. vigilance.

Rely on the hue measurement system to judge the monster of the source of spiritual infection?

This is limited to distinguishing ordinary people whose minds have been invaded by madness. For cultists who are really involved in mysterious power, this has become their best protection!
But the scene in front of her made Virginia have to doubt her own judgment.

In the cabin of the laboratory attached to the Epidemic Prevention Institute, a prisoner wearing an orange prison uniform was restrained on a bench, his bloodshot eyes rolled around, looking at everyone who was separated by a layer of glass, and he tried his best to maintain a fierce expression. Is full of panic.

Beside him, two mechanical arms are rising, and the medicinal liquid stored in the injection at the end has been completely emptied, and an oval device on the low table in front of him is gradually closing, and the dark mist can be seen faintly circling in between.

"How did you do it?"

After watching the third human experiment, Virginia finally couldn't help asking.

Troff shifted his gaze from the prisoners who volunteered to participate in the experiment to Virginia. Even though Newcastle had introduced him just now, he still had no intention of opening his mouth. He just gave Newcastle a look. .

"Come on, Ms. Virginia is here to help, no problem."

If the branch presidents of the Archaeological Association have problems, Newcastle really doesn't know how many people in Qianfan City he can trust.

"The experimenter was injected with the newly prepared drug, the core of which is a certain ingredient extracted from the fruit of the bone tree we obtained earlier, and also contains some antibodies produced in the body of the special infected person. Through a certain ratio Only then did the deployment succeed. It can only be said that we were lucky. We found the correct answer after only trying more than 300 solutions. I was prepared to accept failure. Who would have thought that such a good thing would happen.”

Troff, who was excited, did not shy away from some of his previous depressed thoughts at this time, pointing to the medicine warehouse next to it, where there were still thousands of "vaccines" waiting for experimentation.

Now, of course, they are worthless scraps.


Virginia followed Troph's fingers, stared at the neatly stacked medicines, and then looked back at the prisoners in the cabin, with a strange tone.

This coincidence of a blind cat meeting a dead mouse made her feel absurd.

"Of course, we have never encountered such a weird virus. If we want to overcome it, the existing technology and data cannot give a correct answer. We can only use a large-scale test for data collection to make further improvements. It is considered useless. Method, method, no one would have thought that a usable potion would be discovered by accident during the testing process."

Shrugging his shoulders, he could hear a bit of surprise in his words. In fact, if he hadn't seen the effect with his own eyes, he himself would not have believed that there was a medicine that could expel the virus infection during the test.

He knows better than anyone how low this probability is!
"Troff, you continue the experiment, I want more detailed data."

Holding Troff's shoulders, Newcastle, who has been tempered in the position of deputy director for a long time, is obviously more calm than this excited old classmate.

"Come to the side and talk."

Lowering his voice, he raised his hand and patted Newcastle's right arm. Troff knew that Virginia could hear him. He was just showing his attitude. The name of the branch president of the Archaeological Association could not order him.

The two walked side by side to the corner.

Newcastle looked back at Virginia who was talking to his subordinates, turned to Troff and asked, "What's the matter?"

"The next step is definitely more extensive human experiments. If you want to collect more data, you must have enough volunteers. Can you communicate with the security department?"

Human experimentation was absolutely forbidden in the past. The prisoner who was volunteered just now was "rented" because the death penalty was imminent and the situation was urgent. However, it is obviously impossible to complete all the tests with this person alone. .

Troff called Newcastle aside to talk about this matter in the hope that the two would reach a consensus on this matter in private.

Soliciting volunteers from the society is definitely not an option. This is not a tasting event for new cakes. If an accident occurs during the experiment, even they cannot bear the responsibility.

So the only option is the disenfranchised inmates in the various community jails.

"I will mention this to them. In special times, there must be special countermeasures. Maybe there is no need to mention it. The progress here is highly concerned by the official government. When they know that there is a drug that can prevent the virus, I am afraid that you will only There are too many experimental subjects."

In order to complete the experiment, the Qiansail City government will obviously not begrudge the life of the death row inmates, Newcastle is not old-fashioned, he will not have any psychological burden to sacrifice some innocent people for the tens of millions of people in the entire Qiansail City .

The two were chatting on one side, when Virginia on the other side suddenly came forward, and Troff, who was about to speak, chose to remain silent.

"Two, there is a large area of ​​hue value confusion in the lower-level community. We are going to rush to the scene immediately. Mr. Newcastle, regarding the issues mentioned in your office before, I will contact you later."

"Hue value confusion in a large area?"

Recently, the word "underlying community" has become a keyword that appears in almost every bad news.

"The situation at the scene is unknown."

Virginia also just received the news, and her expression was also not good.

After speaking, he left in a hurry.

In her opinion, this is likely to be a signal that the Ouroboros organization will launch the next step!

"Everyone, evacuate this area as quickly as possible!"

On a certain street in the No. 37 community, the police car of the community patrol team was backing up. The police officer in the driver's seat stared at him, sweating from his temples, with his left hand clutching the steering wheel and his right hand holding a loudspeaker. When the announcement was made, the sound was broken several times, so that the passers-by around heard it even a little shrill.

The front of the police car was facing the intersection of two streets.

All eyes are focused there.

The first thing I saw was three community patrol police cars parked at the intersection. The front cover of the car was hit hard, and the internal engine sparks flew out, as if it might explode at any time, and the fragments of the car windows were scattered all over the street. , reflecting the staggered traffic lights above the road.

By the open car door, the corpses of the patrol members hung obliquely, and the blood flowed down the arms hanging aside to the street, soaking the dark yellow metal shell casings scattered beside the car.

And this is just a part of the tragic scene at the entire intersection.

Behind the police car lay several dead bodies in disorder, and the stumps and broken arms that can be seen everywhere are enough to prove how horrible things happened here.

"Headquarters, there are heavy casualties at the scene, we need support!"

The only remaining police officer reported non-stop. He was the last to arrive at the scene when he was notified and was dealing with a dispute, and he was also the only survivor.

Just when he was about to leave the intersection, he found an airship approaching rapidly in mid-air not far away. Judging from the external signs, it seemed to be a special vehicle of the Archaeological Association.

Realizing what the other party was going to do, the police officer hurriedly got out of the car, crossed his hands high, and then grabbed the loudspeaker in the car and shouted: "The empty boat in front immediately withdraws from this area, there is a cross at the intersection."

Before he finished speaking, the airship flew across the street at a high speed and hovered directly above his head.

In the next second, a tall figure flew down from the sky.

The long golden hair brought a touch of color to the obscure surroundings, and the policeman looked up after a while, and saw a calm and serious female face with clear lines.

"Report the situation."

The slightly neutral tone made the policeman subconsciously put his legs together and hold his head high.

Even when he met the captain in the patrol team, he had never stood in such a standard posture, and then he couldn't help but began to report what happened on the scene.

About an hour ago, the patrol team suddenly received an alarm from the hue value detector, and several people with abnormal hue values ​​were found at the intersection here.

After the previous incident in the polluted area, it is needless to say how sensitive the community patrol team is to such emergencies. As soon as the alarm occurs, it is reported to the headquarters of the police department, and then all the nearby patrol teams are dispatched in the shortest possible time. The location where the incident happened is close.

Arrive at the scene in only 15 minutes!
This efficiency, in exchange for the No. 37 community patrol team a month ago, would have been impossible even in a dream.

However, efficiency cannot be converted into combat power after all, not to mention that when the patrol team arrived at the scene, the number of abnormal personnel reflected by the hue value detector had reached 12!
Earlier, the epidemic prevention station issued instructions to the community patrol teams through the police department. Once there is a large-scale increase in the hue value, it will be judged as a special infection, and the target must be identified and isolated as soon as possible.

Therefore, the patrol members who arrived first quickly approached the crowd under the premise of taking good protection, preparing to arrest the abnormal personnel locked by the hue detector.

The special infected person who was supposed to be weak due to the infection mutated into a monster when the police approached, and the battle inevitably broke out.

This alone is still under control, and the patrol team has long been prepared to deal with it.

Who would have imagined that the battle lasted less than 2 minutes, and the police officer who was fighting the monster suddenly had a high hue value, and before he had time to react, he fell into a state of chaos!
"The hue value suddenly increased?"

Virginia interrupted the police officer's report and asked with a frown.

You must know that the No. 37 community patrol team that has just experienced a terrorist incident has already been equipped with a full set of mental protection equipment. From the fact that they can fight the infected body, it is obvious that these equipment can effectively stabilize their mental state and isolate possible viruses.

Sudden insanity in this premise.

What is the incentive?
Keeping her eyes on the intersection not far away, Virginia observed everything one by one.

After a brief silence, he took out a small silver-white metal box from his pocket and opened it, in which were stacked a dozen or so brown cigarettes with some special styles.

After igniting it, take a sip, and the light yellow smoke rises instantly. The nose wings on both sides of Virginia's tall nose are retracted, inhaling part of the mist, and the pupils of both eyes glow strangely.

Immediately stride forward!

(End of this chapter)

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