Ambition Lord

Chapter 404 Map of the Eastern Continent

Chapter 404 Map of the Eastern Continent

The scorching sun is in the sky, the scorching sun is scorching the earth, the cicadas are singing dryly, the eyes are full of greenery, full of vitality, and summer has come.

Allen was sitting in Twilight Castle, holding a crystal glass full of fruit juice in his hand, and Allen stretched out the glass to Barton who was standing beside him.

Barton understood, bent down slightly, and the power of the water element in his body moved slightly. Three ice cubes the size of broad beans suddenly condensed above the crystal cup and fell into the cup with a puff.

Allen leaned back on the chair, shook his hands, and took a quick sip, with a satisfied look on his face.

High-level water elemental knights are simply ice-making machines!But probably no territory dares to say that high-level knights can be used as ice-making machines!Allen thought in his mind.

Ordinary people among the aristocrats of this era would not only move into a unique summer resort to live in a summer resort, but also make a special ice cellar, store ice cubes collected in winter, and take them out for use in the next summer.

"Count! Lord Andy is here!" At this moment, Bud hurried in from the outside.

"Well! Let him in!" Hearing that it was Andy, Allen couldn't help but sit up straight. It seemed that what he told Andy should be done.

Later, Andy walked in with Bud, holding a large parchment in his hand.

"Count! The map you want has been made!" Andy bowed and said excitedly.

Allen got up, walked to the table in the hall, pointed to the table, and said with a smile.

"Open it!"


Andy responded, and immediately grabbed the parchment and walked to the table, and slowly opened the parchment in front of Allen.

"How big is the map!" Allen asked while looking at the map that was more than one meter long.

"Count! This map is obtained by combining the maps collected from various places in the past few days. After all, some maps are too old, and there are inevitably some deviations!

This map covers most of the countries and forces in the east of the Scarlet Continent. Only the northernmost area of ​​the Continent is close to it. Perhaps due to the climate, humans seldom set foot in it. Therefore, my subordinates searched all the maps, but could not find relevant information. record! said Andy.

Allen nodded after hearing this, and began to pay attention to the map.

In addition to drawing the eastern part of the mainland, this map only briefly draws some coastal outlines in the west.

Looking at this map carefully, you can see the long Black Dragon Mountain Range, spreading from the middle of the southern coast, straightly cutting into the center of the continent.

The map is also bounded by the Black Dragon Mountain Range, and most of the countries on the right side of the Black Dragon Mountain Range and the east of the mainland are drawn.

Among them, the Principality of Kane is closely attached to the starting point of the Black Dragon Mountain Range. To the east of the Principality of Kane is the Principality of Bru, and to the north is the Principality of Linton.

As for the Principality of Sid, it is located to the east of the Principality of Linton and to the north of the Principality of Bru.

From the map, the four duchies together look like a curvy field.

To the north of the Principality of Sid and the Principality of Bru, there are two principalities, and to the north is the territory of the Charles Empire.

The Austro-Hungarian Kingdom is located to the east of the Principality of Bru and the Principality of Side. It has a huge land area and truly occupies the southeast corner of the mainland.

To the north of the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom is the Kuroshio Kingdom and the Fireland. The three regions border each other. At the place where these three territories meet at the same time, a point is marked, which is the Blood City, the famous city of mercenaries.

For these three forces, Alan focused on observing the Yanhuo Realm. This is where the Balrogs of other races are active. The lair of the Balrogs is actually not in the Yanhuo Realm. The Yanhuo Realm can be regarded as the bridgehead for the Balrogs to invade the mainland.

The lair of the Balrog is overseas, that is, the Black Phoenix Island drawn on the map. Based on the size of Phoenix Island, the distance between Black Phoenix Island and the Duchy of Kane is probably three times larger, and it can already be called a small continent!

Looking at this very detailed map, Allen couldn't help but praise Andy in his heart. With this map, the business and trade of the territory can start!
Allen wanted to get this map so eagerly, so he naturally wanted to open up the commercial road of the territory, especially the sea trade. Because of the war, the sea trade of the Principality of Kane has been stagnant for a long time.

The mainland has a variety of resources, among which there are countless things that are enough for the territory, and Alan dare not exaggerate to say that all his territories are rich in products, and there is no need for foreign items at all.

At the same time, due to the long-term production of the territory of Musenxiang, there is now a large amount of stock, which can be used to promote Musenxiang to neighboring countries, even the Charles Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom in the distance. Allen's potential clients.

After solving the map problem, Allen does not need to personally participate in the next business matter, and he has his own territory caravan to handle it.

Not long after, a gorgeous carriage stopped outside Twilight Castle, and then Allen boarded the carriage and rushed towards Black Shark Harbor, accompanied by Buttonbad and a squadron of Flame Knights.

Black Shark Port is now the port of call for the fleet, with forty large ships parked together, it seems a bit too crowded.

When Allen arrived, Captain Fran of the second fleet greeted him with many sailors.

"Lord Earl!" Fran bowed and saluted, as did the many sailors behind, looking at Allen cautiously.

"Lord Earl! Everything is ready, you can board the ship at any time!" Fran said respectfully.

"Well! Then get on board!" Allen looked at the port and nodded at the ten large ships that had already raised their sails.

This time out to sea, Allen naturally did not go to Heilan Island. Heilan Island is now extremely stable. After the establishment of the first near mouse city, the second city is under an orderly plan, and I believe it will not be long before construction starts.

Allen went to Snake Dance Island this time, the island that Fran went out to find a few months ago, and it was also one of the four big islands that Allen saw on that chart.

It has been four months since Allen unified the Duchy of Kane. For such a long time, the three surrounding duchies have been very honest and there have been no changes. In addition, the nine principalities are undergoing rapid expansion in the Principality of Kane. Now, Alan is not used at all, so Alan is going to explore Snake Dance Island.

Of course, in order to prevent the three principalities from being attacked by extraordinary powers after he went to sea, Allen recruited Bahamut to the Principality of Kane and asked him to guard it for a period of time.

As for the original Helan Island, there was the mermaid Hametina. After the ice scepter fell into Allen's hands, Hametina was much easier to talk to.

Allen asked him to temporarily guard Heilan Island and guarantee the human race of Heilan Island, and Hamidina did not refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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