Ambition Lord

Chapter 128 Only 1 Golden Dragon

Chapter 128 Only One Golden Dragon (Part [-])

The next day, early in the morning, on the grass outside Twilight Castle, a white carpet formed a long road, the nearest ones were the viscounts and some people they brought over, and beyond that were some people who came to watch the ceremony after hearing the news Among some of the officials, Bud and the others are standing on the outermost edge.

None of the six viscounts left, and all of them stayed. After all, it was just a ceremonial ceremony, which didn't take much time at all, and they couldn't afford to offend the newly promoted Viscount Allen, so they might as well save face.

At this time, Earl Reagan was dressed formally and stood in front of Allen with a serious face.

Baird on the side looked at Allen standing in front of Earl Reagan with a complicated expression, knowing that Mu Senling would never have anything to do with him again!Viscount Josue next to him looked at his calm nephew, but didn't speak!
"Alan Charles! Young and promising, brave and intelligent, he quelled the chaos of the Wooden Land in one fell swoop as the Baron of Qinghuang. Hereinafter, I will grant the Wooden Land to Alan Charles in the name of my Reagan family to show his Contributions to the Wooden Land! Baron Allen Charles! Are you willing to become a vassal of my Reagan family!" Earl Reagan said with a serious face.

After hearing this, Allen immediately knelt on one knee and said, "Yes!"

After hearing Allen's answer, Earl Reagan took out a silver metal crown from a wooden box held by a servant next to him, and put it on Allen's head, and the conferment ceremony was officially completed.

The crown is a symbol of power, which means that Alan can exercise the power of the lord over the entire Musen Territory in the future. In fact, the crown is not needed, and it can also be replaced with a ring, scepter and the like.

From now on, Allen can officially exercise sovereignty over Mu Senling, unlike before, there is indeed a bit of injustice in it.

Earl Reagan left directly after completing the ceremony, and all the other viscounts also stepped forward to congratulate Allen.

"Congratulations to Baron Allen for becoming a viscount!" With his fat body, Viscount Gandy squeezed abruptly to the front and congratulated Allen.

"Thank you!" Allen nodded and thanked.

Afterwards, Allen dealt with the other viscounts, and finally, half an hour later, after the other viscounts left Twilight Castle one after another, Allen was considered clean.

"Bud! Come here!" Allen said to Bud who was waiting in the distance.

"My lord!" Hearing the baron calling himself, Bud ran over quickly.

"Go and get the package I put on the carriage and the twenty fire rattan clothes!"



"Master Earl! Viscount Allen wants to see you!" Earl Reagan had just sat down in the study for a while, when the butler said.

"Oh! Bring him in!"

I don't know what else Allen needs to find himself, Earl Reagan said in his heart.

"Master Earl!" Allen stepped forward and saluted.

"Sit down! Why are you looking for me?" Earl Reagan asked.

"This time I'm here to discuss a business with the Earl. I guarantee that this business is no worse than the sea trade of the blue water caravan!" Allen said with a positive expression.

"Viscount Allen, you should know that the blue water caravan is not that simple. Now you are saying that your business is compared with the blue water caravan. I hope you are not talking about it!" Earl Reagan said in a deep voice.

"My lord! Please look! This is what I am going to introduce to Lord Earl this time, and I will name it the mosquito coil!" Allen took out a mosquito coil from the bag in his hand. The mosquito coil made by Allen is very similar to the mosquito coil from the previous life. It is different, but like the incense burnt in the temples of the previous life, it is in the shape of a column. This is due to the manufacturing process of the disc-shaped mosquito coils, which is very impractical. Allen can only choose this simple column-shaped incense.

"Viscount Allen! What is this?" Earl Reagan asked with a puzzled expression when he noticed that Allen had pulled out something he didn't recognize at all.

"My lord! I named it mosquito coils! As long as it is lit, it will emit a scent that will stun and kill the mosquitoes in the room! But it is not harmful to the human body!" Allen said, holding As soon as the fire element turned, a flame burst out from the fingertips, igniting the mosquito coil.

"Oh!" Earl Reagan was a little surprised at the effect of what Allen said.

If it is as Viscount Allen said, then this thing called mosquito coils is indeed of great value. You must know that once summer comes, the number of mosquitoes in the southern part of the mainland will increase dramatically, and people will not be disturbed by it. This is how mosquito nets were invented. It can only encircle the small part of the bed in the room, and it is only useful when sleeping.
Now once it is proved that this mosquito coil is indeed effective, then its sales will not worry at all, and its value will be astonishing.

"Then let's try it!" Earl Reagan said impatiently.

At this time, a small bug flew by in the air. Earl Reagan directly controlled the wind element to make a movement in the air, and rolled the bug back, condensing the wind element into a ball with a rotating surface and a hollow inside. After that, the bug and All the mosquito coils were put in. Although the insects that were put into the wind element ball struggled to fly out, they were constantly blocked by the ball.

Gradually, as time went by, after 10 minutes, the little insects flying in the air began to become more and more unstable, and finally fell directly from the air, struggling a few times and not moving.

"Okay! Ha! Ha!" Earl Reagan shouted excitedly. The mosquito coil was indeed effective in killing these insects.

Now that the experiment is successful, Earl Reagan also knows the effect of mosquito coils, and the next step is to talk about the distribution of benefits. Alan didn't think that Earl Reagan would not give up any benefits and help him sell mosquito coils for free!
"Viscount Allen! I wonder how the production of this mosquito coil is?"

"Due to the material problem, the current output of this mosquito coil is not high, but when next summer comes, it should not be a problem to be able to produce [-] mosquito coils!" Allen said after hesitating for a moment.

"One hundred thousand? Viscount Allen, you know, my twilight collar alone has more than 10 people, and you are now [-], which is too little!" Earl Reagan frowned.

[-] roots, even if one a day, one summer is close to [-] days, that is [-] roots, that is to say, [-] roots is only enough for [-] households to use in one summer, which is really too little!

"My lord! You misunderstood me! I never thought of selling mosquito coils to civilians now. After all, civilians can't bear the price I set!" Allen said with a smile.

"You want to sell to the lord?" Earl Reagan thought of Allen's thoughts in an instant.

"That's right!" Allen nodded.

"Then what is the price you set?" Earl Regan asked, after all, Allen wanted to sell it to other lords, so the price must not be cheap.

"A golden dragon!" Alan Lion said loudly.

"What? A golden dragon! Viscount Allen, are you sure?" Earl Reagan was startled, how could this Viscount Allen set a price so blindly.

 Thanks to the book friends "Wanli", "My heart is not cold, it is cold" and "Dugu Ling Xingyu" for their monthly tickets
(End of this chapter)

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