indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 85 The Mutant Environment

Chapter 85 The Mutant Environment

"Crazy growing plants, natural evolution or mutation?"

"Simu, Guangcheng and other areas in the south of Anqing Prefecture have successively experienced environmental changes. The federal government has sent a professional research team to investigate the local ecological environment."

"What I have now is the strawberry that is growing in the orchard in Guangcheng area. As you can see, its size has become nearly 10 times larger than before."

In the video, the female reporter is holding a red strawberry the size of a grapefruit. Behind her, there is a convoy with the flag of the federal government passing through the road, and those who seem to have been directly filled with a high concentration of auxin overnight , and now grow some unreasonable plants.

"The local fruit growers are crazy about it? One strawberry of this size is worth ten."

Indus, who had just finished processing some mails, was also holding a bowl of washed strawberries in his hand. He looked at the slightly exaggerated one on the screen, and then looked at the one in his hand. It was not at the same level at all.

These few news briefings were recently found by He Ye. As a collector of various information in Weird Studio, she is much more diligent than Zhu Jue and Wu Tong.

"It's not that simple, look at this again."

Pick up the remote control on the desk and tune to the next video.

The video should be shot in the middle of the night, the duration is only 2 minutes, and the clarity is not bad. After all, it is still difficult for digital products in this era to shoot blurred effects. The sky slipped.

"What do you mean? Is it related to the video we watched just now?"

Wu Tong looked at the replay of the video and asked suspiciously.

"This video was shot two weeks ago in Guangcheng Town. The local tabloids had reports about it. I found it through the school's internal news collection station. At that time, there were no reports of meteor showers in that area. Look at this meteor shower again. Light from unknown objects, colored, not what meteors are supposed to look like."

Pause the video and zoom in on the picture above. Although the color emitted by this unknown light group is colorful, it is not as bright as imagined when you look at it closely. The gooey feeling mixed together after flipping.

"What is reported on the news is only a small part of the local situation. In fact, I have seniors and sisters who work in the media there. They told me that it is not only the plants that are affected in the local area, but some animals are also in an abnormal state. , such as the sudden mutation of some insect larvae. Hello, who are you looking for?"

This time, it was replaced by several separated pictures. In the middle of the explanation, Li Qinglian saw a young man with a thin cheek carrying a bag and a wooden box coming in from the outside. Familiar, asked subconsciously.

The person who came in was startled, and looked at Wutong on the sofa before saying: "You are the lotus leaf, I didn't expect to come so soon, hello, my name is Zhu Jue, that is, Sleeping Buwake 123."

Putting the backpack on the low table next to it, Feng Ling crawled out and ran around the room, while Zhu Jue stepped forward to reach out.

"Ah? Hello, I'm Li Qinglian."

She didn't expect that the person who could kill back and forth on the Fangdou Mountain full of monsters would be a young man who looked about her age.

"What are you talking about?"

After saying hello, Zhu Jue was not restrained, and took the wind chime lying on the low table to pick up the beef jerky into his arms, and while feeding the beef jerky, he looked at the two and asked.

"Of course I'm talking about where the third video should go. Hey, did I tell you that some media wants to interview us now?"

"Interview? You won't agree, will you?"

Opening a bottle of drink, he looked at Wu Tong with some surprise. He never thought of appearing in any media.

"Of course not. It's just a small media studio in Yecheng. It just wants to catch our attention. If you are interviewed, you may be written in what way, so I just found a reason and rejected it. .”

Now Weird Studio has become a little popular with two videos. Many people are asking where this studio came from. Not only is the video content realistic and novel, but the people who shoot the video can rely on They can do so many actions with some special equipment, not to mention their special effects technology is so good that they can truly confuse the real ones.

However, there are only a few special effects companies on the market, and after many inquiries, none of them recognized it, and a few even said that they were also looking for it.

"Why is the praying mantis so big in the photo? The photo is enlarged?"

Listening to Wutong's words, Zhu Jue was a little surprised to see a green praying mantis on the tree trunk in the photo, the size of which was almost close to the size of his palm.

"It's just a photo taken right now. It hasn't been enlarged. It's the praying mantis that has mutated. If you look at these news and short videos, I dare say that this time it must be a big event. Speaking of it, why are there so many weird things recently? thing?"

Played the video I had watched before to Zhu Jue again, and those weird plants and insects appeared in front of my eyes again. Wu Tong fell down on the sofa behind him, originally in a good mood because everything went well recently Inexplicably a little depressed, thought for a while and said,

"The area involved this time is not just a mountain like last time. The environmental mutation area drawn in the photo just now has spread to one-fifth of the Anqing Prefecture area, and it is still expanding. What should the local people do? If the change is detrimental, they certainly cannot continue to live there."

Putting aside these weird phenomena, focus on the local residents, they are the biggest victims.

"The federal government has not yet announced how to deal with the local residents. Perhaps it is because of the small number of plants and insects in the town. There have been no casualties so far, so they think it is not a big problem and they can evacuate the people, but No need."

He Ye opened a few webpages on the computer she brought with ease, looked at the displayed message and said.

"This matter is not something we can use as material, at least not now. Although I would like to take a look at those watermelons the size of car tires, it is not certain what is hidden in these places now. In case the environment itself There is a problem, I don’t want to rush in in a daze, and then die in it in a daze, this is a sudden change in the regional environment, and the whole federation must know about it, let’s see the follow-up development first.”

Judging from these few news briefings, the local situation has obviously deteriorated to a certain extent. Naturally, it is impossible to cover up such a large-scale regional incident. After all, there are several 10 people living in this area.

"Speaking of which, Guangcheng's side is not far from Yecheng, so the environmental changes won't spread to our side by then, right?"

Wu Tong has seen a lot of monsters during this time. As an ordinary person, he subconsciously associates these phenomena in some bad directions.

"Your problem is also the problem of most people in Anqing Prefecture. You can take a look at the real-time hotspots on the Internet. Environmental changes have become the hottest topic in the Federation. At present, no similar situation has occurred in other regions. Who is now I don't know what the follow-up will look like, but if there is a danger in this regard, I think the government should respond. At least we have enough buffer time, and judging from the current situation, there are indeed no accidental casualties .”

Hearing what He Ye said, Zhu Jue took out his mobile phone and opened the webpage. Sure enough, there was almost no need to search for the overwhelming news about the environmental changes in Anqing Mansion.

"It must be caused by the leakage of some raw materials caused by the experiments of those big companies. This kind of thing has happened before. I dare say that within a week, someone will come out and confess."

This is rational analysis.

"Plants mutate and become bigger, and insects mutate and become bigger. I have an immature idea. If we let those short people mutate in the past, will they be able to grow taller?"

"The short guy provoked you."

This is a strange idea.

"Damn it, the fruit is ripe in the winter greenhouse at home, just come out like this, one is worth 1 of us, and the price is even cheaper, can this business still be done?"

This is for selling fruit.

Of course, there are also remarks about the end of the world, and there are many, some say it is the punishment of the gods, some say it is the self-healing of the earth, and some people even cited the Mayan prophecy hundreds of years ago, saying In fact, the interpretation at that time was wrong. The real doomsday was actually in the last few years and other nonsense, and there were people who echoed it.

"It's not our turn to intervene in this matter for the time being. If it really is the end of the world, it's useless to make any preparations now. He Ye, I can't leave Yecheng recently. Try to find any special events in Yecheng. By the way, you Do you have any thoughts on finding someone like this?"

For Zhu Jue, instead of worrying about the end of the world, it is better to make more money to buy good equipment or find Mawala and snatch the gravel from him.

This is a more effective means than hoarding food and water.

Strengthen yourself!

"Looking for someone? Sorry, I'm not good at this. All I can do is to check some information that has been reported or circulated on the Internet in other forms. If you want to find someone, you can ask the Public Security Bureau. If someone is missing, They have access to surveillance cameras in most parts of Yecheng."

Li Qinglian could rely on the channels provided by the academy to obtain some information. It didn't mean that she could run around like Wang Dong's informants, and she could also help him find out things that ordinary people didn't even know.

"Then please help me to pay attention to some recent reports about murder cases in the outer city of Yecheng. The characteristics of the deceased are generally mutilated bodies, flesh and blood showing signs of being eaten, and there will be gravel left on the scene. What I am looking for is a man named Ma Valla's wanted criminal, this guy's bounty seems to have reached 30 now, if you can help me, I will give you a share of it."

Wang Dong hasn't received any news in the past two days, and Zhu Jue waited a little anxiously. What he cares about is not the 30 reward, but the gravel on his body.

"Wanted Mawala, are you still working as a government employee?"

People with a job like her naturally have access to a wider range of information than most people, and government employees themselves are not a very hidden profession.

"It's just mixed in occasionally. The main reason is that the corpses of those monsters can't be thrown anywhere. After the video is filmed, it will usually be handed over to the government. If you have this, you can make extra money. As for this wanted criminal, he has my body on him." something needed."

It was only then that Zhu Jue remembered that He Ye didn't seem to know his job yet, so he simply explained a few words, that they will work together in the future, and we have met each other, so naturally there is no need to deliberately hide some things.

"So that's the case, I know, and I can start to help you investigate now."

"So fast?"

Zhu Jue, who just sat on the sofa, got up and walked to He Ye's desk, watched her skillfully manipulate the interface, and clicked on several strange forum websites in succession.

"Yecheng Horror Stories Forum, Yecheng Horror Stories Forum. Murder Case Discussion Group. You actually have an account on this. Why are the levels so high?"

Now most of the forums do not have access requirements, so it is very simple to create an account, but Zhu Jue looks at the accounts of the lotus leaf at the top of these pages, all of which are high-level, and several of them have golden borders, which are obviously the management of the forum personnel.

"I started to operate some accounts when I first entered university, and entered some forums with very high traffic on the Federation network. Some of them need to rely on daily sign-ins to improve their level, and some require people to post posts to gain a certain amount of popularity, which cost me a lot. Fortunately, the effect is not bad, after the account level is improved, it is easy to gain the trust of some people in the forum, and then chat with them about the information you need."

"Amazing, there is a share~ I like you."

Zhu Jue felt more and more that the decision to recruit this talented student was so correct.

With the help of He Ye and Wang Dong to search for it, Zhu Jue lay back on the sofa and spent the free time with Wu Tong.

As time passed, night fell.

(End of this chapter)

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