indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 630 Life and Death Competition

Chapter 630 Life and Death Competition
"A support group?"

In the empty boat on the side of the street, Virginia sat in the back seat, listening to Hector's report, and suddenly asked.

In front of her, the surveillance video before and after the incident was continuously played on the projection light screen at 2x speed. Whenever a person who met the detection conditions appeared, he would be directly locked, marked aside and passed through Qianfan City in the shortest time. The database screens out the other party's personal information.

"Yes, according to the information provided by the No. 37 community patrol team, the first batch of people with abnormal hue values ​​monitored by the hue detector came from a private mutual aid group established after the polluted area incident and the end of the scavenger plan, not for profit Sexual organizations, more like community mutual aid groups such as Alcoholics Aid, aim to help people who have certain mental problems in the current environment, so that they can resume their daily lives as soon as possible.”

Raise your hand to point out a few people on the light screen, drag them into the same classification box, and mark them as "mentally impaired" in the upper left corner.

The polluted area and the infected monsters made chaos. Community No. 37 was the hardest-hit area, and countless people were affected. After all, only a small number of people completely collapsed. Most people chose to follow their instincts to stay away from the polluted area or It's an infected monster.

They may have survived the disaster, but this does not mean that they are completely out of danger!

Even after a brief contact, their spiritual will was still eroded to a certain extent.

The panic and confusion when they dreamed back at midnight made them miserable, so they had to seek comfort from their companions.

"The seeds of terror have been planted in their bodies. They only need to be ripened in a special way. Not only will their mental state fall into uncontrollable chaos, but even more terrifying changes will occur. Qian Sail City thinks that solving the polluted area will temporarily To curb the actions of the Ouroboros organization, now it seems that part of their purpose may have already been quietly completed in the process of confronting the police department in the polluted area, and there will be endless troubles!"

Looking at the three people on the light screen, Virginia couldn't help but think that there must be a large number of people with mental problems in the lower-level community. Under normal circumstances, their hue value will not change, and the overall appearance is at most mentally weak. That's all.

During the entire period from the appearance of the polluted area to its destruction, there is no clear standard for the number of affected people to count. If what happened at the intersection here today covers the entire No. 37 community, the 10 people What horrors would the community have become by then?
"The situation of the second batch of abnormal people is similar to that of the first batch of people. Their residential area is close to the polluted area without exception, and they are likely to be affected by the emergence of the polluted area."

"The same is true for the third batch of police?"

Virginia interrupted Hector's report and asked straightforwardly.

"Yes, these people all participated in the Qianfan City government's scavenger plan, and the crux of the problem is that they took protective measures in advance, but they were still affected. The surveillance video recorded the whole process from the moment they arrived at the scene, except Apart from a few infected monsters, I haven't been able to find any special spiritual pollution source monsters appearing, just like what happened to Fujita, it can be preliminarily judged to be mentally attacked without any warning."

"Maybe there is an ambush near Renjiekou with the Ouroboros organization?"

Fujita, who was in the co-pilot's seat, held an injection exuding a sweet aroma and injected it into his body.

This is a mental recovery potion specially provided by the Archaeological Association. It is said that it also comes from a special organization. The one inside was given to him by Virginia for emergency recovery.

"There was a large area of ​​chaos in the 23rd community, and the location was also at a cross street. Attacking civilians at the risk of being discovered and targeted, they should understand that the casualties of a dozen people and the creation of a few infected monsters will not have any impact on the current situation."

Denying Fujita's guess, Virginia went on to say,

"I suspect that they have tampered with the area at the crossroads. It does not rule out cult rituals. I have encountered a similar situation in a museum. Anyone who enters the museum will inevitably be punished as long as they see one of the statues. effect, while those who did not see the statue were not changed at all, which is very similar to the return of our spirits after we left the intersection."

"The police department has been notified to block two street intersections, and no one is allowed to enter. Do you want to go to the No. 23 community to search through remote control robots and drones?"

There are several airships of the security department hovering on the street outside the empty boat at this time, and a dozen heavily armed soldiers have completely blocked the intersection. Get some new clues by comparing the information in the two places.

"No, Community No. 23 is temporarily handed over to the Security Department. Fujita's state is not suitable for a second reconnaissance in a short period of time. Let's go to the gymnasium in Community No. 39. The video clip released by Weird Studio shows that the Ouroboros organization was there For some kind of ceremony, the Thousand Sails City government just blocked it, and their search methods may miss important information. Now that we are taking over, a second inspection is necessary. With the things recently developed in the association, it may be possible to There are new discoveries."

The trailer released by Weird Studio and the video of fighting monsters released later have already been studied many times within the Archaeological Association, but at that time it was difficult to enter the site for investigation due to the obstruction of the high-level officials of Qianfan City. The association has also obtained permission, so naturally it cannot be missed.

Even Virginia has to admit the powerful ability of the person who shot the video in Weird Studio. The polluted area that appeared in community 40 is stronger than community 37 in terms of size and scale, plus the terrifying huge monster , although no follow-up confrontation footage was played, but since this video can be released, it undoubtedly represents that Weird Studio has won the final victory.

This is also the main reason why she urgently contacted the other party through the Archaeological Association headquarters after accepting the incident. Compared with the Thousand Sails City government, Virginia believes that the other party must have some more critical information in their hands.

At this time, Virginia didn't know that if she followed Hector's suggestion and went to Community No. 23, she would very likely meet the person she had always wanted to see.

Of course, it is more likely that the two parties met but did not know each other.

Unsurprisingly, the large-scale chaos of hue values ​​in the No. 23 community attracted Zhu Jue's attention and rushed to the scene immediately.

"Tsk, Qianfan City government really can't do anything, road construction No. 1!"

As a crowd of onlookers drinking milk, Zhu Jue stood in the crowd and spat in a low voice. Gu Yinxing beside him was also holding a can of milk in his hand. Judging from the whiteness of his knuckles, if it wasn't for metal The can, I'm afraid she has crushed it.

As for Suzi, on the other side, he lowered his head to cover the data flow in his eyes, and began to invade the monitoring system installed by the nearby merchants. As for the official one, it has now been taken away by Tiantang Brain for analysis.

That's right, the intersection where the problem occurred was the place where he almost stepped on it before.

Zhu Jue thought that the damage he had done to the road here was enough to make it unmanned for a short period of time to ensure that the bone tree in the illusion would not harm the people in the real world, at least before he started the next step. won't make the situation worse.

Who would want to fight against the Ouroboros organization? The Qianfan City government is always a few steps behind when it comes to confronting the Ouroboros organization. The efficiency of road construction is not impressive. In just three or four days, this intersection was reopened to traffic.

Thinking about it, it is also possible to build a super city within a few years, and Qianfan City is probably among the best in the world in terms of urban construction.

"The impact of the bone tree on the hue value was not obvious before, why did it suddenly explode?"

Gu Yinxing looked at the soldiers of the security department in front of them for a while, then suddenly turned sideways and asked in a low voice.

"Accidents happened one after another at the crossroads of No. 23 and No. 37 communities. The Ouroboros organization probably adjusted the energy output of the bone tree in some way, and there was only one reason for them to do so. They were about to start descending. A step-by-step plan!"

Undoubtedly, while Zhu Jue was thinking about how to deal a fatal blow to the opponent, the Ouroboros organization was also speeding up the pace of action.

In fact, there is also a reason why Zhu Jue keeps sabotaging some of their plans.

"If there is no accident, the same thing will happen in other communities. This time it will not only be the lower-level communities that are in chaos. Next, I will contact Newcastle and let him pay attention."

"What should we do, rely on that mind-transforming instrument to enter the illusion and destroy the bone tree?"

This is the only way Gu Yinxing can think of, and it is not so difficult for Zhu Jue.

"It's easy to destroy the bone trees in community 23 and 37, but these two areas have been sealed off by the security department. Whether they are destroyed or not will not cause too much impact. As for the other 40 bone tree communities in Thousand Sails City, I want to determine them. The location can only be found in the Gadamon Illusion, which will not only waste time, but also expose the secret of our ability to enter the Illusion, and then it will only be self-defeating, we have our own plan, and we must not mess up now."

If he followed the method of taking care of Ginkgo, Zhu Jue would fall into the same predicament as Qianfan City, always one step behind the Ouroboros organization, which he could not accept.

After drinking all the milk in the can, he squeezed it into shriveled iron pieces with his knuckles, Zhu Jue finally took a look at the bracket that kept going up and down beside the ambulance not far away.

The thin white cloth reflects different figures, faces, and drooping arms, and the blood has not yet dried up.

Silently turned and left.

This is a competition related to the fate of the entire Qianfan City, Zhu Jue will never allow himself to fall behind again!
 there will be later

(End of this chapter)

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