indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 73 Range Perception

Chapter 73 Range Perception
Raindrops fell from the night sky, slapped on the neon signs, and slid along the outer edges of the flashing lights.

When there is a lot of rain, the entire neon signboard looks hazy, spreading out the light, and the whole street seems to be shrouded in a halo.

The holographic projection was still playing smoothly in the rain. A beautiful model was walking back and forth on the second floor of a building holding something that looked like facial cleanser.

The passers-by held umbrellas and stood close to each other, but they seldom spoke to each other. They just went in and out of the shops on both sides of the street.

The rainwater on the ground gathered and scattered into puddles, and occasionally some unlucky people stepped on it and cursed a few words.

Zhu Jue was sitting at a stall on the street, propping his chin with one hand, watching the continuous raindrops slipping down the edge of the canopy in front of him, and at the same time watching the night view of the outer city.

It started to rain after leaving the central area of ​​Yecheng. I wanted to carry the rain and go home first, but it turned out that the momentum was a bit strong when I got halfway, so I had to find a place to avoid it on the side of the road.

He turned his head and glanced at the sand scorpion parked by the side of the road. It was fully enclosed to prevent rainwater from entering the machine and causing damage.

There was the sound of meat being grilled with oil, and the stall owner in the shop did not show Zhu Jue's melancholy on his face. All in stock.

"Boss, help me roast these two pieces of meat too, but they have to be washed first."

Anyway, it was empty now, Zhu Jue took out two pieces of nightmare mutant meat from his backpack and handed it to the stall owner, and asked him to roast it for himself. A piece of the wind chime sticking out of the backpack was also torn.

message notification.

Gu Yinxing: "What are you doing now?"

Sitting by the bed in the dormitory, the bed has been made clean, and clothes and shoes are sorted into suitcases.

Can't wake up 123: "It's not my rooftop to eat barbecue. I just went out to do errands, and it rained on the way back, so I can only find a place to take shelter."

Gu Yinxing: "I'm going to move, the company made us an internal selection, I passed, so I have to go to a training institution in the outer city, I have to change a dormitory, in order to keep fit, I should not eat barbecue~"

Can't Sleep 123: "This is a good thing. You must be capable if you passed the selection. As a fan, I will continue to support you."

Being an artist in a place like the old city has no future after all, and the consumption level of people living here is definitely not comparable to that of people in the outer city or the main city.

"Your barbecue is ready."

Another large plate full of barbecue meat was placed in front of him. Looking at the two special pieces of meat that were released separately, Zhu Jue replied to Gu Yinxing's message with his mobile phone in one hand.

Her singing can help him recover, Zhu Jue thanks her, for this girl who has helped him a lot, he still hopes that she will have a good future.

After chatting a few words one after another, Gu Yinxing also asked about the video on Yuntu, but was prevaricated by Zhu Jue, only saying that there were similar people, and as a policeman, how could he film it? video.

The chat between the two didn't last long, and Gu Yinxing had to move, so the profile picture darkened after a while.

I feel a little empty in my heart, but it's just empty. The other party is going to go up, so there is no reason to be sad.

Putting down the phone, he picked up the roasted meat from the night-dire mutant and put it in his mouth. The aroma was tangy, but the taste was still weak. After chewing a few times, he swallowed it whole.

According to previous experience, these meats should be able to enhance the ability of a certain part of his body, Zhu Jue waited while eating the barbecue.

After about ten seconds, his whole body felt a little hot, but this feeling didn't last long. It wasn't like the meat of the human-faced mouse before. After eating it, both legs were numb as if they had been electrified. .

I clenched my fist, but I didn't feel any strength increase, and I stretched out my leg and kicked it twice, but I also didn't feel anything strange.

What's going on? Did you say that it deteriorated overnight?
"Hey~ This fresh-keeping time is too short, isn't it? If I knew it, I would have roasted it alive by the campfire? Tsk, wouldn't it be nonsense to bake something that was just dug out of my brain? Forget it, just treat it as It is to eat a pit and gain a wisdom."

Using chopsticks to fiddle with the slices of meat on the plate, a fluffy wind chime protruded from the backpack placed on his legs, calling softly to him.

"Do you still want to eat?"

Tore a piece of tenderloin from the side and handed it over.

Turning his head to avoid the feeding, Feng Ling stretched his two front paws towards the table, and locked his eyes on the piece of white meat left in the tray.

"You want to eat this? No, why don't you try this stuff?"

Thinking that he would not be able to eat any effect anyway, he just used his fingernails to tear off a small strip and handed it to Fengling's mouth, and the latter opened his mouth and couldn't wait to swallow it.

Aw~ Aw~
With a hurried cry, Feng Ling seemed to feel something after eating one, and couldn't wait to get out of the backpack even more.

"It suits your appetite. Speaking of which, this kind of meat has never been tried on other people or animals. Why don't you try it with an experimental subject next time? Okay, don't make trouble."

I tore another small strip and fed it to the wind chime, but turned to look behind while it was eating.
Someone is behind!

Such a message suddenly appeared in my mind, someone was coming in from outside the awning with an umbrella in my sight.
"Boss, here are some kidneys."

The guest walked into the canopy to collect the umbrella, but Zhu Jue had already turned his head away.

Zhu Jue was sure that he hadn't heard footsteps or the voice of a guest before, and the time he sensed was 3 seconds ago, when he was still a few meters away.

Why can I feel it?
Is the ability provided by the flesh of the night-dire mutant a perception enhancement?

Thinking about it, it is indeed possible. This guy has no five sense organs, but he can come and go freely in the dark mountains and forests. Either there are some organs on his body that Zhu Jue didn't notice, or it can perceive the surrounding environment in other ways.

Tear the remaining mutant meat strips on the tray in half, throw one half into his mouth, and feed the other half to the wind chime in the palm of his hand.

Chewing and swallowing, waiting for the heat to flow through the body again, Zhu Jue slowly closed his eyes.

It was just darkness at first, and then some rough outlines began to appear in front of me, trays, tables, chairs, surrounding awnings, grills
Zhu Jue's sight is indeed blocked by eyelids, but he can see everything within a certain range around him in another state.

To put it simply, Zhu Jue at this moment is like a human-shaped self-propelled induction device, as long as things within a certain range around him will appear in his mind in the form of external lines and outlines.

At present, this range seems to be only about 5 meters, and the place farther away is pitch black.

Even so, Zhu Jue is quite happy, at least the meat is not expired, is it?

Don't worry about diarrhea.

The wind chime in the backpack probably noticed that those good-smelling meat strips were gone, and his attention returned to the ordinary barbecue on the tray. Zhu Jue fed it while gnawing on himself.

His gaze unconsciously turned to the rain beside him. After waiting here for almost half an hour, the rain still didn't seem to be decreasing.

The temperature is getting lower and the clouds in the sky are getting thicker and thicker. Zhu Jue's thinking is constantly slowing down amidst the beeping of the charcoal fire at the barbecue stall beside him.

At a certain moment, the speed of the rain in a line in front of him seemed to start to slow down following Zhu Jue's thinking. Wherever he looked, it seemed that everything was moving in slow motion according to the original trajectory.

Consciousness is watching all these changes from the sidelines. Zhu Jue himself has a sense of this situation, but he doesn't know what happened. He wants to raise his hand and turn his head, but finds that even his own actions are being released. slow.

In other words, his perception was magnified, causing the incoordination between thinking and body.

beep! ! !
The notification sound of an incoming message from the mobile phone happened at this time, pulling Zhu Jue out of this state.

Taking a long breath, Zhu Jue didn't know whether he should be happy or angry at this time, and glanced at the name on the screen, Wang Dong.

The other party sent him an address, saying that he had found a foothold of the B-level wanted criminal mentioned before, and asked him to help.

Zhu Jue wanted to say that it was inconvenient now, but when he clicked on the map, he found that it was not far from him, roughly two blocks away.

He ate up the remaining barbecue meat in the tray, and rode the sand scorpion next to it.

When he arrived at the place, he saw Wang Dong standing under the eaves. Zhu Jue already had an extra raincoat that he had just bought in a roadside shop, but the clothes underneath were still mostly wet.

"Sand Scorpion? Yes, your earning speed is a bit impressive. When you came here just now, I didn't dare to admit it."

Wang Dong's own car is also a motorcycle, so Wang Dong also has some research on this aspect.

"Is someone here?"

He pointed to the residential building next to him.

"Not here. This type of wanted criminal is very sensitive to sound. None of our cars are ordinary motorcycles, especially your Sand Scorpion. Approaching directly will definitely arouse his alertness, so I chose to meet here. The person may be on the opposite side. .”

Pointing to the building in the distance, this is a building that is still under construction. The basic skeleton is already in place, and there is a layer of mechanical shelves and some construction equipment on the outside, surrounded by a pile of various Building materials at the construction site.

Under the cover of rain and gloomy weather, no matter how you look at it, it is a bit gloomy and gloomy, which makes people unconsciously connect in some bad directions.


Taking off the helmet and putting it in the trunk of Sand Scorpion, Zhu Jue asked with raised eyebrows.

"It's not [-]% sure. I just received the information. Someone found that someone similar to Mawala recently entered and exited the unfinished building over there. I can't go in and check it alone. This special B-level wanted I don't have the confidence to take him down alone."

As an investigator, Wang Dong is somewhat self-aware of his own strength. Most of the B-level wanted criminals are people with certain fighting skills. This Mawala is also said to be carrying a treasure. It is naturally impossible to say that he has little ability.

The two of them were chatting, when a dull sound suddenly came from the upper floors of the building on the construction site. Wang Dong immediately took out a monocular black telescope from the backpack placed at his feet, and looked in the direction of the sound. past.

"Oops, someone arrived before us, damn it, that informant also sold the news to others!"

In the constantly zoomed-in images in the telescope, the building in front of us is about the 20th floor, and someone is being wrapped in a brown sand column, breaking through the mechanical frame that covers the outside, hanging outside and struggling.

"Give me a look."

He took the binoculars from Wang Dong's hand and just aimed at the camera when he happened to see that the man had been released and fell down from the twenty-odd floors.

The ground below is a concrete field. I am afraid that what meatloaf is at this height, he will be what he is.

"What should we do now? The other party has discovered that his position has been exposed in advance, so he must have taken precautions! Good luck!"

Wang Dong put his hands on his waist, and said with some distress, he originally wanted to catch him unexpectedly with the idea of ​​a sneak attack, but now that the opponent has just killed someone and is in full swing, it is not a good idea to go head-to-head at this time.

Then he saw Zhu Jue who was carrying a brown wooden box, left his backpack in place, and rushed out wearing a raincoat.

"Since it's confirmed there, what are you waiting for?"

Looking back, he shouted at Wang Dong who was still standing there.

Come here, run away if you are found, isn't this rain in vain?
This is not Zhu Jue's style!

Wang Dong sighed, then took out his weapon from the trunk of his motorcycle, and followed Zhu Jue's footsteps.

The two rushed all the way to the front of the building, and saw the "meatloaf" lying on the ground without any surprise.

Distorted limbs, flesh and bones mixed together, only a rough prototype can be vaguely seen, it should have fallen face down.

"This person is a gangster's ability user."

Wang Dong has been an investigator for many years, and he has been in contact with people from all walks of life. Although the corpse in front of him is no longer humanoid, the large colorful tattoos on his back still exist. Such large tattoos are usually members of gangsters. Will go engraved.

There are also external signs that look obviously different from ordinary people. The hands of the corpse have become the claws of beasts, and there are still some hairs on the body that have not faded, which proves that he should have used animalization injections before his death.

"Any questions?"

Wiping the rain off his face, Zhu Jue didn't quite understand what Wang Dong meant.

"He will appear here, which proves that a certain gang in the Ebony District already knows where Mawala is. With their style, it won't be long before a large number of people rush over."

Gangsters don't pay attention to fighting alone, as long as the target is confirmed, it will most likely be a crowd tactics.

When the time comes, the two of them don't need to think about it to know that it is the flooded side.

(End of this chapter)

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