indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 86 The Existing Status Quo

Chapter 86 The Existing Status Quo

A certain tavern in the central area of ​​Yecheng.

Different from the nightclubs outside that are full of electronic sounds and virtual halos, the night here belongs to the saxophone country tune played live, and the drinkers sit in the tavern in groups of three or four, chatting and laughing loudly occasionally, and calm down soon go down.

Qin Chengren was sitting alone in the corner, next to the cement wall bricks, the central air conditioner in the tavern had already raised the temperature, and the red bricks leaning on the internal test actually exuded some earthy aura.

Glass after glass of spirits, eyes full of alcohol, looked around, and after a while, he saw a familiar figure.

"Chu Yun? Why are you here?"

Looking at the awkward girls, this is a place where only men like them come. Young girls like this usually go to those trendy night spots.

"Of course it was to find you. You said you wanted to go back, but you actually went to follow Dong Xunjian, right?"

If anyone in that team could understand Qin Chengren and guess what he did, there were only two of them.

One is Gao Wen, he has seen it as well as Vera Bosch, and he also agrees with Qin Chengren's approach, but he chose to remain silent in the end, not because he is a second-level executive or has an annual salary of 50, but because It's because he has two children who have just entered elementary school, and he can't make fun of his children's future.

So even though he complained, he didn't take actual actions. Qin Chengren didn't blame him. In his heart, if he had a family and children, he would consider it carefully.

The other one is Chu Yun. She joined Qin Chengren at about the same time, and both of them still had the enthusiasm and ambition of young people, so when she found him leaving alone, she knew that Qin Chengren must be following him. Dong Feipeng is gone.

She didn't catch up, stalking wasn't a group fight, too many people would get in the way, so she chose to look for him at night.

"What's the matter with you?"

Even after drinking a lot of wine, Qin Chengren didn't vomit bitterness to this colleague. Instead, he picked up the hot tea provided and poured himself a cup, and then he had to keep his head clear.

"you do not believe me?"

Chu Yun would not believe that Qin Chengren couldn't see his intention for coming, but he still didn't say a word, which seemed to her to be distrustful.

"Chu Yun, there are some things, it's better not to know, I'm just a mud-legged person, what I want to do, what I don't want to do, it's all up to my heart, you are different from me, listen to me, get up and go back now, pretend there is nothing happened before."

"I won't leave. I am also a party to this matter, and I have the right to know the truth."

Chu Yun frowned and sat opposite Qin Chengren.

"You promise me one thing, and I will tell you the current situation."


"The evidence in my hand is logically enough to send Dong Feipeng to the federal prison, so it doesn't matter if you help me or not. Not only will you get involved, you will not be able to help me, but you may even get into trouble, so after reading it Afterwards, go back and continue to be your inspector, the Public Security Bureau needs someone like you, I am enough to wade through this muddy water alone."

The third-level executive officer reported on the first-level inspector, which belongs to the lower class than the upper class. No matter which system he is in, this is a big taboo, not to mention that Dong Feipeng is cooperating with a top consortium in Yecheng like Luohua Pharmaceutical.

Qin Chengren is not afraid of revenge, but he doesn't want others to bear the revenge.

"Okay, I promise you."

Chu Yun paused for a while before agreeing, after thinking about it.

If the current situation is really as Qin Chengren said, then she will indeed add trouble to others by forcing her in.

Upholding justice is not a reason to cause trouble for others.

So she saw those photos that were developed, and the content on them was nothing more than the picture of Dong Feipeng staying at the entrance of Luohua Pharmaceutical and talking with some people after entering.

It is relatively rare to use photos to preserve images in this era.

"It's not safe to put it on the Internet, so I found a store to wash it out. We are all from the Public Security Bureau. You know better than me what Alpha can do. Some on-site evidence of the mission, I will sort them out tonight and send them directly to the Public Security Bureau tomorrow."

After drinking the tea in the cup, Qin Chengren's expression was not relaxed.

"Are you worried about the Public Security Bureau and their people?"

Chu Yun still has some understanding of the current situation of the Public Security Bureau, and lowered her voice a little.

"I can't help but worry. If this information is intercepted, not only will Dong Feipeng not be punished as he should be, but he will also cause trouble."

Even this first-level inspector who claimed to be absolutely neutral had someone behind him. Qin Chengren didn't know who he should trust.

But if he pretends that nothing happened, this breath is absolutely unbearable.

"You may consider handing over the information you have sorted out to the inspectors attached to Yuanfan Machinery Group, at least their identities can be confirmed."

Qin Chengren was taken aback by Chu Yun's suggestion.

"You mean to borrow a knife to kill someone?"

Currently in Yecheng, the conflict between Yuanfan Machinery and Luohua Pharmaceutical is almost on the surface. It is not that the two have conflicts in the business field. They all have the idea of ​​treating Yecheng as their own back garden.

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and the Public Security Bureau is also the place where these two large consortiums compete.

If the information in Qin Chengren's hands appears in the hands of Yuanfan Machinery Group, he will naturally not miss this opportunity to attack Luohua Pharmaceutical.

No matter what is going on behind the scenes, at least on the surface, the federal government still controls Yecheng. Even the Yuanfan Machinery Group does not dare to blatantly interfere with the actions of the Public Security Bureau for the time being. No matter how you look at it, this is a violation of the law.

"I have considered what you said, but I always feel that there is some meaning of helping the evildoers, helping the Yuanfan Machinery Group to bring down Dong Xunjian, and the new inspector may be theirs. In the end, there is nothing Change."

"Then have you ever thought about it, even if you follow your method, will the result change? The person who sits in that position may be someone from Yuanfan Machinery Group. You must know that Yuanfan Machinery Group has already controlled the Public Security Bureau. , what they lack is a chance to completely replace them, and there is only one result of resistance, either to resign or disappear."

This is the status quo, even if you close your eyes and cover your ears, it still exists objectively.

 There are some things at home, and there can only be so much more today.

(End of this chapter)

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