Ambition Lord

Chapter 121 The Darkfang Tribe

Chapter 121 The Darkfang Tribe
In the afternoon, a team of thousands of people finally approached Musen City.

In front of the team are Alan's carriage and several squadrons of the Blue and Wild Knights, behind them are everyone from the Logistics Bureau, and behind them are officials from the Ninth Office. Apart from these, behind them are carriages full of goods. Here are the recruits.

Now some of these recruits are already wearing leather armor and holding spears.

The leather armor was replaced by the soldiers of the third squadron, the fourth squadron, and the fifth squadron. As for them themselves, they have a more refined demon scale armor.

As for the spear, it was produced in a hurry by the logistics bureau. The spear only needed an iron spearhead to make it quickly, unlike long swords, armor generally took a long time to wear out.

There are all kinds of equipment and materials on the carriage, including various books and tools from the logistics department, the household registration book of the household registration department, and other things, among which are the flame wheat fruits that Alan usually eats.

Since the flame wheat fruit was harvested last time, Allen has been processing them to make bread and other foods that he normally eats.

"Lord Baron! It's Musen!" Kant outside the carriage said to Allen inside the carriage.

After hearing this, Allen lifted the front curtain of the carriage.

The gate to enter this time is the south gate of Musen City. In order to move smoothly this time, the south gate of Musen City was closed yesterday, and other citizens are strictly prohibited from passing through.

Seeing the approaching team, the guards outside the city hurriedly opened the roadblock and opened the city gate completely.

"Let's go! Go to town!"

The civilians in the entire Musen City basically knew about this relocation. Seeing this long procession entering the street, and a large number of cavalry ahead clearing the way, they knew that the legendary Baron Qinghuang had arrived.

People in the middle of the road hurriedly stepped aside, fearing that they would hinder the progress of the team.

Not long after, the team arrived at Fort Musen. This time Allen lived in Fort Musen. After all, Fort Musen is a ready-made castle in Musen City. After the former Viscount Bernard died in battle and his family disappeared , the entire castle is no longer inhabited.

After preparing to move to Musen City, Allen decided to live in Musen Fort, so he sent someone to Musen Fort to clean it before that.

In addition to Alan living in Fort Musen, the nine offices are also located near Fort Musen.

The Nine Offices are no longer built separately in different places like Qinghuangling, and now the offices of the Nine Offices are all concentrated together.

In order to establish the nine stations, Allen demolished a large area of ​​houses on the right side of Fort Musen, and rebuilt a huge building complex. According to the corresponding size of each place, it is divided into nine districts, each occupying one district. In the future, the officials of the nine offices will work in their own districts.

As for the logistics bureau and the resident of the Qinghuang Knights, they are not located in the city. The Qinghuang Knights will set up a barracks outside Musen City, and the resident of the Logistics Bureau serving the army will be built in the barracks.

After the relocation of Help Nine and Allen is completed, the soldiers of the Blue Desolate Knights will leave Musen City with the logistics bureau.

With the assistance of more than 1000 soldiers, the relocation was very fast. Before the evening, the relocation of nine places was basically completed, and Alan will officially move into Fort Musen.

After three, four, five and three squadrons took the recruits to set up camp outside the city, Allen came to the back garden of Fort Musen.

The back garden of Musenbao is much larger than that of Qinghuangbao, at least [-] acres. The flowers and plants in it have begun to grow wildly because they have not been taken care of for a long time. Living.


Allen shouted to Bud behind him.

Bud understood, and handed over the small golden tree in his hand to Allen, which was the iron tree.

Before leaving Qinghuangling, Allen ordered Bud to dig out the iron tree, and now Allen plans to plant the iron tree here.

After digging a few times at random, a soil pit appeared in front of him. Allen put the iron tree in it, and then filled it in again with the soil dug out around it.

Then he took the liquid wood cup containing the gold element from Bard, and Allen slowly poured it at the root of the iron tree.

Under the influence of the strong gold element, the cycads that had been a little wilted came back to life again, and began to absorb the gold element in the air, and the golden spots on their body began to increase.

After finishing planting the cycads, Allen looked at the messy back garden. Allen wanted someone to take care of it, but he probably had to wait a few days.

Because Allen came to Musen City this time, except for Mrs. Lisa who asked Allen to bring a chef and two servants, only Bud was left.

"Bud! Tomorrow, we will go to Musen City's mercenary market to call some servants!" Allen said to Bud.

Although there are only a few people in the whole Fort Musen, it still needs a lot of servants to run it.


There is a mercenary market in Musen City, which is dedicated to raising servants for nobles like Allen, officials, and rich merchants' families. Commoners who want to be servants will come to the mercenary market, expecting to be picked away.

In the past, most of the servants in Qinghuang Castle came from the servant market in Musen City.


The sea area of ​​the Hogg Kingdom, the largest seaport in the Hogg Kingdom, Hogg Harbor.

At this time, Tesirel from the Kingdom of Azar was preparing to receive 120 wolf-bellied ships bought from the Kingdom of Hogg.

I saw rows of huge black ships parked there quietly on the sea, with no end in sight.

Tesirel was frightened by the sight in front of him. It was hard to imagine how many such large ships the Hogg Kingdom had. No wonder the Hogg Kingdom could dominate this sea area, and even marched by sea to plunder the human countries in the west of the Hogg Kingdom.

In fact, the reason why the Hoag Kingdom was able to build so many ships and develop a powerful navy is because there is an oak forest in the Hogg Kingdom.

Although the hardness of oak cannot be compared with that of iron birch, a large ship made of hard wood such as oak, to a certain extent, can resist the attack and destruction of sea monsters, unless the ship is attacked A large number of sea monsters are destroyed, otherwise they will not be damaged.

Tesirel, who was astonished, suddenly felt someone stabbing his waist, turned around and saw that it was Francis, Tessirel was puzzled, and was about to ask.

"The king is coming!" Francis quickly reminded Tesirell when he found out that Tesireal still didn't understand.

After being reminded by Francis, Tesireal also reacted. For the handover of the ship, King Ulbert of the Hogg Kingdom will come in person. Tesireal was also waiting for King Ulbert at the port just now. 's arrival

Outside the port, I saw a golden-yellow, huge violent wolf walking slowly, followed by some slightly smaller cyan burst wolves.

Sitting on top of the golden crackling wolf was a gigantic wolf man, dressed in black human costume, with black hair all over his face, and holding a black scepter with a wolf's head that looked like iron in his hand. .

It was Ulbert, the king of the Hogg Kingdom and the chief leader of the Darkfang Tribe.

 Thanks to the book friend "Cloud" for the two monthly tickets
(End of this chapter)

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