Ambition Lord

Chapter 405 Deep Sea Giant Turtle

Chapter 405 Deep Sea Giant Turtle
On the deep sea, ten large ships are sailing at extremely high speed. The fleet is headed by Musen II, which is carried by Allen, in a conical formation.

Looking at the beautiful sea surface glowing with golden light under the sun, who would have thought that there are all kinds of deadly crises hidden deep under the sea surface.

The waves hit the wall of the ship, and the sea water washed up on the deck. Allen frowned and stepped back.

"How long is it until we reach Snake Dance Island?" Allen turned his head to look at Old Francois beside him.

"Count! There are still two days left. If the wind direction does not change, we will arrive at Snake Dance Island the day after tomorrow." Fran held a monocular in his hand and said.

During the long sea voyage, Alan was not likely to vomit non-stop due to seasickness like the soldiers of the Flame Knights, but it was indeed too boring.

After thinking about it, Allen walked to the back of the boat. At this time, Bud and Bud were using the iron gun tied to the tail to spear the fish.

When a big ship sails in the sea, there will often be some fish following the white waves at the stern of the ship. If you use a harpoon at this time, you will be sure to aim at each fork.

In just a short while, a bunch of strange fish appeared in the wooden barrel under Bud Barton's feet. These fish have various shapes and colors. If you are not an old sailor, it is better not to eat them randomly. After all, some Fish are highly poisonous, and the two guys, Bud Barton, were just doing it for fun.

At this moment, a clear and crisp sound came from the sea, like a crossbow arrow hitting an iron plate, it was so abrupt and piercing that it was impossible for people not to pay attention.

Allen was stunned for a moment, and rushed to Bud Barton and the other two.

"What's going on?" Allen asked looking at the sea.

"This... Lord Earl, the iron gun seems to have hit something hard, probably a rock or something!" Bud rubbed his head, looking at the iron gun that had been pulled back in his hand, and said with a puzzled face.

Stone!Allen was taken aback, the big ship just passed by, how could there be reefs!
"My lord! Hurry... look at the sea!"

Suddenly, Barton on the side pointed at the sea surface with a look of excitement.

Allen's heart trembled, and he immediately looked towards the sea.

I saw the sea water surging, the waves raised, spreading towards all directions, and a blue-black armor back slowly emerged from the sea.

It was a sea turtle that was bigger than a round table. Its chest was ferocious, and its big mouth was constantly swallowing in the white waves at the stern of the big ship, swallowing some sea fish into its belly.

The tortoise shell carrying me on its back is extremely huge. According to Allen's estimation, it is not a problem to stand up to a dozen adults.

As for the impact just now, it should be that the iron spear in Bard's hand pierced the back of the giant tortoise, but unfortunately, there was no trace left. From this, it can be seen that the defensive power of the tortoise shell should not be low.

"My lord! This turtle?" Barton asked, such a huge turtle already has the qualifications to threaten the safety of ships.

"As long as it doesn't attack ships, don't worry about it!" Allen said lightly, looking at the giant turtle that was still eating sea fish honestly.

Buttonbad and the others are still in the high-level knights, so naturally they can't tell that this giant tortoise is an extraordinary monster. To be honest, when he saw the giant tortoise, he was also shocked. When he encountered an extraordinary sea beast in the deep sea, it was What kind of disaster?
Once this supernatural sea beast attacks, even with Alan, a great supernatural being, it will be difficult to prevent him from destroying the wooden boat. After all, it is now in the deep sea, which is the home of the supernatural sea beast.

Fortunately, this turtle seemed to be docile and had no tendency to attack the wooden boat, but was persistent towards the sea fish in the white waves.

As time passed, the giant tortoise seemed to be full and gradually dived into the sea. Allen, who had been watching the giant tortoise at the stern to prevent it from attacking suddenly, finally felt relieved.

Encountering this kind of thing also made Allen feel more urgent about building the blood-devouring battlefield. If all the big ships this time were replaced with primary blood-devouring warships, Allen's worries would probably be reduced by half.

Although it is a bit unrealistic to rely on the low-level blood-devouring warships to resist the attacks of extraordinary monsters, the defense power of the blood-devouring warships is indeed much stronger than that of ordinary large ships.

With the defensive power of the blood-devouring warship, at least Allen doesn't need to worry about the ship being destroyed by the aftermath of the battle when he is fighting an extraordinary monster.

Moreover, above the basic blood-devouring warships, there are intermediate and advanced warships. The higher the level of the warships, the higher the safety of the fleet in the depths of the sea.

As night fell, the purple moonlight fell into the sea, and the fleet seemed to have entered a purple-black world. The big ship gradually stopped moving forward, and the fleet took a rest.


Time passed quickly, and Allen got his wish and saw the outline of Snake Dance Island in the distance.

As the fleet approached, Allen first told the fleet not to dock, but waited in the sea, while gathering a pair of red wings, he flew towards the island.

The area of ​​Snake Dance Island is not large, it is roughly equivalent to a quarter of Heilan Island, and it is equivalent to the area occupied by the original Heilan Island human race.

Allen first looked down from the sky to see if there were any traces of intelligent race activities. It is a pity that there are not even alien races on this island, not to mention human races, but there are many snakes and poisonous insects, and there are many animals.

Um?Suddenly, Allen, who was standing in the air, had a different expression, and flew towards the center of the island.

At this time, there is a black hill standing in the center of the island. This hill looks like it is made of black ore from a distance, but if you really want to go up and observe carefully, you will find that it is not black ore at all. Black scale horned snakes covered the hill.

These black-scaled horned snakes have black scales all over their bodies, with a cone-shaped black horn growing on their heads. Their body sizes vary greatly. Some are more than ten meters long and as wide as a human thigh, while others are only as long as human arms and as thick as fingers. , from ordinary black scaled snakes to high-level black scaled snakes.

The most conspicuous thing is the black-scaled horned snake entrenched on the top of the mountain. This black-scaled horned snake is definitely thicker than a human's waist. Its coiled body is more than 20 meters long, and the middle part of its back has even grown six pairs. Wide wings.

Judging from the aura it exudes, Allen estimates that it is at least an extraordinary monster that has reached the realm of Xiaocheng.

At this time, the Black Scaled Horned Serpent of the Transcendent level seemed to be falling into a deep sleep, its eyes were closed, and its six pairs of twelve fleshy wings were also contracted.

It seems that the Cara family named the island Snake Dance Island for a reason!Looking at the densely packed black scaled horned snakes below, Allen couldn't help smiling wryly.

"Hey! Hiss!"

Suddenly, I don't know if it was Alan's extraordinary aura that awakened the extraordinary black scaled snake. The black scaled snake suddenly opened its closed eyes, the core in its mouth kept swallowing, and it waved its thick tail to hit the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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