Ambition Lord

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Qinghuangling, Kondo Village.

Two people are arguing with each other in a courtyard, surrounded by people.

"Bud, you are jealous that the grape harvest in my vineyard is better than yours, that's why you cut down my vines!" Sri stared at Bud bitterly, and scolded.

"Isn't it just a few grapes? What's the big deal, you're in a hurry! So what if I cut it off, the village chief can't control me!" Bud said indifferently with an arrogant expression on his face.

"You..." Siri didn't expect Bud to be so indifferent, and he was furious for a while, and became even more angry.

The other people around looked at Bude with dissatisfaction, and cut down the vines that other people's family used to survive. Now this guy is still so arrogant.

"What are you all doing here? Are you making a lot of noise?" This was a voice from outside the circle.

"It's the village chief! The village chief is here." Someone in the crowd said at this time.

Willy, the head of Kondo Village, had just had lunch and thought about having nothing to do, so he went for a walk. After walking for a while, he saw a circle of people around Budd's house, and there were still quarrels, so he hurried over have a look.

As Willy arrived, the crowd consciously made way for him.

Willy, who came in, saw Bud and Siri who were fighting with swords, and asked, "What happened?"

Seeing the village chief coming, Sri expected the village chief to uphold justice for him, and hurriedly said: "Village chief, you are here, this guy Bude cut down a dozen vines in my vineyard for no reason, and the neighbor's The second boy saw it with his own eyes."

After hearing this, Willy quickly asked, "Bud, why did you do this?"

"Yes... so what." Bud felt resentment in his heart. Whoever made the grapes of Sri's family so much better than his own, at most let the village chief scold him. He has nothing to fear.

The village head Willie also has a headache for his wife's beloved younger brother. He usually doesn't like the villagers and is lazy, but now he cuts down other people's vines for no reason.

Now the whole village knows that Bude cut down other people's vines, and Bude is still his brother-in-law. If he doesn't punish him, others will definitely say that he is protecting Bude.

"Okay, stop first." Looking at the two who were about to fight, Willie said seriously.

"Since Budde destroyed Sri's vines for no reason, now punish Budd to apologize to Sri, and compensate the original number of vines from his own orchard to Sri. Do you agree with Bud?" Willie He looked at Bud with a serious face.

"Agree... Agree, Siri is sorry, I shouldn't destroy your vine, I will compensate you with the full amount." Seeing his brother-in-law's serious face, Bude didn't seem to be joking like usual, and he didn't dare to ink, so he quickly agreed.

"But..." Sri was about to speak, but he hesitated for a while and finally didn't say it.

"Okay, the matter is settled, let's go!" Willie said to the surrounding villagers.

The other villagers saw that the village head handled it reasonably, so they didn't stay long and dispersed.

But some people don't think it makes sense.

At night, Siri's house.

Daniela, the wife of Sri's family, said to her husband Sri angrily: "The village chief is too much, how can this be the same? Can Bud's vines compare with ours? Bud doesn't take care of his own family at all. The vines are thin and short, resulting in small and sour fruits.

The vines in our family bear big fruit every year, and this year they had a bumper harvest. "

Sri said helplessly: "Then what can we do? The village chief has spoken? You can't go to the baron to complain about such a trivial matter!"

"Of course not. The baron is something we can meet whenever we want. That's right! We can go to the security station established by the baron, and I came to the house to promote it a while ago." Daniela suddenly thought of it.

"Does it really work?" Sri asked skeptically.

"How do you know if you don't try it? Go to the security station in the village tomorrow morning to have a look."

"Okay! Hope it works!" Sri thought for a while and decided to give it a try.


In the morning, while Bud was still in bed, he heard a knock on his door.

After getting up and opening the door, there were two middle-aged men standing outside the door. Bud looked familiar. Aren't these people who came to the village some time ago, from the security station established by the Baron?Why did you come to your house so early?

The two people outside the door are the two guards Anwei and Jina sent to Kondo Village by the Qinghuang Town Police Department.
"Is there something wrong?" Bude asked cautiously as he watched the two of them look at him indifferently.

"Bud, because you destroyed the vines of the villager Sri's house at will and caused property damage to others, according to the decree of the police department, you will be arrested and taken into custody." Security officer An Wei said to Bud with a cold face.

"No! How come, village chief, yes! The village chief has already helped us reach a settlement, you can't arrest me." Bud was stunned, seeing that the two wanted to get serious, he said in a panic, and began to go then run away.


Before Bude could run a few steps, he was kicked to the ground by An Wei behind him. For An Wei who was already a cavalryman, Bude's speed was not enough.The two were still yelling and Bude went back to the security office.


"Have you heard? Bud was taken away by the police early this morning." Kevin, a villager in Kondo Village, said to his neighbor Bilson.

"Really, how come?" Bilson asked in surprise.

"According to Bud's neighbors, it seems to be the reason why Bud destroyed the vines of Sri's house." Kevin said gloatingly.

Bude, relying on his brother-in-law as the village head, is domineering in the village, and now he has finally received his retribution.The police station was set up by the baron. I don't think the village chief can save him this time.

"That Bude is too unfortunate...not good! I have to go home first, and the hygienist from the health department will come to check at home soon. If it fails, three copper fish will be deducted. I have to go home and check again. Bilson, who was sighing, suddenly thought that the baron had set up the Sanitation Office in Kondo Village, and the daily health inspection was about to start. If he failed, he would be fined three copper fish a day. Bilson was not rich, so he hurried home.

"Fortunately! I almost forgot, I have to go back and have a look." Kevin also rushed home.

At the same time, Willy, the village head who was still resting at home, was woken up by his wife.

"It's bad! Wake up, Willie, Bud was taken away by security officer Anwei and the others. I want to go in and have a look, but they won't let me in!" Mrs. Willie said anxiously.

"What?" Willie thumped in his heart after hearing this.

"What should I do, Willie, you must help Bud!" Mrs. Willie said with a bitter face.

"Don't worry, there's no use in being anxious. The security office was set up by the baron. Not to mention you, even I can't enter casually. I'll go to the security officer Anwei later to find out the situation and see what's going on." Wei Wei Li rubbed his head helplessly.

"Okay... okay, you go!" Mrs. Willie hurriedly responded.

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(End of this chapter)

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