Ambition Lord

Chapter 175 Mu Senxiang

Chapter 175 Mu Senxiang

The young rats are growing very fast, and maybe after two weeks, these young rats will no longer be able to stay in the same nest with the female rats. Allen specifically asked the Logistics Bureau to start building a large number of cages of the same style just in case they are needed.

After watching the flame mouse, Allen went to the mosquito coil workshop. Ever since Lear was appointed by Allen as the captain of the Musen caravan and the owner of the mosquito coil workshop, he has been busy these days. The mosquito coil workshop is under the abbot of Lear. , continuously producing dark green mosquito-repellent coils, Lear is like a spinning top.

When Allen came, Lear was checking and accepting the quality of the mosquito coils made by the workers in the workshop.

The mosquito-repellent incense workshop requires a lot of manpower, whether it is making materials or using molds to make incense. For this reason, Lear also summoned a large number of people from the entire Musen area. After some screening, they were called into the workshop.

"Master Viscount! You are here!" Lear noticed that Alan was coming, and hurriedly put down the mosquito coil in his hand and came to Alan, smiling slightly.

"How many mosquito coils have the workshop produced so far?" Allen went straight to the topic, wanting to know how efficient the workshop has been for such a long time.

"Master Viscount! The number of mosquito coils produced in the workshop today has reached 13, 3 more than expected!" Lear said with a smile.

"Okay! You have contributed a lot to Lear!" Allen said with a smile in his heart.

Each mosquito-repellent incense made in the workshop has the thickness of chopsticks, is about [-] centimeters long, and is dark green throughout. Every ten mosquito-repellent incense is wrapped with a piece of yellow grass paper, and a bundle of ten golden dragons is used.

But looking at the mosquito coils piled up on the table, Allen suddenly felt that although the name "mosquito coil" is very down-to-earth and easy to understand, it is not tall at all, and it is not worthy of the price of a golden dragon. So I decided to give this mosquito coil a new name.

"Lear, I'm going to rename the mosquito coil. I wonder if you have any good ideas!" Allen said solemnly.

"My lord! Why don't we call it Musenxiang! This incense is produced by our Musen, it's very appropriate!" Lear said after thinking for a while.

Allen thought the name was good when he heard it. It highlighted the place of origin of the mosquito coils, and adding the word "Musen" gave people a sense of forest freshness, and the grade was instantly improved a lot.

"Okay! Let's call it Mu Senxiang!" Allen nodded.

"By the way! Before tonight, load all the 13 Musenxiang into the car, and go to Twilight City with me tomorrow." Allen ordered.

"Yes! Lear will definitely load these musenxiangs into the car as soon as possible!" Lear said with a serious face.


Early the next morning, led by Allen, the three carriages slowly drove out of Musen City and headed towards Twilight City. .

Because the texture of these woody incense is very brittle and easy to break, the speed of the carriage on the road is not too fast, lest there will be a strong vibration and some woody incense will be damaged. You must know that this one is a golden dragon, Allen even warned himself Be careful and be careful.

When Allen arrived in Twilight City, the sky was already dark, and it took a whole day for this trip before arriving in Twilight City.

After successfully entering Twilight Castle, Allen met Earl Reagan in the castle study.

"I've seen the Earl!" Allen said to Earl Reagan who was sitting at the desk.

"Hmm! Sit down! You're here today to talk about mosquito coils, right?" Earl Reagan guessed.

"Yes, Lord Earl! Allen came here this time for the matter of mosquito coils, but I have changed the name of mosquito coils to Musen incense. Now my Musen collar has produced 13 pieces of Musen incense. In the carriage outside Twilight Castle." Allen said, looking at Earl Reagan in front of him.

"Oh! Mu Senxiang! Haha! If you don't do Alan, I'm going to remind you that the name of the mosquito coil sounds terrible, but since you have changed it, it will save me from wasting my tongue! Earl Reagan smiled and shook his head.

"Hehe!" Allen smiled in agreement.

"Viscount Allen! I will find someone to remove the mosquito coils outside your castle. Now that it is dark, you should stay in the castle for one night and leave early tomorrow morning!" Earl Reagan said politely.

"Then bother the Earl!" Allen said with a smile, without refusing.

"Then Ellen, please have dinner with me! The dinner in the castle is about to begin!" Earl Reagan said happily.

"Thank you Earl!"

After thanking Allen, he consciously followed Earl Reagan to the restaurant of the castle.

After arriving at the restaurant, Allen sat in the first position on the left of the big dining table under the arrangement of Earl Reagan.

On the left of Allen, a young man in his twenties was already sitting, with pale blond hair, a slightly sallow complexion, brown eyes, and a twilight collar coat of arms embroidered on the chest of gorgeous clothes, with a An unknown aristocratic temperament.

Allen guessed the guy's identity the first time he saw him, the heir to the earl, Bookkin, the eldest son of Earl Reagan.

As far as Allen knows, the only people who can eat at this table are Stark and Bookkin, except for the Earl and Countess. Now that Stark is named Viscount Blue Water, it is naturally impossible to appear here, and Alan also met Viscount Stark at the last ceremony, so how could he admit his mistake.

"Bukkin! This is Viscount Allen of Wooden Land!" Earl Regan said to Bookkin who was beside him.

"Viscount Allen! Nice to meet you!"

After hearing this, Bookkin also stood up politely, and bowed to Allen. After all, Bookkin is now only the heir to the earl and not the earl, and there is still a gap in status between him and Allen.

"Viscount Allen! This is my eldest son Bookkin!" Earl Reagan concluded for Allen again.

Allen bowed politely after Bookkin saluted.

"Speaking of which, Viscount Allen is really a genius! Now Bookkin is ten years older than Viscount Allen, but his strength is still in the middle-level knight like Viscount Allen." Earl Reagan praised, appropriately enlivening the atmosphere .

"No no! Lord Earl, you have misunderstood. I have had some adventures today, which made me quickly reach the middle-level knight. It will be difficult to go further! Sometimes this opportunity! It is also possible. Lost!" Allen said modestly at the right time, with a slightly regretful face, and made up a tragic event in which he gained strength because of his overdraft potential to confuse the two of them.

After all, the speed at which he improves his strength is too fast, which will inevitably make people suspicious. Alan has already thought about this lie.

After listening to Earl Reagan, they also knew that Allen got a kind of adventure. This kind of adventure is to quickly improve his strength by overdrawing his potential, which is very undesirable.

At the same time, Earl Reagan said in his heart, as expected, it is no wonder that Baron Allen will improve so quickly!
"Viscount Allen! You don't have to worry, I believe you will find a way!" Bookkin comforted.

"Then I'll borrow Master Bookkin's auspicious words!" Allen said with a smile as if thinking about it.

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(End of this chapter)

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