Ambition Lord

Chapter 44 The Fall of the Greenton Family

Chapter 44 The Fall of the Greenton Family
"Lord Baron, it's bad! Something serious happened!"

In the early morning, Alan, who had just woken up for a while, saw Andy running over in a panic. He saw that Andy's hair was disheveled and he was not wearing pajamas. It seemed that Andy ran away from home in a hurry after getting some news After coming over, Allen had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Don't worry, calm down!" Allen had to appease the panicked Andy first.

"Lord Baron! An urgent report from the front, Baron Jean rebelled against the Musen collar, which caused the Musen collar to suffer heavy losses in this battle. The Musen collar team was defeated and fled in all directions.

Afterwards, Musen City was also attacked by the Viscount of the Nightland, and the Viscount Bernard Greenton died in battle. Other members of the Greenton family have fled outside the Musenland. The one in the city is Baron Jean of the wooden vine collar! "Andy didn't rest, and said all the horrifying news in one brain.

Allen was astonished as if a thunder had exploded above his head. He was taken aback for a moment, took a short and convulsive breath, and asked in a trembling voice in disbelief: "Is this news true?"

"Yes, my lord, this is the news that the Shadow Division has verified in many ways, and it will never be wrong!" Andy was also surprised by the news he saw, if he hadn't had enough confidence in the ability of his Shadow Division to detect the news , it was hard for him to believe it was true.

calm!calm!Don't worry!Allen said in his heart.Allen was also panicked by the shocking news, it took a long time to calm down, and began to quietly analyze the current situation in Mu Senling.

Although Allen hoped that Viscount Bernard would lose the battle and suffer heavy losses, Allen never expected that things would develop to this point. Viscount Bernard died in battle, and Baron Jean chose to betray Musen.

Thinking of this, Allen couldn't help wondering if there was his own reason for this. After all, he killed Viscount Kurit and deliberately let Baron Jean take the blame, so Baron Jean turned against Mu Senling in a rage.

"Since the war has been defeated, what about the situation of the barons?" Allen asked curiously.

After all, even Viscount Bernard was killed in battle, and the other barons were probably also seriously injured, Alan thought.

"Master Baron, after the disastrous defeat in the war, Viscount Bernard was seriously injured and retreated to Musen City, and the other barons fled with the remnants of their soldiers. They probably fled back to their own territory, but they must have suffered heavy casualties. Only two of them are known now. The barons died in battle, one was Baron Balk from the Whitestone collar and Baron Julian from the Green grass collar."

Allen still has some impressions of the two of them. I saw it last time in Musenburg. The old Baron Buckle was tall, thin, grey-haired, and unsmiling. Baron Julian was thin and dark-skinned. Now the two have already fought. Died in the war between the two Viscounties.

Allen calculated in his mind, since the Greenton family has existed in name only, plus the dead Curritt, and Baird who has escaped from Wooden Land, that is to say, Wooden Land originally had nine barons, but now only There are five left.

Allen couldn't help feeling heavy in his heart. The demise of the Greenton family was not the end of the war but the beginning, and it was no longer a battle between the two Viscounts, but an internal struggle in the Wooden Territory. Without the Viscount, there would be no constraints.

The next period will also be the most chaotic period in the Wooden Land. Because Viscount Bernard died in battle and the Greenton family who could inherit the Viscount fled, the Wooden Land no longer has a Viscount. , the title of viscount will be produced among the barons of the territory, and then there will be a scuffle between various barons for the title of viscount, which will also be a big reshuffle in Mu Sen.

Only the surviving baronies can be made viscounts with the consent of Earl Reagan, and then re-entrust the Musen collar. If you become a viscount, other baron families will perish in this dispute.

And Allen didn't want to die, he didn't want the Charles family established by his father to disappear, and he didn't want to submit to other barons!For the Allen and Charles families, the only way is to fight, eliminate the other baronies, get the approval of Earl Reagan, and become a viscount!

Although this accident was a bit unexpected for Allen, but now that things have happened, since it cannot be changed, Allen can only face it.

Allen was not surprised that Baron Jean occupied Musen City at all. Baron Jean did not hesitate to betray Viscount Berner to help the Ye Shi collar. Believe it or not, Allen guessed that Viscount Curry most likely promised Baron Jean a benefit, and this benefit happened to help him ascend to the position of Viscount Mussen.

Now the Barons Baishiling and Bicaoling are dead, and the strength of the territory has been severely damaged. With the absence of Baron Zaomuling, the strength of Kondo Lingling and Yangmalingling has been greatly damaged.

Now there are only three territories that are expected to compete for the title of Viscount. Only Baron Jean, who has no loss of strength, and Yuchow, who is powerful in his own territory, are left.

The last one is Qing Huangling who has been underestimated all this time.

Alan is very confident about the strength of the Qinghuang Territory. With five hundred cavalry warriors, plus eight low-level knights and one middle-level knight, it can be predicted that no baronet in the Musen Territory will be from the Qinghuang Territory. Opponent, as long as he seizes this rare opportunity, he—Alan Charles will be able to promote the Charles family to the viscount family!
At this time, the situation in Musenling is different from what Alan first envisioned, but it is more suitable for Alan to go to Iron Stone to snatch horses!

Without further ado, Allen immediately issued an order.

"Notify Antonio, lead the [-] cavalry stationed at the border of the Iron Stone Territory, enter the Iron Stone Territory quickly, and bring back all the war horses from the Iron Stone Territory belonging to Maicao Village! By the way, bring them the fifty green barrow crossbows that the Logistics Bureau has completed. If you encounter blockers, kill without mercy, even if it is a certain baron, go!" Allen said to Andy.

"Yes! Your Excellency!" Andy replied.

At this time, on the way from Musenling to the territory of Earl Reagan, several carriages were galloping on the road, and the people sitting in the carriages were the Greenton family who had escaped from Musenling.

Fearing that the night leader Viscount Curry would kill them all, when Qinghuang City was about to be breached, Viscount Bernard asked Baird to take the rest of the Greenton family to escape through a secret door in the city and go to Earl Reagan. seek asylum.

Because he fled too hastily, he only brought some belongings with him, and he didn't even have time to take away the most precious magical plant element grass in the Viscount's territory, which made Viscount Curry cheaper for nothing.

Right now, apart from Baird himself, the Greenton family's armed force is only the ten-man cavalry squad guarding the carriage, and the knight captain Glenn.

(End of this chapter)

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