Ambition Lord

Chapter 105 The Autumn Rain

Chapter 105 The Autumn Rain

Outside the barracks in Qinghuang Town, eight hundred soldiers were fully armed, and Alan, Antonio and others rode horses and stood in front of the team.

It was already half an hour after Alan got the news from the Shadow Department.

It really is a jackal!

This was Allen's first reaction after hearing the description of those monsters from the Shadow Section.

As for the murderers who slaughtered Yuantu Village, I was right. After causing such atrocities, these guys hid in the Black Dragon Mountain Range. No wonder it was hard to find them.

According to intelligence, the number of these jackals is more than [-]. Those particularly tall jackals are most likely to have the strength of knights. There are no less than [-] jackals and jackals with cavalry strength. , causing enormous damage.

Now these guys are no longer huddling in the Black Dragon Mountain Range, but are coming towards Musenling. Fortunately, they were discovered by Qinghuangling in time.

Allen has always believed in bullying the few with the more. For the protagonists in the novels, even though they have great strength, they do things to fight fairly with others. Allen never agrees, it's stupid.

So this time Allen is going to take the [-] warriors of the entire Wooden Territory to wipe out this group of jackals in one fell swoop.

"Lord Baron! According to the information returned by Shadow, these gnolls are already approaching the border of Baishiling. With the speed of these guys, they will appear in Baishiling in half an hour, and the gravel village of Baishiling is far away from them. It's only 10 minutes away."

Half an hour ago, although Qinghuangling got the information of the wolf man, it also lost the specific location of the wolf man, so within half an hour, Andy scattered all the shadows that Mu Senling could use now. In the Black Dragon Mountains around Mu Senling, Shadow may not have strong combat effectiveness, but he can track it, but his lurking ability is indeed the strongest. Within half an hour, Shadow once again found the exact location of the Gnoll.

"Let's go now, and try to get to the gravel village before these jackals come out." Allen said seriously, the gravel village is closer to the Qinghuang Territory, and now all [-] soldiers have matched their horses, even those cavalry who have not broken through All the fighters are equipped with war horses, and they should be able to arrive in time under the rapid attack.

"Go!" Antonio shouted to the soldiers behind him.

The whole team moved accordingly, and it took about [-] minutes. The Blue Wilderness Knights arrived at the designated location, and under Allen's order, they hid in secret, waiting for the arrival of the wolf man.


The sky was changing, the sky where the sun was originally shining was gradually darkening, the clouds were densely covered, and bursts of thunder resounded in the sky above the Blue Desolate Knights.

At this time, the jackals were indeed unaware of the traps waiting for them ahead.

"Boss, it's going to rain soon, should we stop to shelter from the rain first." Hank was very unhappy looking at the dark sky.

"Go on, let's go to the gravel village of the human race first." Locke looked down at the map in his hand and said.

This map was drawn by Locke when he was slaughtering Yuantu Village, forcing the village chief of Yuantu Village to draw it. It has the approximate location of the villages called Baishiling, and they are not far from the gravel village marked on the map.

The reason why Locke rushed to the gravel village without stopping to rest was because of the weather. Heavy rain can cover up their tracks. Even if they plundered the gravel village, the human lords would not be able to find them. The heavy rain would wash everything away trace.

After hearing about Gravel Village, Hank's dissatisfaction with the weather disappeared, he grinned happily, and didn't ask any more questions.

The heavy rain fell as soon as it was said, and it didn't look like autumn rain like smoke and mist. Instead, it looked like summer rain, violently falling on the soldiers of the Qinghuang Knights.

The bean-sized raindrops hit the soldiers' weapons densely, making crisp sounds, and then gathered at the tip of the guns, falling like a trickle. The eight hundred soldiers were like statues, motionless, waiting quietly.

Allen in front did not waste fire elements to form a protective layer to resist the heavy rain. This kind of rainy weather has a great impact on fire element knights like Allen, especially when using the element attachment ability. Water elemental knights will be at home in this weather.

At this time, a shadow riding a horse not far away was gradually approaching, the heavy rain swallowed up the sound of the horse's hooves, and it was only when the horse approached that an indistinct sound of horse's hoofs was heard.

The shadow will pull the rein, and the horse stops not far away.

"Report to the baron! The enemy army is only one kilometer away from here." Shadow wiped the rain on his face.

Allen nodded.

After the shadow reported, he drove away and continued to investigate.

Time passed quickly, but the heavy rain showed no sign of slowing down. The blue and wild cavalry who were waiting quietly pulled up the crossbow strings silently under Antonio's signal. Fortunately, special materials were used as a Tail feathers, rainy weather is not very affected.

At this time, the Qinghuang Knights were hiding behind a slope. Although the height was not high, they could still hide so many people from the Qinghuang Knights.

"My lord! Here we come!" Antonio said to Allen next to him.

In the distance, some dark figures appeared in front of them, gradually more and more figures appeared, and they were rapidly approaching here.

Allen, who had been staring ahead, of course also saw these guys.

"Get ready!" Allen raised his right arm and said in a deep voice.

The soldiers behind him held the blue barb crossbow and long spear in their hands, quietly waiting for the order to attack.

This is the first time that the Qinghuang Knights have faced an alien army. It is inevitable that the image of an alien will have an impact on the soldiers, but as long as they have experienced the first experience, the soldiers will definitely be able to adapt quickly. A trace of worry in my heart.

The distance between the two sides was approaching at an extremely fast speed, and not long after, a group of jackals came down the slope, and the time was right.

Just listen.


Immediately, there were bursts of shrill piercing sounds, which passed through the dense water curtain to the ears of the wolf man, and everyone was ear-piercing amidst the noisy rain.

Before the jackal could think about it, the arrow that merged with the heavy rain pierced towards the jackal.



The screams were covered by the sound of rain.

Although the jackals were very defensive with their fur, they couldn't resist the piercing of the arrows. The high-speed crossbow bolts penetrated the fur of these jackals without any effort, and pierced into their bodies.

Out of the 100 wolf men in an instant, more than [-] fell in response, most of them were injured but not dead. Their strong bodies endowed them with strong vitality.


Locke, who reacted, let out a roar, and his two-meter-high body quickly became huge, his muscles grew rapidly, and his joints were raised, becoming a giant with a height of more than four meters, and several barbarians also increased to three meters in height. The little giant, with scarlet eyes, ran up the slope with the remaining wolf man warriors.

(End of this chapter)

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