Ambition Lord

Chapter 188 Fairy Bud

Chapter 188 Fairy Bud
In the morning of Blue Water City, the tranquility is terrifying. After the only tens of thousands of people in the city were kidnapped by Antonio, Blue Water City has become a dead city.

Stark stood on the city wall with an ugly expression, looking at the dead blue water city, and the hatred in his heart became more and more intense.

"Master Viscount! A letter from the Earl!" Ronnie climbed up the city wall and came to Stark's side, whispering.

Ronnie didn't dare to make too much noise at this time, for fear of disturbing the viscount, after all, the viscount's mood is very unstable now.

When Stark heard it, he was happy. He asked his father for help yesterday, but he didn't expect his father to reply today.

Stark hurriedly snatched the letter from Ronnie and opened it.

Stark, who was originally happy, gradually restrained, and his face became more and more ugly. Stark was very upset at this time. He didn't expect that his father in the letter would advise him not to provoke Mu Sen again. Could it be that his father was also afraid of Mu Sen? collar?Stark was furious.

He firmly suppressed the aggrieved emotions in his heart, trying to calm himself down as much as possible.

Now without my father's help, I can't move his Musen collar, but it doesn't matter, my father has already agreed in the letter to transfer a group of twilight collar citizens to the blue water collar, and will give me another sum of money to wait until I To grow stronger is when Mu Senling pays the price, Stark thought with a gloomy face.

Right now, his father doesn't help him, so he can only rely on himself to take revenge on Mu Senling. He must let Viscount Mu Sen experience the feeling of being hung on the city wall, and he must make him pay the price...

Stark looked up at Ronnie, who was waiting.

"Master Viscount..." Ronnie looked a little at a loss.

"Father has promised to relocate a group of people for the blue water collar, you go down and prepare." Stark said.

"Yes... yes! Lord Viscount, I'll get ready now!" Ronnie reacted, heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile.

Suppressing the mutated warhorses in front of him in place, Allen put his hand into the abdomen of the warhorses to detect the black blood bee eggs in their bodies. Now these warhorses are thinner than a few days ago, and their spirits are not as good as before.

By injecting the fire element into the war horse, Allen could clearly feel the three bee eggs in the mutant war horse. Compared with a few days ago, the size of one of the bee eggs was a circle larger, while the size of the other two eggs It has shrunk, and the dark elements emitted are getting weaker and weaker, and the intensity is getting lower and lower. Allen knows that these two eggs will die soon, and the remaining one is likely to give birth to The queen bee Allen needs.

Afterwards, Allen checked the other seven horses again. Among them, the other mutated horse was similar to the one just now, with only one egg growing in its body, while the black blood bee eggs in the other six ordinary horses were normal. There was no shrinkage of bee eggs.

"Master Viscount! Miss Irene sent a message that she has something urgent to tell you, so she wants you to go back." Andy rushed to pass the message.

"Sister?" Alan frowned, not knowing why Irene was looking for her.

"Irene found out that Lite with the gold iron collar was discovered by you?" Allen's eyes twitched, and he glanced at Andy.

"Master Viscount! Probably... probably not!" Andy shook his head and said. Andy is still very confident in the ability of the shadow under his hands.

"Barton, prepare the horse, and follow me to the Green Desolation Castle." Allen still decided to go back to see Irene, and he didn't know what Irene was looking for...

A few minutes after returning to Green Desolate Castle, and before he had time to meet Mrs. Lisa, Alan was pulled away by Irene who was blocking the door.

"I heard that you have something to say to me?" Alan raised his eyebrows, sitting on a stone chair in the garden, looking at Irene in front of him.

"That's right! I came to you today to tell you that the green goblin you gave me before has sprouted buds and is about to bloom!" Irene said with a little pride, as if the green goblin could bloom. To her own credit.

"Well! I see." Alan nodded expressionlessly, indicating that he knew.

"Alan! You don't want to look at the buds of the green goblin. Let me tell you, even the buds are full of fragrance!"

"No, if you asked me to come back just for this matter, then now that it's over, I can go!" Allen said deliberately, and he was anxious to let himself come back with just a flower bud. If it blooms, I don't know what will happen how is it!

This excuse is a bit rotten!Allen said in his heart.

At this time, Irene's face was tangled, she looked at Alan, wanted to say something, but hesitated.

"Then I'll go first. I have a lot of things on hand, so I can't stay in Qinghuang Castle!" Allen turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait for Alan! I have something to tell you!" Seeing that Alan was really leaving, Irene was a little anxious.

Allen paused after hearing this, turned his head, and said seriously: "Sister, just tell me if you have anything! Don't go around again!"

Erin's complexion changed, and she nodded slightly.

"It's about... I've found someone I like! It's just that I don't dare to tell Mrs. Lisa, so I can only ask you for help?" Irene said a little embarrassed.

Allen knew that what Irene was talking about should be Lite from the baron family.

"Help?" Allen caught the point.

"Yes! I have encountered some difficulties!" Irene said with tears in her eyes.

"Who is that person? He doesn't like you? Or are you afraid that Mrs. Lisa will disagree?" Allen tentatively asked.

"No, not at all! His name is Lite, and he is a young master of a baron in Jintieling. He said he loves me! It's just that his family is ready to marry him! He wants to refuse, but his ...the baron's father disagrees!" Irene denied.

Allen was speechless for a while, this kind of thing can happen to him!
Allen thought that if Irene had a problem with the guy named Lite, there would be an emotional dispute, or Lite was a liar, but he never expected this to happen!
"Although they belong to the baron's family, you are the lady of the viscount's family. How could his father disagree?" Allen asked puzzled.

"His father didn't know my background, he only thought I was a child of an official family!" Irene said.

"How come? Didn't that guy tell his father your identity?" Allen was a little surprised, what kind of operation was this.

As soon as Alan asked, Irene looked at Alan with a strange expression and said, "This should be blamed!"

"Blame me?" Allen was startled for a while, how could this be blamed on me.

"Lite said that he was afraid that after he told his father about it, his father would spread the word and might offend you! So he didn't say anything and kept it a secret until now!" Irene said helplessly.

"Hehe! Enraged? If that's the case, how dare he contact you at the beginning?" Allen said mockingly.

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(End of this chapter)

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