Ambition Lord

Chapter 129 Mosquito Incense Workshop

Chapter 129 Mosquito Incense Workshop
"That's right! It's a golden dragon!" Allen nodded affirmatively.

"Viscount Allen! Is the price of a golden dragon a bit high?" Earl Reagan hesitated.

"For a lord, the price of a golden dragon is not high. Your lord, you should have a deep understanding of the mosquitoes in the Principality of Kane in summer! These insects, even us nobles, cannot avoid them. Once these lords understand Knowing the usefulness of this mosquito coil and knowing that it can solve their summer problems, I believe they will definitely not refuse!"

In fact, the price of a golden dragon is really not that high for a baron and viscount. After all, a castle can’t use many sticks in summer. What other nobles really have to consider is whether this mosquito coil is worth it. They bought it at a high price!But on this point, Allen has deep self-confidence.

Earl Reagan nodded slightly after hearing what Allen said, agreeing with the price of the mosquito coil!

"Then I don't know how Viscount Allen wants me to cooperate? How should the final proceeds be distributed?" Earl Regan said.

"I plan to let my Mu Senling make the mosquito coils, and the earl will be responsible for the sales. As for the final proceeds, I will divide them in half, which means that the earl can get [-]%!" Allen said with a smile.

In fact, Allen was bleeding a lot this time. He used materials and manpower from his own territory to make mosquito coils, but in the end he could only get [-]% of the profit, while Earl Reagan could get [-]% just by being in charge of sales.

However, there is no way around this. Earl Reagan must be involved in this matter, and Earl Reagan must endorse him. Otherwise, when the mosquito coils sell well in the Principality of Kane, Allen cannot guarantee that no one will do anything wrong to him. Fatty moved his mind.

After getting Earl Reagan, the mosquito-repellent coil trade can be considered as Earl Reagan's industry. Once someone snoops, Earl Reagan will definitely take the lead in solving it without Allen's action.

In other words, as Earl Reagan, he can prevent a lot of trouble for Allen's mosquito coil trade.

"Okay! It works! This mosquito coil will be sold by me, Twilight! Haha!"

Earl Reagan is very satisfied with Allen's allocation, and he can get [-]% of the proceeds without spending any money. As for the sale?He, Earl Reagan, is considered the top group of nobles in the Duchy of Kane, and it couldn't be easier for him to sell the mosquito coils!

Of course, Earl Reagan can roughly guess what Allen is thinking. Without him, it would not be easy for Allen to sell mosquito coils, but as long as he can get so much profit, he will not care about these small thoughts anymore. This batch of mosquito coils can be sold completely, and he can get [-] gold dragons in vain.

One hundred thousand roots, one golden dragon, one hundred thousand roots, one hundred thousand golden dragons!
After discussing the mosquito coil business with Earl Reagan, Allen didn't stay long, and took Bud and the others back to Musenling.

The first thing Alan did when he returned to Musenling was to find a place to raise three flame rat babies. Rat monsters grow faster, and a place that is too small is not suitable.

After thinking for a long time, Alan finally decided to keep the three flame rats in the castle. After all, they were born not long ago and have not been weaned. It is safer to stay in the castle to take care of them. When they can open their eyes and walk independently, they will consider moving. question!

It is now the beginning of November, and Allen suddenly remembered that he hadn't visited "Xiao Yi" for many days. It's so good that the flame wheat has matured, so Allen decided to go to Qinghuang to lead a trip.

"Yi Ya! Yi Ya!" Xiao Yi beat Alan's head fiercely with both hands, angry that Alan didn't come to see her for many days, Alan could only smile wryly.

No way, Allen had to take out a fire element spar from his pocket and hand it to Xiao Yi above his head.

Seeing the spar, Xiao Yi hurriedly hugged it in his arms, and babbled at Alan, barely forgiving him.

It has been many days since the last time the flame wheat was poured with the fire element liquid. Now the flame wheat has reached the peak of the second level of transformation, but in Allen's view, it is not so easy to break through to the third level of transformation. There is still time to spend more spars.

In fact, Alan deliberately used the original source beads to check how to make the flame wheat break through the third level of transformation. Unfortunately, the answer returned was either the supernatural element core that Alan could not get, or the fire element source liquid. Something Len had never heard of.

"Xiao Yi! Pick all the fruits for me!" Allen said to Xiao Yi in the air.

"Yiya!" Xiaoyi understood, controlled the ears of wheat to break automatically, and gathered in front of Allen!
Several thousand catties of flaming wheat fruits, Alan cannot lift them by himself, so he can only ask the soldiers outside to help pack these flaming wheat fruits, put them on the carriage, and bring them back to Musen City.

After playing with Xiaoyi for a while, Allen bid farewell to Xiaoyi, and then Allen went back to Qinghuang Town. Now Qinghuang Town has returned to its former peace with the relocation of the Nine Offices and the barracks. It's no different from the small towns in other territories.

"Ma'am! Baron Allen is back!" A servant said to Mrs. Lisa who was talking to Irene.

"Quick! Go meet Ellen!" Mrs. Lisa was very pleasantly surprised, and hurried to the castle hall with Irene.

"Alan! You're back!" Irene first saw Alan sitting on a seat in the hall.

"Irene! Mrs. Lisa!" Allen smiled.

"How's Musen City? Are there many things that the Green Desolation Territory doesn't have?" Irene asked curiously.

"Yes! Musen City is much more prosperous than Qinghuangling, and indeed has many things that Qinghuangling does not have." After hearing this, Alan smiled and replied.

"Why don't you come back to Musen City with me later?" Alan couldn't help asking seeing that Irene was curious about Musen City.

"Although I really want to go, but forget it! I may go to Ye Shi Ling to attend the dance later, Winona wrote to invite me, and I have already agreed!" Although Irene wanted to go, but when she thought that she had already agreed Winona couldn't help but shook her head and gave up.

"Alan! Aren't you having lunch in the castle?" Mrs. Lisa hurriedly asked when she heard that Alan was leaving later. After all, it was almost noon.

"No need! I still have some things to deal with!" Allen shook his head. He did have something to return to Musen City.

Now that the trade of mosquito coils has been negotiated with Earl Reagan, it is natural to start collecting materials and making mosquito coils. Allen plans to build a mosquito coil workshop in Musen City, which is specially used to make mosquito coils, and collecting materials requires a caravan. Right now he was going back to think about choosing someone to take charge of the entire mosquito coil workshop and caravan for him. This person must not only be trusted, but also have rich business experience.

 Thanks to the book friend "Wanli" for the monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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