Ambition Lord

Chapter 127 Linton Principality

Chapter 127 Linton Principality
"Viscount Gandy is serious! I, Mu Senling, played too little role in this. I am ashamed to say that I only guarded a Black Shark Harbor!" Allen said with a smile.

"Ha! Ha! It's not too small! It's not too small..." Viscount Gandy was about to boast a few words, but was interrupted by Joshua, who was next to him with a golden iron collar.

"Baron Allen! This time you are not only here to discuss the issue of the blue water collar!"

Allen was startled, did he want to talk about mosquito coils with Earl Reagan, and Viscount Josue found out?
Only Viscount Joshua continued.

"You still have to come to accept the canonization of the Earl! This is the last step for you to officially become Viscount Musen!" Joshua smiled at Allen with his pie-like face.

"Yes... yes!" Allen replied with a sigh of relief.

"Since you are here to accept the title of Viscount Musen, you have to be careful. Let me tell you, that old bastard Gowe has a lot to do with your Viscount Bernard. Now you have robbed his nephew of the title of Viscount and said Maybe he will make things difficult for you!" Viscount Joshua warned.

Alan didn't know whether this guy deliberately sowed discord because of his grudge against Viscount Gaowei, or if it was true, so he could only smile and say nothing.

After a while, the other viscounts also took their seats one after another, except for Earl Reagan, all of them had arrived.

Allen looked at the six viscounts around him, and said in his heart, if Earl Reagan was added, this would be the core of power for the entire Earl of Reagan, and he could affect the situation of the Earl of Reagan at will.

Looking at Viscount Joshua and Viscount Goway who had been glaring at each other, Allen guessed that if it wasn't for Twilight Castle, the two would probably fight here. performance neglect.

After the servants finished serving all the exquisite dishes, Earl Reagan came.

Half-white hair, tall and thin, and sharp eyesight, according to Allen, Earl Reagan is at least in his 50s, but he feels like he is only in his 30s.

But Allen thought about it again. Although a high-level knight like Earl Reagan cannot increase his lifespan, his vitality is extremely strong, and it is normal to age slowly.

"Okay! Now that everyone has arrived, let's get to the point first! Regarding the construction of the blue water collar port!" Earl Reagan got to the point without leaving the water.

"This time, we need at least 15 golden dragons to repair all the ports destroyed by the blue water collar siren!" Earl Reagan said solemnly.

"15!" several viscounts exclaimed, the 15 golden dragons are really too much.

Allen was also taken aback. It is very difficult for Mu Senling to take out the 15 golden dragons now, unless the magical plants such as flame wheat are sold.

"What? Too much? Then you can quit the blue water caravan! All the 15 golden dragons will be taken by me, Twilight!" Earl Reagan said coldly.

The other viscounts stopped talking all of a sudden, none of them wanted to give up the benefits of the blue water caravan.

"This time, the 15 gold dragons will be [-] gold dragons from the twilight collar, the golden iron collar, the nightingale collar, the night color collar, and the white wood collar. Each of the five collars will bear [-] gold dragons. Since the Musen collar and the flying fish collar sent troops to support the blue water collar , so you two territories only need to bear [-] golden dragons!"

Earl Reagan continued after seeing that the others stopped talking.

"Those who want to withdraw from the blue water caravan can still mention it?" Earl Reagan continued.

The viscounts below were full of entanglements, but in the end, no one raised any objections, and they all acquiesced.

"By the way! Apart from this incident, I have another piece of news to tell you! Now the friction between the Duchy of Kane and the Duchy of Linton in the north has become increasingly fierce, and the war is very likely to break out. Grand Duke Dive sent me a message, Let my County of Reagan hurry up and prepare for the war, and once the border war breaks out, my County of Reagan will send troops to join the war!" Earl Reagan sent an explosive message.

"So when you go back, you must not slacken the training of fighters in the territory. Once a war breaks out, some of your soldiers will be recruited from each of your territories to represent the Earl of Reagan to participate in the war!" Earl Reagan said with a serious face.

The other viscounts were also shocked by the news, war is coming!At least tens of thousands of soldiers must be invested in the war between the two principalities. Once the battle breaks out, it will definitely not be heard for a while.

Allen was no exception, and he was very surprised. He originally wanted to live a peaceful life, but he didn't expect that the Principality of Kane and the Principality of Linton would soon break out of war!
Afterwards, Allen slowly recovered from the shock, heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, and felt relieved. Although this war may break out, their territory will also send troops to participate, but after all, the Wooden Territory is just a small Viscount Territory. It is estimated that there will not be many troops dispatched, and now that the war has not come, it may not break out in the end.

The most important thing is that this war did not reach the Musen Territory, which is far to the south of the Principality of Kane.The other viscounts also wanted to understand the truth, and they were no longer so nervous. No matter how the war was fought, it was impossible to hit their Earl of Reagan!If the war really reaches the Earl of Reagan, then the Principality of Kane is probably not far from being destroyed!

"Although the battle hasn't broken out yet! But you have to prepare in advance!" Earl Reagan reminded after finding that everyone's emotions had stabilized.

"Yes!" All the viscounts said in unison.

"Now that this matter is over, let's talk about Baron Allen! I think everyone must know something about Baron Allen. I plan to hold a ceremony for Baron Allen tomorrow. If you have nothing important , you can stay and watch the ceremony! Alright! Let’s all start to taste the dinner at my Twilight Castle! Especially you, Baron Allen, this is your first time to my Twilight Castle!" After finishing the most important thing, Earl Reagan relaxed Leaning on the chair, he smiled and said to the Viscount and Allen below.

"Yes! Lord Earl!" Allen smiled, nodded, and began to eat.

Allen, who finished the dinner, did not stay long, did not go to the dance held by Lord Viscount, returned to his room, and began to think about what Earl Reagan said at today's dinner table.

Regarding the construction of Lanshuiling port, Musenling needs to pay [-] gold dragons, which Musenling can barely afford. Although the development of the territory has spent a lot of golden dragons these days, it can be obtained from the various baronies of Musenling. There are a lot of golden dragons found, and it is still possible to come up with [-] golden dragons.

What Alan misses the most is the friction between the Principality of Linton and the Principality of Kane.

The war is coming, and no one can guarantee the exact time when the war will break out, so it is right for Earl Reagan to let them return to the territory and prepare as soon as possible.

It seems that the training of recruits is going to be accelerated!Allen said secretly in his heart.Now the recruits are still in the training stage, and only after the training is completed can they be divided into teams and other squadrons of the Qinghuang Knights can be established.

 Thanks to the book friends "Wanli", "My heart is not cold, it is cold" and "Dugu Ling Xingyu" for their monthly tickets
(End of this chapter)

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