Ambition Lord

Chapter 120 Transfer of rights

Chapter 120 Transfer of rights
Baron Martin angrily returned to Bluewater Town with his soldiers. As for the Kraken that was raging in Bluewater Port, he couldn't control it anymore.

At this moment, in Bluewater Town, Viscount Gandy of Bluewater was reprimanding the three barons who had escaped from Bluewater Town.

"Not only did you lose the blue water collar, you guys dare to escape first and leave Baron Martin there alone!" Viscount Gandy was very angry about this matter.

Five knight-level sea monsters appeared unexpectedly, and a few of them were defeated and retreated, losing the blue water port. There may be a little bit of excusability, but Baron Martin, who came to support the blue water collar, should not be left there. Well, once something happens to Baron Martin, what will the other territories think of their blue water collars in the future?

In order to resist the sea monster, let the fighters from other territories who came to support go to the front line, while the fighters from their own territory hide behind?
If Earl Reagan found out about this, he would have to hold himself accountable.

"Master Viscount! This is indeed an accident! The giant sea monster came too suddenly! The three of us are completely invincible. If we don't retreat quickly, we may come back!" Baron Andrew said to Viscount Gandy with a resentful expression.

"That's right! Lord Viscount! We really can't blame us for this incident. Indeed, we had to withdraw at that time!" Baron Jost also echoed.

"Shut up! You still have the guts to complain to me about the loss of Blue Water Port!" Viscount Gandy's face had long since lost his smile, and his mild-looking face had already been covered with frost.

"Master Viscount! Baron Martin is back!" Just as he was about to reprimand the three of them, the butler's voice suddenly came from outside.

Baron Martin returned safely?Viscount Gandy felt relieved.

"Quick! Bring Baron Martin here." Viscount Gandy followed the butler.


At this time, Andrew and the other three barons looked embarrassed. Now that they were about to meet Baron Martin, they didn't know what to do. After all, they left Baron Martin behind at a critical moment.

Heavy and hurried footsteps came from far to near, and Baron Martin walked in quickly with a frosty face.

"I've met Viscount Gandy!" Martin saluted slightly, expressing his dissatisfaction expressionlessly.

"Well! It's great to have Baron Martin come back! I was still worried about Baron Martin's safety just now!" Viscount Gandy smiled and said, he knew that Baron Martin must be dissatisfied at this time, even angry, and he didn't Mind Baron Martin's rude behavior.

"Viscount Martin! You should know the specific situation of the blue water collar this time! If these three idiots were not greedy for life and feared death and suddenly retreated, the blue water collar would not have been lost at all! Most importantly, because of these three idiots, My Flying Fish Leader fighters suffered heavy losses!"

Baron Martin glanced indifferently at the three barons next to him, then turned his head and said to Gandy.

"Baron Martin! What are you talking about! You..."

"Okay, stop talking!"

The three barons were very angry when they heard this. Baron Andrew was about to refute when he was interrupted by Viscount Gandy. When he heard that it was the Viscount who spoke, Andrew had no choice but to shut up.

"Baron Martin! The three of Baron Andrew really did something wrong! I will make them apologize to you. As for the loss of the Flying Fish Leader fighters, I, the Blue Water Leader, must make up for it. After all, the Flying Fish Leader came to help my Blue Water Leader. I'm so sorry about that!"

Gandy said to Baron Martin slightly apologetically.

Seeing Viscount Gandy, he offered to apologize and promised to make compensation to the Flying Fish Leader. Baron Martin didn't want to break his face. After all, he was in the Blue Water Leader now, so he could only suppress his dissatisfaction and said: "Then Thank you, Lord Viscount! It's just that Martin is tired and tired, sorry Martin, I need to go back and rest!"

"Hmm! It's really hard for Baron Martin to keep fighting the sea monster, so let's go back and rest!" Viscount Gandy narrowed his eyes and said with a smile after hearing this.

"Thank you, Lord Viscount!" After thanking Baron Martin, he went straight out.

After Baron Martin left, Baron Andrew spoke.

"My lord Viscount! This Baron Martin is so arrogant! He even spoke rudely in front of you, my lord Viscount!" Andrew emphasized.

"Master Viscount! Do you really want to compensate Flying Fish Leader? After all, the loss of Flying Fish Leader was just an accident." Jost said a little dissatisfied when he heard that the Viscount wanted to compensate Flying Fish Leader.

"If it weren't for you guys! Would I be humble! Listen to me now, and tomorrow you will take your respective compensation to Baron Martin's residence, apologize to Baron Martin, and make compensation. This time the compensation will be provided by your three territories Come out!" Viscount Gandy said bitterly.


Want their three territories to pay compensation together?How much gold dragon would it cost!The three were taken aback.

"Get out!" Seeing the faces of the three, Viscount Gandy was annoyed and said angrily.

"Yes! Yes..." After the three hurriedly saluted, they ran out after each other.


the next day.

Qinghuangling, in Qinghuangbao, Allen slowly put down the information about the blue water collar in his hand.

This time, the blue water-led sea-monster's attack was stronger than ever before. Among the several large ports, the blue water port was breached, and now it is basically scrapped, and there will be sea-monsters wandering among the ruins from time to time.

Almost half of the many small ports were breached, and a large number of soldiers were massacred by the sea monsters who attacked the port.

Allen estimated that by the end of the Kraken invasion, at least half of the ocean trade in the entire Blue Water Territory would be destroyed, and the economy of the entire Blue Water Territory would be severely hit.

Allen had already received the battle report about Black Shark Harbor. Antonio and the Blue Knights did not disappoint him. Not only did they repel the attacking Kraken, but even the casualties were very few.

Allen estimated that at this time, Viscount Gandy of the blue water collar must have a very bad face at this time, and his mood is even worse.

Having nothing to do with himself, Alan was very bored and made up the picture of Viscount Gandy at this time.

"Lord Baron! The others are ready! Just wait for you, Lord Baron!" Bud rushed in from the outside, and said to Allen who was wandering in the sky at this time.

"Well! Got it! Let's go!" When Bud interrupted, Allen came back to his senses, got up immediately, and nodded in response.

Today is the day for the relocation of the entire Nine Offices and the Blue Desolate Knights, and now the others are ready, just waiting for Alan to appear.

"Your Baron!" "Your Baron!"


Seeing Alan's appearance, all the directors and squadron leaders saluted one by one.

Looking at the long dragon behind the team, Allen nodded and said: "Well! Now that you are ready, let's go!"

After bidding farewell to Mrs. Lisa and the others, Allen walked into his carriage, and the team began to move slowly towards Musen City.

 Thanks to the book friend "Cloud" for the two monthly tickets

(End of this chapter)

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