Ambition Lord

Chapter 39 Territory School Construction

Chapter 39 Territory School Construction
There was no ink stain, and under the urging of his wife, Willie went to the security office in the village.

The security sub-office is located at the entrance of the village, and the house is specially built for the daily office of the security guards.

When Willie went in, the security guard Anwei happened to be there, and Willie hurriedly asked Anwei about the situation.

"Mr. Anwei, I heard that you have arrested the villager Bude. Would you like to tell me what happened?" Willy asked with a flattering smile.

"Oh! It's the head of Willy Village! It's not impossible to say this! This guy dares to destroy other people's property at will, and cut down other people's vines at will. He is really brave! No, someone else went to the police station to file a complaint. Only now did we know that there is such a bold guy. Why! Village Chief Willie wants to plead for him, but I heard that this guy is Mrs. Willie's younger brother?" Anwei said to Willie with a half-smile.

"No! How could it be! Even my younger brother will be punished for violating the laws of the territory." Willie felt a sweat in his heart.

"Really! It's great that Village Chief Willie thinks so!" Anwei said with a smile.

"Is there anything else Mr. Naveli wants to do?"

"No, no, I'll take my leave first!" Willie turned and left.

"Wait, Village Chief Willie!" Anwei shouted.

Willie paused and turned to look at Anwei.

"Village Chief Weili should know what our police department does! All illegal crimes in the village are arrested by our police department and handed over to the Criminal Law Office for conviction and punishment. When will it be the turn of Village Chief Weili to solve them in private!" An Wei said solemnly. Dao, gave Willy a slap in the face.

Anwei was very dissatisfied with the village head of Weili who settled the dispute in private without telling the security office, although when there was no security office, the village head resolved all the disputes in the village.But now that the Lord Baron has established a security office, the village chief Willie no longer has such rights. Anwei doesn't believe that the village chief doesn't know at all. After all, Willie still favors Bud.

"As a colleague, I hope the village chief can be more sober. Although Bude will not die this time, it is inevitable to shed a layer of skin, but it is not a felony, and the punishment is probably not too severe. Willy Village Don't worry about growing up." An Wei said to Willy, who looked uneasy.

"Thank you for the reminder, Mr. Anwei." Willie said bitterly.

Looking at Willie who turned around and left the gate, Anwei didn't say anything more, but he must report the matter of the village chief Willie to the security department.

Turned around and came to the small black room behind the house, where Bude was imprisoned. At this time, Bude had a bruised nose and a swollen face, and his body was shivering. After being taught a few lessons by Gena and Anwei at the police station, he is finally honest now.

Opening the door of the small black room, Bude saw Anwei walking towards him, and hurriedly shouted: "I'm not making noise! ​​I'm not talking! Don't hit me!...I don't dare to cut vines anymore." Bude With a crying voice, he looked at Anwei who was getting closer and closer to him.

An Wei was laughed at by Bude's performance, and his eyes, which were originally not big, were only left with a line when he smiled.

Leave him alone, and lock Bud's hands behind his back with a special wooden shackle made by the security department. Bud obediently put his hands behind his back, obediently listening to orders.

Anwei took Bud out of the small dark room.

"Master...Master Security Officer, can...can you ask where we are going?" Bud asked in a trembling voice.

"Because you violated the territorial laws, our police department only has the right to arrest and detain you, and the criminal law department will be responsible for the trial and punishment. Since only Qinghuang Town has a criminal law department in the territory, so..."

"What! Conviction..." Bude, who was about to resist, saw Anwei's eyes, and instantly became quiet, but his body did tremble slightly, his eyes were full of fear, and he was not at all as arrogant as before.

An Wei didn't care about him anymore, and after getting the weapon, he took Bude to Qinghuang Town.


At this time, Allen, who was in Qinghuang Castle, had already learned everything about the matter through the Supervision Office, and summoned Ting Si, the Director of the Government Affairs Department, and Rupert, the Director of the Ethics Department. Alan handed over the matter to Ting Si, and this matter should also be handled by the government affairs office.

After Tins left, Allen looked at old Mr. Rupert standing aside.

"Sit down, sir," Allen said.

"Thank you, Lord Baron."

"Mr., how is the construction of the school in the territory?" Allen asked with concern.

"Lord Baron, since there are too few people in the territory who can become teachers, even with the strong support of the territory, it is estimated that it will not be officially established until after September." Rupert said with a smile.

"Okay! If the old man wants anything, just say it, as long as it is helpful to the establishment of the school, you can mention it, and the territory will not exceed the limit of the territory, and the territory will be completed as much as possible." Allen made a solemn promise.

Alan has great hopes for the school in the territory, and it is one of the future pillars of the territory. Of course, Alan will fully support it.

"Because of Lord Baron's opinion, the school established needs to have courses in arithmetic, business, craftsman, agriculture, laws and regulations, health, ideological quality, and literacy. Among them, ideological quality, literacy, and arithmetic must be taken. Students only need to take other courses. Just choose one, and most of the teachers are served by some adults from the Nine Offices, but there are some troubles when recruiting artisan teachers."

Among them, the quality of thought was added by Allen, and every student must learn it. Of course, the only idea of ​​this course is to let students see how much the great Baron Allen has made to the territory, and love their own people , so that the students must be loyal to the territory and to the great Baron Allen, referred to as the "brainwashing course".

Due to the serious shortage of teachers, Allen had to find someone from the upper echelon of the territory to serve as a teacher. For example, people from the Finance Department can teach arithmetic, people in the caravan under the Finance Department can teach business, and there are enough craftsmen in the Logistics Bureau. People from the government can teach some laws and regulations, the health department can teach health knowledge, literacy can be taught by people from the government administration department, and agriculture can be taught by people from the household registration department.

"Artisans? I remember that under the recruitment of Newman, the Logistics Bureau already has a large number of artisans, blacksmiths, masons, carpenters, leather makers, etc., it is unlikely that they will not be able to recruit teachers?" Allen asked.

"Lord Baron, but these craftsmen do not agree to come to the school to give lectures. They say that the craftsmanship is passed down from family to family, and it is a guy who eats, so it cannot be passed on." Rupert smiled helplessly.

Allen's head was in a daze, he really forgot about it, people in this world are like craftsmen, most of them are passed down from father to son, from son to grandson, from generation to generation, and generations rely on this craft to make a living. They teach out their ancestral skills, of course they don't want to.

This can be considered difficult for Allen, after all, it is not so easy for people to pass on the ancestral craftsmanship now.But Allen never believes that there is nothing that cannot be done, it just depends on whether you can afford it.

 I’m asking for a recommendation ticket, I’m asking for a collection, I’m asking for an investment, please let me know (°д°) we don’t dare to ask

(End of this chapter)

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