Ambition Lord

Chapter 174 Production of Flame Mouse

Chapter 174 Production of Flame Mouse

In the west of the Duchy of Bru, where the territory of the four principalities meets, the terracotta plain is full of fire dragon flowers that remain open all year round. When a gust of wind blows, the strange and immature crimson petals float towards the distance.

The Fire Dragon Territory, the fief of the legendary Stark family, is located on the terracotta plain, and the Fire Dragon City is being established in the center of the terracotta plain. The Stark family has thrived and grown in this place for many years.

Now the strength of the Fire Dragon Territory is at its peak in the Principality, and the status of Fire Dragon Marquis Lucius Stark in the Principality of Bru is almost equal to that of the Duke of Bru.

The huge Fire Dragon City is in the middle of the Chitu Plain, it is the main road for north-south and east-west exchanges, and it is also the economic and political core of the Chitu Plain.

At this time, in the tall and majestic crimson fire dragon castle, a man wrapped in a black mask suddenly appeared beside the Marquis of Fire Dragon who was in his prime!

"Master Marquis! The plan has already begun!" the black masked man said with a hoarse voice.

"The Principality of Kane will definitely be defeated this time! Let people invade the Earl of Reagan as soon as possible, and wait for orders!" Marquis Huolong narrowed his pale red eyes and said lightly.

"Yes!" The black masked man said with a little respect.

The Fire Dragon Marquis nodded, and then turned his gaze to Fisher, who was sitting on the chair in front of him with a worried look, and said, "Fischer, what are you worried about?"

Fischer is a middle-aged knight with deep blue eyes, abnormally rough skin on his face, and a scar on his right mouth with the length of his index finger.

Fisher Stark, originally an orphan, was adopted by the former Fire Dragon Marquis and given a surname, and now he is the leader of the Fire Dragon Leader Sword and Shield Knights.

"Master Marquis! Are you really sure that the ancestor will be there during the war? The ancestor hasn't released Huolongshanlong for 20 years?" Fisher said with some concerns.

"Don't worry! The ancestor will definitely appear on the battlefield this time!" Marquis Huolong was not angry because of Fisher's question, but said affirmatively.

If Alan were here at this time, he would be able to find out from their undisguised elemental fluctuations that the three in front of him were all high-level knights.


Unknowingly, the time has come to the beginning of March, and it has been almost a year since Allen came to this foreign world.

In order to infiltrate the other four large villages, Allen specially dispatched another [-] shadows from Musenling to solve the problem of insufficient shadows on Heilan Island.

Of course, this also led to a shortage of personnel in Andy's hands, which slowed down the penetration of Mu Senling into other counties.

After arranging the plans for the other four large villages to Shadow, Allen returned to Musen City again. This time he returned to Musen to lead Allen to bring only Barton, and Bard was left by Allen to protect the barracks and Take care of four little crown wengs.

In addition to dealing with some accumulated affairs, Allen returned this time, and the most important thing was to formally trade mosquito coils with Reagan. Now the number of mosquitoes in the southern part of the mainland has gradually increased in March, which is a good time to promote mosquito coils.

Moreover, the mosquito coils sold for the first time were all within the Earl of Reagan, and at most expanded to the surrounding area of ​​the Earl of Reagan, so trade can be carried out without sea routes at all. Now that the blue water caravan has not been established, it has no effect on Allen.

Of course, in addition to the mosquito coil trade, this time Allen will also take a look at the flame rats that have been bred for four months. It is estimated that the flame rats have already produced a small flame rat, and Allen's flame knights are one step closer to being established.

After sailing back and forth many times, Captain Jill was already very familiar with the back and forth channel, and it took only two days for Allen to return from Helan Island to Musenling.

As soon as Musen No. [-] approached the fishing port, he found that many people were busy on several idle wooden boats. Shouts and reprimands came from each boat. Allen knew that it was Captain Fran and his old sailors. We are training a group of newbies who have been recruited.

"Master Viscount! After the successful training of this batch of trainees, the eighteen wooden boats led by Mu Sen will basically be full!" Jill also stood beside Allen at this time, smiling.

Allen nodded, full of expectations for these rookie sailors, and the expansion of Musen's leading fleet in the future still depends on them.

Not long after returning to Musen City, Allen left behind the business that he needed to handle personally, and hurried to the military camp outside the city. According to Butler Kaili, the Flame Rat had been born three days ago.

Because the flame rats grow too fast and have strong destructive power, and they are low-level monsters after all, Alan raised them in the military camp after taking them away from Fort Musen last time.

After waving the saluting soldiers back, Alan walked straight into the specially built breeding area in the barracks.

After entering, Allen found three huge iron cages, which were much larger than the ones Allen built at the beginning. Inside were three adult flame rats. Two of the cages had nests made of soft grass. This was specially prepared by the soldiers for the two female rats. After all, two female rats cannot be allowed to give birth to flame rat babies in a cold iron cage.

At this time, the two female flame rats were not in the nest, but ran around in the iron cage, and found that so many people suddenly appeared outside the cage, the mother female rat was a little anxious.

Since there was no cover from the female mouse, Allen easily observed the flame rat cubs in the two nests, five in the first nest and seven in the second nest, a total of twelve cubs.

The number of cubs exceeded Allen's expectations. The reason why Allen put his hope of establishing the Flame Knights on the Flame Rats is because they grow fast and give birth to many babies. Basically, the female rats can give birth to one litter every month. From this, one can imagine how many flame rats Alan can get in one year.

But like the Crown Weng, it doesn't work. It takes a long time to grow and reproduce. It can't meet Alan's needs in a short period of time to build a flying knight order.

Of course, there is a reason why the flame rats have such a terrifying reproductive ability, but they have not become a disaster.

First of all, rat monsters are restricted by natural enemies, and then there are environmental factors. If there is not enough food, most of the young rats born will starve to death.

The three situations simultaneously curbed the proliferation of rat monsters, but the flame rats in the Musen Territory do not exist in the first two situations.

Without natural enemies and without hunger, the reproduction speed of the flame rat would be extremely terrifying.

From birth to death, flame rats are only two years old, and Allen intends to control their survival time to about one year. You must know that the number of female rats giving birth to young rats is increasing in the previous year, and will start to increase in the next year. Reduced the number of pups born.

After doing some calculations, Allen plans to limit the lifespan of each Flame Rat to about one year. Flame Rats that reach one year of age will be slaughtered, and their fur will be used to make elemental equipment, and their blood will be used to make fire elements. The blood potion and the meat are handed over to the soldiers to improve their strength.

 Thanks to the book friend "Shadow in the Eye" for rewarding 1565 coins

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(End of this chapter)

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