Ambition Lord

Chapter 103 Blue water collar problem

Chapter 103 The Problem of Blue Water Collar (Please Subscribe)
For Earl Reagan, Allen has never met before. After all, Allen was just a noble young master in a remote barony, and it is difficult to have any intersection with Earl Reagan, a great nobleman who can speak in the entire Duchy of Kane. .

Now that Allen is about to become a viscount, he is qualified to talk to Earl Reagan.

The messenger of Earl Reagan, who was detained by the security department in Zaomu Town, arrived at Qinghuang Town at noon the next day, accompanied by the security department.

"I have seen Lord Baron Qinghuang!" After the messenger came to the castle hall, he saw Alan in the middle, pressing his left hand on his right chest, and nodded slightly in salute.

"Earl Reagan's messenger? How do you prove your identity? If you dare to deceive nobles, let alone pretend to be Earl Reagan's messenger, you will be hanged." Allen's expression remained the same, but the words he said were indeed extremely cold.

"Lord Baron! This is a letter from Earl Reagan to you. It bears the seal coat of arms representing Earl Reagan's family, which can prove my identity." The messenger replied calmly.

Speaking of the messenger, he handed an exquisitely shaped envelope in his arms to Bard.

Allen took the envelope from Bud. The envelope of the envelope was made of precious white mulberry paper. There was a seal on the opening of the envelope, and a coat of arms in the shape of a tree was printed on the seal. Allen Yes, this is indeed the coat of arms of the Reagan family. In the entire Earl of Reagan, there is no nobleman who does not recognize this coat of arms.

From the duke family to the small baron family, heraldry is a compulsory course for every nobleman.

Basically, every nobleman with a long history of inheritance will have a coat of arms representing the family symbol. This coat of arms represents the power of the nobility. When you see this coat of arms on a person or object, you can know where the person or object comes from. family.

The original Viscount Musen's family had a lotus-shaped aristocratic coat of arms, and several other old baronial territories, such as Yuchowling, all had their own unique family coat of arms.

Of course, the entire Musen collar nobles, and some families did not have a coat of arms, such as the Qinghuang collar.

It's not that the Qinghuang Territory is not qualified to set up a coat of arms. In fact, barons like the Qinghuang Territory can design their own family coat of arms. Allen doesn't know why his father, Baron Arthur, didn't design a family coat of arms for the Charles family. chapter.

How about designing one yourself for the Charles family?Allen couldn't help thinking.

After all, the Charles family will soon be promoted to the viscount family. If there is no coat of arms representing the family, wouldn't it be inferior to other viscounts?

Thinking of this, Allen silently remembered the design of the family crest.

Opening the letter sealed with wax paint, he took out a piece of white mulberry paper full of handwriting, and Allen slowly began to read.

As Allen gradually frowned and his face became a little ugly, the atmosphere in the hall seemed to freeze, and no one dared to speak out.

"Bud, Mr. Messenger is exhausted, take Mr. Messenger to the guest room to rest!"

Slowly putting the envelope in his hand on the table, gradually calming down the emotions in his heart, Alan noticed the messenger waiting by the side, and said to Bud on the side.


"Mr. Messenger, please!" Bud said to the messenger beside him.

"Thank you Baron!" The messenger saluted Allen again, and then followed Bard to the guest room.

After the two left, Allen tapped on the table with one hand and began to ponder the contents of the envelope.

This time Allen guessed that Earl Reagan asked him to go to Twilight City to accept the canonization, and he was right, but he was only half right. Unexpectedly, Earl Reagan also explained another thing in the letter, about supporting the Musen leader Dongbian Blue water collar.

The letter not only explained the situation of the blue water collar, but also made some demands on Allen, which made Allen somewhat resistant.

Earl Reagan demanded that the Wooden Territory must support the Blue Water Territory with no less than [-] soldiers within three days at the latest to help the Blue Water Territory resist the large-scale sea monster attack.

The number of fighters calling for reinforcements is too high.

This is also what makes Allen most troubled. There are only [-] soldiers from the Qinghuang Knights in the entire Musen Territory. Now, [-] soldiers are going to go to the Blue Water Territory. That day, there are only [-] warriors left in the Musen Territory. , the entire Mu Sen territory's military power will drop to its lowest point.

And resisting the Kraken is fatal. Although Earl Reagan's letter didn't say it clearly, Allen could guess that the blue water leader must have suffered heavy losses at this time, otherwise Allen would not have led troops to support him, but Allen is very precious to the warriors of the Blue Desolate Knights. Once the loss is too large, he is worried that he will bleed from his heart.

Earl Reagan did not let Mu Senling do it for nothing, and the letter also indicated the remuneration. Once Mu Senling completes the rescue, the blue water caravan's share of Viscount Yuan Musen will be directly transferred to Allen every year. In the future, Allen will be able to get a large amount of Golden Dragons from the profits of the blue water caravan every year.

Alan has also heard of the name of the blue water caravan. Allen's understanding of the special wooden boats also comes from the wooden boats of these blue water caravans. Of course, he didn't know that Mu Senling was also involved in it.

These golden dragons Alan didn't really value them very much, and he didn't want his soldiers to take the risk of fighting the Kraken, but now Alan had to listen to Earl Reagan's order, unless Alan didn't want to become Musen smoothly. Viscount, I don't want to gain a foothold in the Earl of Reagan.

It seems that these five hundred soldiers must be sent, Allen sighed in his heart.

However, Allen is still hesitating about how to send troops, whether to send the first five squadrons, a total of [-] elite cavalry, or to send the newly established three squadrons plus two elite squadrons.

After careful consideration, Allen still decided to send three newly established squadrons and two old squadrons, which took Allen's consideration into account.

Although the three new squadrons have seen blood under the leadership of Antonio, after all, they are not like the other five squadron fighters. A rare opportunity.

Of course, Allen is not going to follow this time, he plans to send Antonio to lead [-] soldiers to the blue water collar.

After all, this aid to the blue water leader, the team will not even think about returning to the Musen leader in a short time. Now that the Musen leader has just been pacified, there are so many big and small things, especially some things that cannot be decided by the nine places. Lun personally checked and made a decision, so Allen couldn't easily leave Mu Senling during this period. Apart from Allen, Antonio was the best choice.

After deciding on this embarrassing thing for himself, Allen asked Andy to come over.

 Thanks to the book friend "Feiyanghao" for the reward
(End of this chapter)

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