indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 74 Monster vs. Monster vs. Monster

Chapter 74 Monster vs. Monster vs. Monster
The empty floor, the concrete floor that has not yet been laid with any bricks is covered with dust, the already dark sky and the obscure environment, plus the blood stains scattered everywhere on the ground.
Something called despair is spreading here.

boom! boom! boom!
The fingers kept pulling the trigger, and the yellow bullet casings were scattered on the floor, jingling.

The animal claw formed by the right hand was bent to the right, and the pale broken bones pierced the flesh and protruded. The man's pale face due to excessive blood loss looked a bit miserable.

click ~ click ~
The sound of the firing pin firing after all the bullets in the magazine were empty made the man grit his teeth involuntarily.

"Fuck, monster!"

Looking at the wall made of brown gravel in front of him, all the bullets he shot just now were stuck on it, there was no need to beg for mercy, and he grabbed the handle of the gun and threw it directly towards the sand wall.

Then he reached out to touch the small satchel behind him.

The gravel faded away, and a tawny palm calmly grasped the firearm, revealing the man with sunken eye sockets and sickly flushed cheeks behind him.

"Monster? That's not right. With our current appearance, you are obviously more like a monster, aren't you? Although I don't know why your hands turned into the claws of wild beasts. But it doesn't matter, that's all."

Holding the gun body, wrapped in gravel, it turned into an iron thallium in a short while and was thrown aside casually. Mawala leaned forward, reflecting the person in front of him in his distorted pupils, as if he had discovered something, and then said ,

"You're a member of a gang, right? When I dealt with the man just now, I saw a large tattoo on his back. You were with him, so your identity should be the same."

"So what?"

Pulling off the clothes on the back and inserting the needle, a thrill like electric shock flowed all over the body in an instant.

"That's really... great. Believe it or not, I used to be most afraid of people like you, with tattoos carved all over your body, walking on the street, and kicking people like me when they were pleasing to the eye, and slapping when they were not pleasing to the eye. After a while, I was thinking at that time, if I gain strength, you people, I must treat you well."

Putting his hands together, he wriggled in front of the gang members in a weird wave posture, and kept twisting his neck when he was talking, very frightened.

"It's up to you? If it weren't for that lump of gravel, a waste like you, I could destroy you with one hand!"

Staring at those palms, he also just now realized that this miraculous thing that was passed on by other people, saying that it can prolong human life, turned out to be a mass of murder weapon.

Unshaped changes, shields, knives, man-eating long snakes, this mass of gravel can be transformed into too many things in a short period of time, so that the means of capture they originally prepared could not be realized on this person at all.

"Without it? We're all adults now, can you stop being so childish when you fight a beast and want it to pull out its own teeth? Oh, sorry, I forgot, people like you, culture The level is indeed a bit low, even I, a homeless man, may know more than you."

Mawala looked at the slightly bloated man on the ground, and the ridicule in his eyes was undisguised, like a hunter who was watching his prey get into his trap. He was silent for a while, scratched his head, and the dandruff fell fell like snowflakes, and said,

"Hey, are you alright? I, who cooperated with you to activate the effect of the potion, acted very tired. What injection did you just give yourself, the effect is too slow."

He had already seen the small movements of the gang member on the ground, but he just kept silent. He needed tonic. Eating an ordinary person would not be as satisfying as a person who has been strengthened.

"The slow effect is to crush you better!"

The whole body swelled in an instant, the cloth wrapped around the clothes and legs collapsed, the hair suddenly grew and dragged to the ground, and the left hand grabbed the broken right arm. Into his wolf-shaped mouth, even his own flesh and bones were ruthlessly chewed and swallowed.

The smell of blood filled his mouth, and his eyes were stained with the scarlet that belonged to beasts.

B-level wolf injection, 38 units, his real trump card!

If this type of potion is used by someone whose system is inconsistent, it will definitely leave strong sequelae, but now it is a matter of life and death. As long as he can kill the opponent and get that ball of gravel, he still has a chance to turn the tables and even become Get stronger!
"Eat you eat you!"

The strong monster, whose height exceeded two meters, leaned over and rushed towards Mawala, the ground under its feet was cracked and broken.


There was thunder outside, and amidst the flashing white light, five claws that were as sharp as blades were about to hit Mawala's head.

The latter didn't say anything, and the sand and gravel on the palm of his hand naturally formed a shield wall.

This time it is no longer bounced, but stuck, there are traces protruding from the back of the sand wall, B-level ability injection, 38, 5 minutes, the money is naturally not wasted.

Even with a mismatched body, it can still show super strength.

The muscles of the left arm swelled again at this moment. Since they couldn't break through the sand wall, they could knock people and the sand wall together!
Entrained by a powerful force, it hit a load-bearing column in the floor, and the broken stone chips and smoke spread outward, making the scene blurred, and only a vague black figure could be vaguely seen sitting on the ground.

"Hmph, although your hands are powerful, your body is an ordinary person's body after all. I heard from my friends that they injured you seriously with just guns before. If you can recover like this, it proves that those There must be something special about the gravel, I will not give you a chance to escape today!"

The hunt for Mawala has been going on, and someone in the gang has already encountered him. The guy in the intelligence room he got was shot in many places and was seriously injured. But the impact just now, he thought it was no worse than the bombing of the shells. Difference.

Striding into the smoke and dust with long strides, he seemed to have seen the scene where the group of gravel was shining brightly on his hands.

It was still the sand snake attack, breaking through the dust and fog, and went straight to the door, but his companion had just been killed by this move, he had already prepared himself, turned around in mid-air, and slapped the ground with his left hand to let his figure move forward Accelerate the charge and look at the head in front of you.

crush him!
"Uh~ cough cough!!"

Before the werewolf's claws shattered Mawala's head, a grey-green webbed claw no thinner than his arm grabbed his throat.

"This injection of yours is really extraordinary. If I were a week ago, I would have been hit by the pillar with your slap just now, and I would definitely not have survived, but it's still a little worse now. I'm really sorry. I let you down!"

The fluttering gills on both sides of the neck, a pair of huge, protruding gray-white eyeballs are staring at the werewolf in front of them, the gray-green uneven skin, and the fins on the back that swing from side to side like shutters, and the mouth speaks human language , but Mawala is already inhuman
"You bastard!"

Such a creature is absolutely incomprehensible to him. He wants to struggle to retreat, but the claws that are pinching the neck have no intention of loosening in the slightest.

After all, he is a gangster, even in this situation, knowing that death is in front of him, since it is unavoidable, he will wave his claws and perish with this strange creature in front of him.
Puchi! Puchi!
Two sand snakes rushed into the flesh and blood, one on the heart and one on the head.

"I don't intend to die with you. You have to go alone on the road to Huangquan."

Tightening its claws, blood spurted out from the corner of the werewolf's mouth.

A red dot suddenly appeared on Mawala's eyeball, and his sight was attracted by the red light.

Rapid fire mode, on!
bang bang bang~
A series of bullets shot towards Mawala's eyeballs along the red light spot in the next moment.

"Zhu Jue! Are you crazy? That guy is obviously not just an ordinary B-level wanted criminal. Are you rushing to die?"

Standing in the corridor, Wang Dong, who was about to run down, said angrily.

The building was still under construction, so there was no elevator, and the external elevator didn't know where to start it, so they could only choose to run up the stairs. The strength of the two of them was not lacking, but they just rushed to the twentieth floor.

The first thing Wang Dong saw was a werewolf whose appearance was [-]% similar to that of a werewolf. This kind of large-scale body change was an effect that only B-level and above potions could produce.

The second thing he saw was the more terrifying and disgusting monster that was choking his neck and talking, and then he saw the moving gravel around him, Mawala was undoubtedly.

Without saying a word, he turned his head and ran downstairs.

excuse me!
For this battle, he made preparations. He carried a c-level spider injection priced at 20, which could greatly improve his strength, agility, and danger perception in a short period of time.

As a result, when he came up, he saw a strong man using a B-level wolf injection was strangled by someone, and he was about to die. What could he do?
I could only pretend that I didn't find anything, but as soon as I ran halfway, the one who came with me directly pulled out a pistol from the box he was carrying, took a little aim and pulled the trigger.

Are young people nowadays so direct?
"As I said, it's all here. It's not right if the thief doesn't go empty. This metaphor is not appropriate. Anyway, you go first. I can handle this guy. Thank you for the information. The money you owe me should be regarded as Intelligence costs, by the way, help me look at my backpack, there is a cat in it, don't let it run around."

After removing the empty magazine and reloading it, Zhu Jue took a step back and said to Wang Dong on the corridor.

"Then be careful yourself."

Stay to watch the battle?How can it be!

From Wang Dong's point of view, Zhu Jue may be so confident because of some preparations, but this is not his preparation.

Staying here, in case Zhu Jue is actually a big brother, I will definitely have to bury him with him at that time. In other words, if Zhu Jue wins, it is probably his own trophy, and it has nothing to do with him in the end.

At least now you don't have to pay back the favor you owe him, don't you?

"Then you. Be careful!"

Wang Dong, who was standing on the side of the corridor, was just about to go down when he found a sand snake rushing towards Zhu Jue.

Turning sideways and taking a step back, the Sand Snake barely slid past 5 centimeters in front of him. From the beginning to the end, Zhu Jue's gaze was on the corridor, but his body reacted ahead of time.

"You go quickly."

Watching Wang Dong leave, the Qingyi pistol was fully loaded, and he pulled the trigger on the Sand Snake in front of him. The fire flashed at the muzzle of the gun, and the bullet was embedded in it, making no waves.

Or sand flowers.

"I have a question, can you answer me first?"

Zhu Jue looked at the monster in front of him, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, opened Qi Lin's photo, and compared it with the monster in front of him. It can be said that it is somewhat similar, so he continued,

"Did you eat a fish monster before, just like you are now?"

"You know him, your friend?"

The sand shield formed by the right hand recondensed into a sand snake stretching towards the corpse next to it.

The muzzle was aimed at the head, causing the sand shield to re-condense.

The sand snake formed by the left hand attacked Zhu Jue from behind, but he still dodged it sideways without looking at it. Mawala's expression was not good.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't want to be friends with you bad kids. That guy is not a good guy, and he should be damned, but there are some things about him that I care about. I just want to ask, what are you , dare to snatch my prey?"

Put the phone away, brush your finger over the weapon case, open it on the left side, the handle of the knife is exposed, and hold the drawer with your hand raised.

The thunder flashed again, and the two people on the floor that were originally only illuminated by the light of the surrounding buildings became black and white.

"Your prey? Interesting, now you are my prey!"

His body bent forward suddenly, his arms spread out to both sides, and he growled towards Zhu Jue in a strange gesture.

"Based on your disgusting appearance, are you going to scare me to death? You may not believe it if you tell me. I've seen people who are more disgusting than you. Or is it because of the parasitic monsters on your two hands?"

"court death!"

Hearing the term parasitic monster, Mawala seemed to be stimulated, stopped talking nonsense, and ran straight towards Zhu Jue regardless of the corpse on the ground.

"Your reaction. Sure enough, others are right, they are not one with you, but you are using them, right? In other words, as long as I kill you, they will become my things."

Zhu Jue grinned, stepped back half a step, and bent his knees.

"You don't know anything!"

At a distance of about ten meters, it took only a few steps. The fish monster, which was a head taller than Zhu Jue, had its left claw wrapped in gravel, and it had enlarged its claw several times.

"Yes, I don't understand, so after I kill you, I will slowly explore."

Zhu Jue glanced at Mawala, kicked his right leg on the ground, recoiled at a speed no less than that of the opponent, and cut off his head with the long knife!

Mawala, who had just approached, felt his whole body tremble, and hurriedly crossed his left arm wrapped in gravel to block.

The blade is at hand.

unbelievable strength
It's obviously just a human being, why is it stronger than the werewolf just now!

He didn't have time to think about it at the moment, so he focused on his right arm, intending to scratch Zhu Jue's waist and abdomen.

In the next second, it was stopped halfway by a purple-black claw!
 Recommended tickets~~~~~

(End of this chapter)

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