Chapter 640
No one would have thought.

Lawrence, who was wanted by the City of Thousand Sails government tonight, is imprisoned in a private clinic in a state of embarrassment.

Not to mention all the crooked joints of the limbs, and the three-day long knife stuck in his chest, he was hanging on his breath thanks to his monster-like strong recovery ability.

And beside him, Zhu Jue, who was wearing a white fox mask, was posing in a strange pose. Facing Suzi, who was acting as a camera, he said in a deep voice:

"If you want to take back Gadamon, go to the deep world and find me. I will put everything you want there and I will wait for you there, bastards of the 'Zero' organization!"

Suzi raised her hand and gave a thumbs up, indicating that the shooting was completed.

"Hey, delete the sentence 'I will give you everything you want' just now, I made a mistake."

Pulling out the three-day moon sword on Lawrence's chest, Zhu Jue walked to Suzi's side while talking, checking the effect of the short film she shot in the few minutes just now, stared at it for a while, raised her eyebrows, and her expression was slightly dissatisfied. And said,
"Is the information I revealed too little? What if they can't figure it out? I won't be working in vain. No, I have to do it again."

Taking two quick steps, he casually stabbed the Mikazuki knife back again, regardless of whether it was in the same wound or not, as long as Lawrence couldn't die anyway.

"If you reveal too much, won't it appear deliberate?"

Gu Yinxing asked from the side.

"Tsk, it makes sense to say that. The senior management of the Ouroboros organization has some brains. If you say it too clearly, it will make the other party think it's a fraud. So let's do it, don't change it!"

Frowning and thinking for a few seconds, he pulled out the Mikayue Tai knife with a "puchi", Zhu Jue waved his hand to signal that it was like this, turned sideways to wipe the blood stains on Lawrence's clothes, and then walked to the sofa to sit down.

The great race is sitting on the single sofa on the right, and his eyes stay on the record channel about modern history in the TV. He seems to have a lot of interest in these contents.

"I'm going to go into deep space tonight."

After taking a sip of the moonlight wine, Zhu Jue held the wind chimes in his arms, with a flat tone.

"Your soul has not fully recovered."

The great race said without looking back.

"I know, but it's too late."

The plan can't keep up with the changes, these words can't describe Zhu Jue's current state perfectly.

With the help of the great race, his mental state has recovered a lot. Although there are still some problems, the dream not long ago made him realize that it is not easy for him to fully recover.

Now that Mi Ge has started to activate the real power of Gadamon, if it is delayed, it may be counterproductive.

In addition, the matter of Lawrence reminded him that this guy left at this time, making it clear that he believed that the matter of Thousand Sails City was a foregone conclusion, and whether he left or not would not have any impact, and this made him Zhu Jue understood that the actions of the Ouroboros organization and the "Zero" organization were much faster than he imagined.

"His spirit is unlike any cultist I've seen before. Do you know why?"

After a brief silence, Zhu Jue mentioned another topic.

Different from the ferocious monster's soul of ordinary cultists, although Lawrence's soul can still make Zhu Jue feel the indescribable breath, its appearance is no longer a disgusting lump of flesh and blood but a scorching hot mass. of flame energy.

This is a form Zhu Jue has never seen before.

"His state is different from that of a cultist, similar to you five years ago, and even a step further."

The great race checked Lawrence's soul state when he controlled him, and answered Zhu Jue's question straightforwardly.

"It's a step further than me five years ago. You mean that he can already complete the mutation of his soul while maintaining his own sanity?"

When Zhu Jue met the great race in the desert five years ago, he was still under the influence of the furbolg, but his own soul had also undergone some changes.

What Zhu Jue was pursuing at the time was to completely integrate his mutated soul with his body after killing the furbolg, so as to ensure that his own sanity remained and he could continue to use those special powers.

It turned out that Zhu Jue failed to follow this path, not because he was too weak.

On the contrary, he is too strong!

Due to eating too much meat of evolution, coupled with the existence he saw in that forest that he was unwilling to recall too much so far, the strength of his soul has already exceeded the limit that his body can bear, and finally relied on Only by relying on the ancient crystal obtained by accident did he embark on the second path.

Knowing from the great race that Lawrence had succeeded, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"His soul has completely surpassed human beings, and has become an energy state similar to that of a flame creature. There is no conflict and confrontation between the two sides, but an accompanying state. This is not because of his own particularity, but through a certain The fusion is done in the same way.”

While speaking, the great race looked back at Lawrence, whose chest had stopped bleeding but was still half dead, and continued,

"I suspect that the flame creature used to strengthen him is a servant of a special existence. The complete suppression of the rank makes the flame creature unable to do any harm to its fragile human soul. This kind of strengthening human can only be accepted once. It can’t go any further, but even at this level, the power it gains will still surpass most of the monsters that you think are the source of spiritual pollution.”

To put it simply, Lawrence was able to achieve this step entirely because a higher-level existence suppressed the crazy changes in the mutation of the human soul. This state is somewhat similar to Zhu Jue's suppression of Gu Ginkgo's mutation in the bottom community.

He has completed his complete evolution in this way. If judged by Zhu Jue, his physical fitness is probably at the level of 3 to 5 raw fish. Including the special ability brought to him by the flame creature, his overall strength may rise further Some.

It's no wonder that the two senior investigators of the Archaeological Association and Virginia would have been quickly defeated. If it hadn't been for Zhu Jue, the Qiansail City government would have paid a considerable price to stop him.

"He was able to complete this change, which means that the 'Zero' organization should still maintain a certain connection with the special existence that is no weaker than Mi Go or Gadamon, right?"

There are only three intelligent races that Zhu Jue has seen so far for monsters that are willing to help humans, and even they may not be able to do this!

Affirmative answer.

Refreshing his understanding of the "Zero" organization again, Zhu Jue was about to continue speaking when a voice behind him interrupted him.

"The short film has been edited. Can you come out, there are some things that need to be confirmed."

Suzi glanced at the great race, and signaled Zhu Jue to talk outside the living room.

She still couldn't understand why a cadre of the Ouroboros organization became Zhu Jue's friend after just going out for a trip, not to mention that the other party's recent state was really weird, and Zhu Jue didn't explain anything to them. Asking him below is just talking about him.

God is sorry, it's not that Zhu Jue doesn't want to say it, but that he once saw the great genocide in the desert slaughter those sand robbers who might reveal its identity.

The two parties are just a cooperative relationship now, and Zhujue will not casually tell others its message without the consent of the great race.

"It's okay, he is trustworthy, just say it here, after all, you have to rely on him for the next action."

Zhu Jue turned around and waved his hands, signaling Suzi and Gu Yinxing to come and sit down.

"In the short film you asked to shoot just now, are the words you said deceiving the Ouroboros organization or .

Since Zhu Jue said it didn't matter, Suzi didn't intend to continue, she sat on the sofa opposite the great race, looked at the former and asked.

"Really, I told you before that between me and Gadamon, only one can survive to the end. Now is the time to act. As for what I want to do, you don't have to ask any more questions. Regarding Gadamon, The less you know, the better!"

"If you act today, how sure are you of success?"

"Are you going to enter the deep world today?"

Suzi and Gu Yinxing were surprised by Zhu Jue's sudden decision and asked questions one after another.

"That's right, I don't intend to wait any longer, and my mental state doesn't allow me to continue waiting for the so-called 'more suitable time'. As for how sure I am, I didn't catch Lawrence before, but now I have him." The chances of helping with the project are close to zero, I guess it's a doomed attempt!"

In the middle of speaking, Zhu Jue suddenly changed his words, showing an inscrutable look, saying that his action this time had no chance of success, and immediately took another sip of moonlight wine and began to mutter,
"I don't want to go back to my hometown to get married. The Ouroboros organization and the 'Zero' organization have great advantages. You can't lose at a glance. Gadamon is very powerful. I definitely can't win it!"


Listening to these words Zhu Jue said one after another, Suzi didn't know how to answer for a while.

Maybe it's time to encourage him?
But when he said these "frustrating words", the expression on his face was clearly that he felt that he was sure to win.

Where do we need encouragement?
She didn't raise her hand to punch him in the face because of her restraint.

"Relax your mind in this way, you are really different from ordinary humans."

The great race looked at Zhu Jue and said suddenly.

Gu Yinxing sat beside Suzi, looking at the strange scene in front of her, she inadvertently turned her body sideways.

He frowned, looking puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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