Chapter 629 Crossroads
Virginia chose to enter the intersection after listening to the brief report of the surviving police officer.

It's not about being too big, but it's not long since the incident happened, maybe there are still clues left at the scene, and she has enough confidence in her own strength, if there is an accident, maybe she can find some important information from it .

Seeing the branch president step into the scene of the accident, the two senior investigators naturally had no reason to watch. After parking the empty boat in a safe area, they quickly approached the former with two metal boxes.

However, when they ran forward for a certain distance, they saw Virginia, who had already reached the traffic light at the intersection, raised her left hand clenched into a fist.

With an obvious tactical gesture, the two immediately stopped and waited for the next instruction.

"The situation at the intersection is unknown, don't approach Hector rashly, you are in charge of communicating with the security department, copy all the surveillance video and hue detection records and store them in the database, Fujita, come up after using the No. 1 injection, I will You need real-time detection."

Holding a half-moon-shaped mechanical instrument, Virginia looked at the data pushed out one after another on the light screen.

This detector specially produced by the Archaeological Association for murders caused by monsters of spiritual pollution can not only judge the type of monsters of spiritual pollution through wounds and traces left by the first scene, but also detect possible lucky people in the shortest possible time and its mental state, while the one held by Virginia is an "enhanced version" with more comprehensive functions.

After receiving the order, Hector bent down and put the metal box in front of Fujita, turned around and retreated while taking out the communicator to communicate with the guards of Thousand Sail City. Fujita took a step forward, opened the metal box he was carrying, and reached out to pick it up. He turned his left hand over to reveal a special bracelet with a groove in the center worn on his wrist.

After pondering for two seconds, he pierced the end of the knuckle-sized injection into the groove.

"Half-mutant mode, enable!"

The light green medicinal liquid inside the injection was immediately injected into the body, half kneeling on the ground, with his right hand propped on the ground, after continuous deep breathing, black lines appeared on both sides of Fujita's cheeks, and when he exhaled a hot white mist from his mouth, the state recover.

After closing the box again, he approached Virginia together with Hector's box.

"Failed to complete match!"

After getting close, Fujita heard the sound of the instrument in Virginia's hand.

"The spiritual pollution source monsters that appeared in Thousand Sails City are indeed unprecedented, and there is no record even in the archives of the Archaeological Association."

For the results reported by the instrument, Virginia was not surprised. Some time ago, the bad relationship between Thousand Sails City and the Archaeological Association prevented the information from the two sides from being shared, and the detection instrument is connected to the internal database of the Archaeological Association, so naturally it cannot be checked. To the message of the infected monster that only appeared in Thousand Sails City.

What really puzzled her now were other questions.

Why did the number of abnormal persons appearing in the hue value detector suddenly increase in a short period of time?

Why did the patrol members who came to support fall into insanity under the condition that protective measures were in place?
I wanted to find some clues from the scene, but when I scanned around, all I could see was the mess on the ground. I could only turn my eyes to Fujita, who was squatting next to the police car to check the situation of the patrol members, waiting for his test results.

"President, I haven't detected any items that may cause mental pollution or special energy residues from these police officers. In fact, these people's protective measures are very good. Living organisms, there should be no insanity."

On the surface, he was looking at the situation, but Fujita's eyes were completely closed at this time, he just slowed down and got close to the corpses around the police car.

The ability of senior investigators who can follow the branch president is unquestionable. After years of development, the Archaeological Association also has its own technology to deal with the current situation.

As early as two years ago, Fujita passed the internal test of the Archaeological Association and became a qualified person for a certain project and carried out subsequent body modification.

By using the medicine provided by the association, he can adjust his mental state to an incomplete mutant, which is simply a mutant that retains his own will.

Does it sound like an inexplicable sense of déjà vu?

That's right, Fujita's current state can be regarded as a weakened version of Zhu Jue five years ago.

It is impossible to mutate, and it is impossible to directly strengthen itself by eating the flesh of evolution. Correspondingly, there will not be a certain furbolg staring at Fujita's soul anytime and anywhere, and his spirit will remain at a certain level without external interference. sane state, rather than testing back and forth on the brink of madness.

What Fujita really gained was only a small improvement in his ability to sense special existences such as spiritual pollution source monsters and physical fitness.

"Hector, have you got the data from the hue value detector at the time of the incident?"

The large-scale increase in hue value and insanity cannot be a coincidence. Virginia bypassed the police car, contacted her subordinates and pointed to another part of the victims, signaling Fujita to change the test subjects.

"I've got it, I'll send it to you now."

The previous meeting with the Minister of Security gave the Archaeological Association a very high authority in investigating such incidents, and there will naturally be no hindrance in obtaining these materials.

Taking out the mobile phone and opening the file just sent by Hector through the internal network, it is not difficult to find the dark red data representing abnormal coloring phase value in a pile of light green data. Virginia quickly locked the incident, only After a cursory glance, she found that there seemed to be a pattern in these data.

"At 13:02, the first batch of people with abnormal hue values ​​appeared, and the number was 3."

"13:10, the second batch, 9 people."

"13:18, the third batch, 7 people."

Muttering the data on the screen in a low voice, a puzzled look gradually appeared on Virginia's face.

If the first batch of people with abnormal hue values ​​were cult members dispatched by the Ouroboros organization to carry out terrorist operations, so they were exposed at the same time, then why did the second batch of people have abnormal hue values ​​at 13:10? ?
To say that the second group is also from the Ouroboros organization, they can completely act at the same time as the first group, so why bother?

If they are victims of virus infection, how can the outbreak occur at the same time point because of the different locations of these people and the time of exposure to the virus?

Not to mention that the third batch of abnormal hue values ​​were all patrol members who came to support them, and they were also insane at the same time.

There were three outbreaks, each with an interval of 8 minutes. Such a regular outbreak, rather than the Ouroboros organization spreading the virus, Virginia believed that someone released something here that could affect the mental state of humans.

Just as Virginia was thinking, a hoarse whisper came suddenly, and she looked over subconsciously, and saw Fujita, who was still probing before, kneeling on the ground, holding his head in his hands, rolling on the street in extreme pain, The thin lines on the face are now visible to the naked eye!

Pulling out the gun at her waist, Virginia alerted the surroundings. She didn't notice anything unusual. She could only reach into her pocket with her free left hand as she approached Fujita to take out the soul stone that could detect the source of mental pollution. She lowered her head and glanced. The crystal clear spar has become extremely cloudy.

"President, get out of this area, this is a trap!"

Due to his own special mental state, Fujita was obviously more sensitive to certain things than Virginia, struggling and shouting.

Although it was difficult to understand the meaning of Fujita's words for a while, this did not prevent Virginia from trusting this subordinate who had been with her for two years. She leaned forward a few steps, grabbed the former's back collar with one hand, and resisted on her shoulders. The hand that came out was to grab the two metal boxes on the ground, and immediately evacuated to the safe area.

Even against her subordinates who were a few laps wider than her, Virginia still walked like flying, revealing the strong explosive power contained in her slender and tall figure.

And in the process of retreating, Virginia also gradually felt the dull pain in her brain from time to time and the feeling of trance that flashed from time to time. Fortunately, Hector was there to support her and successfully ran out of the intersection before the situation deteriorated further. range.

"What did you find?"

Taking a breath, he took out the cigarette again and lit it in his mouth, using its effect to restore his chaotic state of mind. His eyes fell on Fujita, who was sitting beside the empty boat as if he had collapsed, with a pale face.

"Just now, in the crossroads area. I'm sorry, the feeling is hard to describe, as if some kind of existence stuck a straw into my head, constantly sucking my sanity, I can't perceive its source Somewhere, it seems to have appeared out of thin air, which is probably the reason why people with abnormal hue values ​​appeared here one after another!"

The experienced Fujita opened his metal box and took out another injection, injected it into his body with the same method as before, and a little blood appeared on his pale face. At the same time, he kept recalling the feeling just now, and described it in detail as much as possible. important clues can be found.

Long ~
The roar of the engine sounded over the distant streets, and the unique red and blue warning lights of the police vehicles were easy to distinguish in the dark sky.

The efficiency of the security department cannot be said to be slow, and the ear-piercing sound of breaking through the air is the best proof.

"Hector, contact the security department and ask them to block off this area immediately, don't let anyone approach, and urge them to analyze the surveillance video as soon as possible. Not only today's video, but the recent short-term video needs to be checked. This area is definitely under surveillance. The Ouroboros organization has tampered with it!"

There are also opportunities hidden under the crisis. As long as the action method of the Ouroboros organization can be deciphered, Virginia is confident that she can grasp more important clues.


Hector's tone sounded hesitant, he looked down at the phone screen, and said,

"Community No. 23 experienced a large-scale increase in hue value a few minutes ago. The location is a crossroad that has just been repaired, and traffic has only resumed today!"

"What did you say?"

Virginia turned sideways and took Hector's cell phone to confirm the information again.

next second.

A chill rose up the spine.

The action of the Ouroboros organization is much faster than she expected!

(End of this chapter)

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