Ambition Lord

Chapter 23 The Gnoll Kingdom

Chapter 23 The Gnoll Kingdom

Time came to early August, and the weather in the south of the mainland became even hotter.

South of the Principality of Kane, the Evil Black Sea.

The Evil Black Sea is located in the south of the Scarlet Continent, where sea monsters and pirates are rampant. Any ship sailing on the Evil Black Sea will risk being attacked by sea monsters and pirates.

The scorching sun is in the sky, and there is no coolness on the blue sea.

Gnoll Locke, standing at the bow of the ship, stared at the sea quietly with red eyes.

"Boss, the losses have been calculated!" Assistant Potter hurriedly came to Locke's side.

Locke turned around and angrily threw the Kraken's head, which he had been holding in his hand, on the ground. Venting his anger towards the Kraken, he looked at his assistant Porter and signaled him to continue.

"Because of the Kraken's attack, six of our large ships were damaged, and we can no longer sail. The remaining four large ships are intact. The thousand wolf warriors we brought this time lost 350 people, and more than 100 people were seriously injured. ..."

Listening to Potter's report, Locke's anger was burning, and his dog-like face was covered with frost.Nearly half of the Gnoll warriors were lost before reaching the destination. The loss of the warriors greatly increased the danger of this trip, and if they were not careful, the entire army would be in danger of being wiped out.

Locke and his party of jackals came from Azar kingdom, one of the three jackal kingdoms. Ten days ago, under the welcome of the jackal king, Locke, as the leader, set off with ten large ships with the jackal warriors.

Due to the existence of the Gnoll Kingdom Yeenogu Kingdom in the north, the Kingdom of Azar was limited to the southeast corner of the mainland.

On the other hand, the sea faces the south and the west, and the Black Dragon Mountains face the east, which greatly limits the development of the kingdom. The gnolls are not good at planting, so the kingdom's annual harvest can barely cope with it. This year, there is an outbreak of pests in the kingdom, and many parts of the kingdom have lost their harvest. I can't stand it anymore.

In order to cope with the plight of the kingdom, the king led the army to launch a war against Yeenoghu Kingdom, trying to overcome the kingdom's predicament by plundering Yeenoghu Kingdom, but unfortunately the Yeenoghu Kingdom was stronger than imagined, and the army retreated in defeat , but the Yeenogu Kingdom was also damaged by insect plagues. They were so busy plundering the human Luo Ou Empire that they had no time to launch an attack on the kingdom.

The Kingdom of Azhar, which failed to plunder, could only think of other ways. Under the suggestion of a certain leader, the Kingdom of Azhar decided to launch a plan to plunder the Principality of Kane opposite the Black Dragon Mountain Range by sea, and Locke was the vanguard, responsible for Inquire about various information about the Duchy of Kane.

It's a pity that not long after they set off, the fleet was attacked by the evil Black Sea Kraken. After repelling the Kraken, the fleet lost nearly half of its strength.

"Why don't you continue talking? Keep talking!" Locke, who came back to his senses, noticed that Potter had stopped.

"Boss, although we have brought the supplies from the damaged ship to the remaining four large ships, we have lost a lot of supplies due to the Kraken, and we may...maybe not be able to sustain...the Principality of Kane." Bo Te said with worry in his eyes.

"Boss, I suggest that you return to the kingdom first, and then set off after resupplying!" Potter suggested.

"No!" Locke resolutely rejected Potter's proposal. This was an opportunity he had won so hard. If he returned halfway like this, he would not only be ridiculed by those guys, but also very likely to disappoint the king who had expected him back.

Locke took out a dilapidated nautical map made of sheepskin from his arms. The route marks could still be vaguely seen on the map. This map was collected in the royal treasure house for more than 100 years. The origin of the map has not been verified, but Through the fuzzy nautical map, it can be determined that the Duchy of Kane was opposite the Black Dragon Mountain Range 100 years ago.

"If the direction is correct, we will pass an unnamed island marked on the map in a few days. As long as we get to the island, we can get the supplies we want." Locke said firmly.

"Yes, sir." Potter was about to step back.

"Wait a minute, Potter." Locke looked at Potter with a blank expression and said, "Send the seriously injured soldiers away! You should know that they won't last long." Injured in the battle, if the soldiers are not too seriously injured, they can rely on themselves Healing, if you are seriously injured, you can only wait for death, unless you can produce a magical fruit with healing effects. Unfortunately, the magical fruit is so precious that it is not available to the fleet.

Potter bowed his head and said nothing, and backed out of the bow.

Locke knew that Porter didn't want to lose any more Jackal warriors, but it was a pity that self-deception was useless. Seriously injured warriors would definitely not survive, so it was better to end them and save supplies for other warriors.

As long as you arrive at the Principality of Kane, everything will be fine.Locke comforted himself in his heart.


The Principality of Kane, the Green Desolation Territory.

After a lot of investigation, Fabia finally completed the task assigned to him by Allen in early August.

"Lord Baron, after a long period of statistics, the population of the territory has been clearly investigated. According to statistics, the total population of the territory is 670, including 800 serfs. The subordinates have stored the information of each person in the territory in the preparation It's in the warehouse." Fabia smiled at Allen.

"Fabbia did a good job on this matter. I want to give you a reward. What kind of reward do you think you need?" Allen was also happy that this matter could be resolved so quickly, and said without hesitation.

"Lord Baron, hehe, this is what I should do!" Fabia hurriedly refused with a smile on his face.

Allen looked at Fabia, whose hair was already grey, and said, "Fabia, have you ever thought about quitting being a political officer and going back to take care of your health? After all, you are not young anymore."

"Lord Baron..."

Allen looked at Fabia, who had been panicking for a year, and said sincerely: "Don't worry, I'm serious about this matter. You should retire when you are old, and you can't be too tired."

Hearing Allen's words, Fabia hesitated in his heart. After all, it is not that simple to let go of the long-standing power, but he thought about it, how long has he been working on his body, and since the baron said it, he still agreed. as well.

"Thank you Baron for your concern, I am indeed not qualified for this position," Fabia said.

Looking at Fabia, Allen nodded in his heart. It seems that Fabia is quite sensible, knowing that since he proposed it, he is ready to implement it. If Fabia refuses, Allen will forcefully withdraw him.

"Fabbia, remember that your grandson Dulu has joined the army of the territory?"

"Yes, Dulu joined the territorial army and trained with Mr. Antonio." Fabia confirmed.

"Tell him, let him train seriously, I promise to give him a chance to break through the knight, as compensation to Fabia." Allen has no guilt for Fabia, this is just an explanation for Mrs. Lisa, After all, Mrs. Lisa is also her own mother.

"What! Thank you, Lord Baron, for your generosity!" Fabia was agitated when he heard it, his face flushed, and he thanked Allen for a while.

Looking at Fabia's back, Allen couldn't help sighing. If Fabia is not taken down, his plan will not be easy to implement. After all, the Government Affairs Office has too much power. Only when Fabia is removed, will he be responsible for government affairs The big split begins.

(End of this chapter)

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