Ambition Lord

Chapter 187 Fire Dragon Blood

Chapter 187 Fire Dragon Blood
After carefully digging up the iron tree, Allen took Barton to Bicaoling.

The Bicao Iron Mine is hidden deep under a place called Silu Mountain in Bicaoling. The Silu Mountain is not too tall, and the highest point is only more than 300 meters. However, the Silu Mountain has a larger area and the mountain roads are more difficult to walk. .

I remember that after Allen recorded the approximate location of the iron mine, he asked his men to investigate, and it took them a lot of effort to discover the open-pit iron mine in a col in Silk Green Mountain.

After learning the location of the Bicao Iron Mine, Allen did not intend to mine it. It is located in the Silk Green Mountain, the geographical location is very bad, and it is difficult to mine and transport. It is very difficult to transport the mined ore out of the mountain. Difficult, so this time it can be used to help Iron Tree advance.

It took Alan and Barton two fast horses an hour to reach the foot of Silky Green Mountain.

Due to the problem of the Silu Mountain, horses could not enter the mountain at all, so Allen temporarily put the horses in the Silu Village under the Silu Mountain.

Allen didn't wantonly run around in Silky Green Mountain, but led Barton to the highest peak of Silky Green Mountain, which the local villagers called Silky Green Peak.

Standing on the top of the peak, Allen can easily overlook the entire Silk Green Mountain, and he can also observe the place where the gold element is the most abundant from the top of the peak.

After careful observation, Allen selected a mountain depression, which is relatively large and located in the depths of Silk Green Mountain, not the one where Allen's men explored the iron ore.

After determining the location, Allen took Patton to where he dared to go. There were not jagged rocks or dense woods along the way. It took more than half an hour for Allen and Patton to open a road.

The col here, Alan estimated that it has an area of ​​tens of mu, surrounded by miscellaneous trees and scattered a lot of gravel. Alan came to the center of the col, squatted down, and touched the ground with his hands. The soil, mixed with a lot of gravel, is relatively moist, which is very suitable for the growth of cycads.

"Barton, dig this place!" Allen said, turning his head to Barton.


Using the hoe he brought, Barton dug at the place Allen pointed to.


Suddenly there was a piercing noise.

"Master Viscount! There seems to be an iron mine underneath! It can't be dug!" Barton pulled out the hoe with a hole in the tip, and said to Allen.

Allen stepped forward and saw that he had dug about half a meter deep, and iron ore was exposed underneath, but now the depth was enough, and Allen was not going to let Barton dig down, but planted the iron tree he brought over. into the pit, filled with soil, and compacted.

The re-burrowed iron tree came back to life in front of Allen, frantically absorbing the surrounding gold elements. As the iron tree continued to absorb, Allen could clearly feel that a vortex had formed above the iron tree. Under the action of suction, they converge towards the iron tree.

However, the transformation of the iron tree requires a huge amount of gold elements. Even if it is in the silk green mountain where the gold element is extremely rich, Alan estimates that it will take a while for the iron tree to complete the transformation.

Alan decided not to stay any longer, and prepared to return to Musenling. Now that the iron tree is planted in the Silk Green Mountain, the road leading to the Silk Green Mountain must be opened up. Alan is going to go back and find someone from the Engineering and Construction Office to take charge this path.

To the north of the Principality of Kane, within the capital of the Principality of Linton.

A middle-aged man in black clothes came out of a room with a leather bag in his hand.

"Doctor Giovanni, how is Bex's health?" Duke Günter Martin asked calmly.

"Duke Gunter, Master Bex's body is too weak, and there was a cold poison in his body when he was born. Now, apart from taking an extraordinary fruit of the fire element to suppress it every year, he can only find an extraordinary fruit. Let Master Giovanni drink the blood of the third-order ultimate fire elemental monster to completely eliminate this cold poison." Giovanni shook his head and said.

After hearing this, Grand Duke Junter looked stern, looked at the crying Duchess, held her in his arms, and comforted him: "Rihanna, don't worry, I have found a way to eradicate Bex's condition!"

"Really? Grand Duke, have you really found a cure for Bex?" Mrs. Rihanna asked with a slightly hesitant expression after her crying stopped.

"That's right! It's just that it will take a few months. As long as Bex survives these few months, I promise to cure him!" Grand Duke Junte nodded.

Backs was born with a kind of cold poison in his body, which erodes Backs' body every moment. If Backs was not born in the duke's family and the son of his Grand Duke, Backs would have died long ago .

However, even though Grand Duke Gunter hanged Bex's life through various fire-attribute magical fruits and wood-attribute magical fruits, as Bex became bigger and bigger, the magical fruits needed became more and more precious. It is necessary to eat a miraculous fruit of the extraordinary fire element attribute, and the miraculous plants of the extraordinary rank are extremely rare, even in the Principality of Linton, there is only one plant, but unfortunately it is not a magical plant of the fire element, so Bex The extraordinary fire elemental fruits eaten were bought back from other duchies by the Linton Duchy at a huge price.

Grand Duke Günter waited until the Duchess rested, and urgently summoned Minister of Military Affairs Israel.

Compared with the majestic and powerful body of Grand Duke Junter, Minister of Military Affairs Israel is slightly thinner, tall and thin, only a pair of sharp eyes are memorable, and the strength of the high-ranking knight is undoubtedly revealed.

"Your Excellency!" Israel saluted.

"Israel, speed up the progress of the negotiations with the Principality of Bru. It is best to negotiate as soon as possible and attack the Principality of Kane in the shortest possible time!" Grand Duke Junte said coldly.

"Grand Duke, I think we can wait a little longer. After all, now the Principality of Blue wants to unite with the Principality of Linton to attack the Principality of Kane. We can make them give up more benefits!" Israel persuaded.

"I can wait, but Bex can't wait anymore, he urgently needs the fire dragon blood promised by the Stark family to survive!" Grand Duke Gunter shouted angrily.

Doing so is really not a good choice. After all, it was the Principality of Blue that wanted to invade the Principality of Kane, so it wanted to unite with the Principality of Linton. Naturally, this approach would cost a lot of money. Now the Principality of Bruce is still fighting with the Principality of Linton. Discussing the distribution of benefits, if you let go of this matter, the Principality of Linton will definitely lose a lot of benefits, but now Bex is in urgent need of fire dragon blood for treatment, and he can't wait any longer.

After hearing this, Israel's complexion changed. Knowing that Grand Duke Junte had already made a decision, and it was impossible to change it, he could only suppress the helplessness in his heart and said: "Yes, Lord Duke! I will definitely speed up the negotiation."

 Thanks for the two monthly tickets of the book friend "Smart Xiaobai"
(End of this chapter)

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