Ambition Lord

Chapter 22 Killing the Giant Rat

Chapter 22 Killing the Giant Rat
The reason why this giant rat was identified as a mutant monster was because of its crimson eyes. When the beast mutated into a monster, its eyes would turn crimson after success.

No one knows what's going on, but it is well known that ordinary mutated monsters are irrational and ferocious, so they must be removed quickly when they are seen, so as not to cause great harm.

After feeling the aura of the mutated monster, Antonio breathed a sigh of relief. It was only a low-level monster, and he could still deal with it.

It can be seen from the appearance that this monster is mutated from the black field mouse, so Antonio guessed that its power must not be great, and it is still easy to deal with.

The giant black rat slowly approached the trap, walking with padded steps.

near!The giant rat got closer and closer to the trap, and eventually it rushed towards the chicken.

"Pfft!" There was a loud noise.

The moment the giant rat ran onto the trap, due to its heavy weight, the surface camouflage collapsed, and the giant rat fell directly into the deep pit.

After hearing a loud noise, Antonio was the first to bear the brunt and rushed to the edge of the pit quickly. Because the hole was too deep, it was difficult to see the situation below, and only the angry cry of the giant rat could be heard.


Antonio didn't pay attention, and a group of black shadows rushed up from the bottom of the pit in an instant, and went straight into Antonio's arms.

Pit is of no use to it at all.

Antonio, who reacted, punched out with all his strength without even thinking about it.

The giant rat's claws slashed across Antonio's iron armor, making an ear-piercing sound, and sparks splashed everywhere, enough to see the sharpness of the giant rat's claws, and the giant rat was also hit by Antonio's full strength, and was hit on the head by Antonio. thrown out.

Antonio in iron armor just staggered, stabilized his body, and was unharmed, while the giant rat was hit hard on the head and lay on the ground moaning.

"All line up and encircle." After Antonio's voice fell, everyone realized that the cavalry took out their spears and surrounded the giant rat, restricting it in a circle to prevent it from escaping.

However, the giant rat's defense was also amazing. In a short time, it struggled to stand up, and it seemed that there was no serious problem.

Facing the giant rat that was about to recover, Antonio quickly pulled out the big sword from his waist, leaped into the circle, and struck horizontally. The blade of the sword swept towards the giant rat's head, but it missed. The giant rat reacted in an instant, Quickly dodged Antonio's attack.

"Squeak!" The giant rat, which was attacking too much, didn't know how to escape, and directly attacked Antonio. Its sharp claws like knives slid across the air, and the target was Antonio.

Antonio didn't back away from the giant rat who wanted to do it again. He was palpitated by the speed of the giant rat, and he directly blocked the sword in front of him. This was the sound of the claws breaking through the air. Unfortunately, the giant rat's claws directly Straight fear on the edge of the sword.

"Squeak! Creak..." The sharp blade cut off the giant mouse's claw, and the painful giant mouse fell to the ground again. The irrationality caused the giant mouse to suffer a lot.

Antonio seized the opportunity and slashed the giant rat's head with his sword.

Under Antonio's tremendous force, blood mixed with brains splashed out, and the giant rat was killed immediately, without even a chance to fight back.

The battle ended in just a few minutes. After Antonio confirmed that the giant rat was completely dead, he ordered the cavalry to collect the corpse.

"Lord Antonio, is the giant rat really dead?" Binger asked unconsciously even though he had seen the giant rat's corpse.

"The village chief can rest assured that the giant rat is really dead. It's lucky that you didn't act without authorization, otherwise you don't know how many people will die. This is not as simple as an ordinary beast, but a low-level monster." Antonio After thinking about it, he told them the truth.

"What?" Binger was stunned, a low-level monster!so close!Binger thought with lingering fear that fortunately he didn't make any claims. Although Binger had never seen a low-level monster, Binger still knew a thing or two about its prestige.

"Village head? Village head!"

"Um, yes, Mr. Antonio! Sorry!" Bing who was distracted was pulled back by Antonio's voice.

"Village Chief, we won't stay for long, and now we're going back to report to Lord Baron, but... I might take this monster's body away!" Seeing that the matter had been resolved, Antonio decided not to stay long, and planned to return to Qinghuang Town overnight.

"Yes! Yes..., quickly take this thing away, I don't want to see this guy again for a minute." Binger didn't keep Antonio overnight, he was tortured enough these days, and it's time to rest , I am not going to keep Antonio anymore.

With fifty riders, Antonio rushed back to Qinghuang Town in the middle of the night.

After disbanding the team, Antonio came to the baron's castle with the corpse of the giant rat.

Alan's study room, at this time, Alan hadn't returned to the bedroom to fall asleep, although Belia had already come to urge him once.

Looking at Antonio who came to see himself in the middle of the night, Allen said, "What? Caught that guy so quickly?"

"Lord Baron, this is the guy who harassed Fengguo Village this time. This is not an ordinary beast, but a mutant monster."

"Mutated monster!" Alan's face changed slightly. Although mutated monsters are not common, Alan has heard of them. It is not a good thing that there are mutated monsters in the Black Dragon Mountain Range. After all, Qinghuangling is too close to the Black Dragon Mountain Range. Who knows if there are other mutant monsters appearing.

"Have you found out the cause of the mutation?" Allen is most worried about whether this source of mutation will affect other animals to mutate into monsters.

"My lord, no, I caught it in the village, and it seems to be the only one for now." Antonio told the whole process.

"Notify all villages, and report immediately if you find similar situations!"

Mutated monsters are active in the Black Dragon Mountain Range. Allen wondered why they went to the village to steal food. After all, the Black Dragon Mountain Range is so big that there is no shortage of food, unless it was driven out and didn't want to go back to the forest.

After thinking about it, Alan gave up and put the matter aside. After all, there was too little information to make sense of it.

"Has its blood been preserved?" After all, it is a monster, and a blood of a monster can be extracted, which cannot be wasted. The giant rat is an earth element monster, and the blood of the earth element monster should be produced.

"Yes, my lord. Not long after I killed it, I had someone keep it on purpose." With that said, Antonio handed Alan a leather bag containing the blood of the giant rat.

After Antonio exited the castle, Allen gave the giant rat's body to the servant and asked it to be disposed of in the kitchen, while Allen put away the fur himself. A rare monster fur can be used to make knight armor.

Just like the skin of the water-marked giant frog, it can also be used to make armor, but this giant rat is an earth element monster, and the armor made of fur has higher defense than the armor made of the water-marked giant frog's skin. After all, the water-marked giant frog As a water elemental monster, it is not good at defense, um... weak chickens like the giant water frog don't seem to be good at anything.

(End of this chapter)

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