Chapter 641
late at night.

Zhu Jue watched the tranquilizing incense gradually burn to the end, and as the small half of the gray and white fell off, the last puff of smoke rose, and the fragrance only lingered in the nostrils for a few seconds before completely dissipating.

Although there are still some defects, Zhu Jue can feel that his spirit is already in the best state recently.

"Contact the ancients now or wait until after entering the deep world?"

Looking up at the great race on the right, the ancients promised to help when they took the crystals, but Zhu Jue, who was cooperating with these ancient intelligent races for the first time, was not sure about the limits of their abilities.

"You have white space marks on your body, they can be positioned at any time, even Gadmon can't stop it."

Compared with Zhujue, the great race obviously understands the ancients better, and then said,
"According to the previous plan, Mi Ge will be delayed by us, and you must approach Gadamon in other ways. When the time is right, I will give you a signal."

"You should be able to win?"

It might not be very polite to ask such a question, but Zhu Jue has thought about the balance of power between the two sides many times in private, and the plan is about to start, so he couldn't help asking whether he was looking for psychological comfort.

After all, the great race and the ancients do not exist in this era, and they are in Mi Go's home field like the Gadmon Illusion. If he loses, even if he succeeds in accomplishing his goal, it will be useless.

After finally getting Gadamon done, he was surrounded by hordes of Mi Go?

Zhu Jue said that he should not be able to stand it.

"Mi Go's dark technology is very strong. That's all."

If the meaning of the words of the great race is not what Zhu Jue said, it sounds a bit like praising Mi Ge, but combined with the above context, it expresses a completely different meaning.

Mi Geqiang's is just dark technology!
Perhaps the only one who can say this is the great race, the race that once dominated this planet.

The time for chatting is over, Zhu Jue took a long breath, and finally adjusted his state.

Picking up the Mikayue Taidao, Zhu Jue's eyes turned on the exquisite scabbard for a few seconds, and then took out a palm-sized exquisite wooden box from the space ring, turned around and handed both things to Suzi who was sitting beside him.

"Still the same as before?"

What Suzi was talking about was naturally what Zhujue asked her to do when she entered the deep world with the great race last time to "step on the spot".

She actually didn't know what the meaning of doing this was. First, Zhu Jue never mentioned to her what the items in the box were for, and second, she had never been to the deep world. It may be guesswork out of thin air.

This is why I subconsciously want to confirm it again.

"Yes, but this time you have to watch the timing. I can't remind you in the deep world. Ivanka should come out early at that time. He knows my plan. When he asks you to use it, you can use it. This is mine. The plan really involves too many unclear things, and it is impossible to give a reasonable and detailed plan in a short time, and what is lacking right now is time."

What the ancients put forward were just a few key points of the plan. What really needs to be faced and tried to complete is Zhu Jue, but every point of the plan involves the Gadmon in the deep world, which is a mess. Chaos, trying to sort it out is undoubtedly a fool's dream, after a short pause, Zhu Jue continued,

"There is also that short video clip, which needs to be timed even more. If my plan can go to that point, you should be able to see a lot of changes in Qianfan City by then. I mean changes that are beneficial to us. By then Then find a way to broadcast the video, and make sure that people from the Ouroboros organization can see it!"

Once entering the deep world, Zhu Jue will lose control of his body, and some things can only be done by Suzi and Gu Yinxing. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the plan, Zhu Jue has to explain part of it first.


Although it is not clear what Zhu Jue's so-called "good change" is, Suzi sees that Ivanka has started to pick up the spirit converter, so she doesn't say anything more.

It's just that when Ivanka put on the spirit converter completely, Zhu Jue suddenly made a pause gesture, pursed his lips, hugged the wind chime beside him, looked at Suzi and Gu Yinxing and said, "Plan Once it starts, even I don't know what the situation will be in the end, if I mean, if Ivanka asks you to leave after leaving the deep world, then you should immediately leave Thousand Sails City with the wind chime and return to Dawn City!"

Zhu Jue didn't want to mention this at first, it was unlucky, but when it came time to start the plan, he still couldn't help but explain.

Fengling yelled with some dissatisfaction, and her two little paws stomped on Zhu Jue's chest, while Suzi and Gu Yinxing were just silent.

They naturally knew what Zhu Jue meant by saying this.

Zhu Jue didn't say anything more at this time, and nodded to the great race, indicating that it could start, and the latter simply activated the spirit converter.

In an instant, the great race and Zhu Jue all bowed their heads because of the soul's journey.

The space vibration when the device was activated brought up a weak whirlwind, which wrinkled the wine in the glass on the table.

Zhu Jue read that book for a while tonight, and the booklet "Guide to Religion" that I bought on Temple Street earlier also had its pages flipped.

Just when the private clinic completely quieted down because Zhu Jue and the great race began to enter the deep world.

In front of a two-story villa in the No. 7 community, the elite combat team of the security department has been arranged, but the villa in the center of the siege is still quiet as if nothing happened.

This is the residence of Ge Lang, the current director of the epidemic prevention center.

With the death of Colonel Sacco, the serious injury of the branch president of the Archaeological Association, and the missing Lawrence, the Qiansail City government urgently needs someone to come out and take responsibility.

Relying on a missing prisoner is obviously useless, and the person who recommended him in the first place has undoubtedly become the primary target.

Grant and Newcastle, the two people who agreed with Lawrence's participation in the scavenger plan, were even on the wanted and even executed lists of the Ministry of Security shortly after the incident, just because of a relationship between Bulwer and Virginia. After a conversation, the latter was forcibly saved.

"I want to talk to my mentor, Director Grand."

The haggard Newcastle stood in front of the Minister of Security of Bulwer before the arrest operation officially started. Although he had imagined such a scene in his mind many times before speaking, Newcastle still felt very difficult when he spoke. He said in a loud voice, yes,
"If he is really related to the Ouroboros organization, the direct arrest is likely to cause his fierce resistance. What we want now is information rather than a corpse, right?"


Bulwer appeared here purely because he got up anyway, and it was unrealistic to go back to sleep, so he just followed suit, at least he didn't have to be urged by the people in the high-level council.

It's just that Newcastle's request made him a little bit difficult.

Virginia's guarantee is one thing. Bulwer believes that Newcastle is fine, but the person in the villa is his mentor, and he was the deputy director who personally sent him to the epidemic prevention center in name. The benefactor who controls the entire epidemic prevention department!
"Yes, but you have to bring monitoring equipment and wear protective clothing. We will send someone to follow you secretly."

Next to Bulwer, Virginia, who participated in the capture operation with a hologram, agreed to Newcastle's plan.

As Newcastle said, no one knows what is going on between Grand and the Ouroboros organization. Going in rashly may make the situation worse. It is better to ask Newcastle to find out first.

Of course, there is also Ge ​​Lang who is already an old man who is over seventy years old. To put it bluntly, it is even a problem to shoot and aim. Even if he wants to flee in fear of crime, Newcastle just needs to be prepared and delay for a few seconds, and the situation will be resolved immediately. can be controlled.

Perhaps it was because Virginia, who was seriously injured, was the one who expressed his opinion. Bulwer, who was still a little hesitant, nodded his head this time.

 there will be later

(End of this chapter)

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