Ambition Lord

Chapter 104 Shadow Codename

Chapter 104 Shadow Codename
"Master Baron!"

"Sit down! I called you over this time because I have something to ask you." Allen pointed to the chair next to him and motioned to Andy.

"Thanks Baron!"

After hearing this, Andy didn't hesitate. After thanking him, he sat down on the chair on the left and looked at Allen.

"Now, how about the penetration of the Shadow Division into other surrounding Viscounts?"

"Master Baron! Now the shadows of the Shadow Division have established strongholds in the central cities of the surrounding viscounts, and the next step is to spread and infiltrate the surrounding baronies. The Shadow Division intends to concentrate their efforts and complete the full penetration of the night collar first. , and then it will be expanded in other viscounts in turn." Andy said seriously.

"That's right, the Shadow Division can develop very quickly, and you, the Shadow One, have contributed a lot?" Allen nodded, very satisfied with the development speed of the Shadow Division, and said jokingly.

"Thank you Baron for your praise, Andy is just doing his best!" Andy said modestly.

"Well! I called you this time. Apart from understanding the development of the Shadow Department, there are other things. Just now you said that you are going to start preparing for a full-scale penetration of the night collar. Stop this matter first." Allen said slowly road.

"Yes! This subordinate understands!" Andy nodded.

"Don't ask me why I stopped this plan." Allen couldn't help asking when he saw that Andy had no objection.

"Since the baron wants to stop this plan, there must be your purpose, and Andy only knows that it will not be wrong to obey the baron's arrangement." Andy replied with a serious expression on his face.

Allen smiled after hearing this, but didn't speak. When did Andy learn to flatter.

"There is a reason for letting you stop the plan to infiltrate the night collar. Immediately, I, Mu Sen, will send [-] soldiers to the blue water collar for support. Compared with the night collar, the blue water collar is the most important thing now. This time, you have to use all the power of the Shadow Division to infiltrate the blue water leader, and let the Shadow Division become the eyes and ears of the Mu Sen leader's team.

Assist Antonio, notify Antonio as soon as there is any trouble, don't care how many sirens can be killed, but try to minimize the casualties of the team and avoid heavy casualties, do you understand? "

Allen said seriously.

"Yes! Lord Baron! The Shadow Division must complete the task!" Andy replied decisively after hearing this.


Outer areas of the Black Dragon Mountains.

In the depths of the dense forest, there is silence, only occasionally a bird song can be heard.

A rather thick cedar tree is growing on this land. The cedar is covered with turquoise vines, and the green leaves are stacked together. Like the cedar, it will not lose its leaves even in this autumn.

No one would have thought that in this rare Black Dragon Mountain Range, there would be two people hidden on this ordinary tree.

At this time, the two people cleverly used the thick branches and leaves of cedar trees and green vines to hide their bodies under the leaves, standing between the two branches, and the angle was just right to observe the surroundings through the gap between the leaves. Condition.

"Shadow 1203, you said we have been here for such a long time, will there really be powerful monsters appearing in this area?" A man covered in mud on the tree held the dried mud on his face. , while whispering to the other human beside him.

"Shadow 1206, don't talk, since Shadow One has issued an order, just follow it. And don't blame me for not reminding you, the mud on your body is used to cover up the smell, once you are smelled by a monster, neither of us can escape I advise you not to take the mud off your face in the end!" The person next to him was also covered in mud, and his entire face could not be seen.

These two are the shadows sent by the Shadow Division to investigate the Black Dragon Mountains. As for 1206 and 1203, they are the code names of the two in the Shadow Division, just like Andy is Shadow No. 1. The 2 in front of them means they are from the Shadow Division 06. 03 means they belong to a second team, [-], [-] are the numbers of the two in the team.

Since Andy reformed the entire Shadow Division, the shadows of the Shadow Division no longer use their real names, and use code names for communication.

"I..." Shadow 1203 was just about to speak when he saw Shadow 1206 turn his head back again. He was speechless for a while, but he also knew that what Shadow 1206 said made sense. The scent of the two of them was smelled by the monster, and both of them were going to die here.

So consciously no longer put down the right hand holding the mud, turned around and returned to his position, and continued to be vigilant about the movement around him.

"There is movement, don't talk!" Suddenly, Shadow 1206 turned his head, put his mouth next to 1203's ear, covered 1203's mouth with his hands, and said softly.

1203 was startled at first, then reacted and nodded.

After seeing 1203 nodding, Shadow 1206 let go of his mouth, and waved to him lightly, letting him come to him.

1203 understood, came to the side of 1206, and followed his perspective to look out.

I saw some monsters appeared one after another in the deep bushes. Their heads resembled those of wolves, with long hair growing all over their bodies, and their bodies were similar to human shapes.

These monsters are very different from wild beasts, they seem to have intelligence, each of them is holding a huge bone weapon or a giant wooden stick, especially the leader who is stronger than the other monsters, even holding a giant iron stick in his hand, There was a tyrannical aura in each of their eyes.

"What are those guys?" 1203 with cold sweat on his head said softly to 1206 next to him.

1206 didn't speak, just shook his head, expressing that he didn't know either.

After that, the two stopped talking in a tacit understanding, and stared at the monsters in the distance without blinking.

The two of them just stayed on the tree quietly like this, motionless and tense, not daring to make any noise, even their breathing seemed to be a lot lighter, for fear of attracting those monsters, the time seemed longer than ever , tormenting the hearts of the two, the two who were already covered in sweat relaxed after the monsters were far away.

"Should have already left, let's go down! Go back to the territory quickly and report the matter. Judging from their direction, the target must be Mu Senling." Shadow 1206 took a long breath and said to 1203 with a serious face.

Shadow 1206 silently counted just now, and there are at least two hundred of these monsters.

"Okay!" 1023 also knew the seriousness of the matter. It seems that the abnormal situation that they were asked to investigate during the mission should be those guys. If these guys are not abnormal, then what is.

After the two slid down from the tree, they didn't dare to delay, and quickly returned towards Mu Senling.The speed of these monsters was not slow, and the two had to return to the Wood Forest Territory before these monsters and report the situation.

 Thanks to the book friend "Tianhai" for the two monthly tickets
(End of this chapter)

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