Ambition Lord

Chapter 45

Chapter 45
After leaving the Wood Forest Territory and reaching the range of the Twilight Territory led by Earl Reagan, the fast-moving carriage gradually slowed down.

The front row of carriages, ... inside the first carriage.

"Father, where are we going?" Baird's youngest daughter, Charlotte, raised her head, looked at Baird next to her with big round eyes, and asked in a soft voice.

Baird hid the worry in his eyes, and said gently: "Charlotte, we are moving now!"

"Then where are we going to move? Are we coming back?"

Baird smiled and said, "Move to another beautiful place! Of course, we will come back, but it may take a long time!"

"Really?" Charlotte's red face was full of smiles.

yes!Definitely coming back!I will be back one day!Baird said silently in his heart.


After appeasing his little daughter, Baird came to the front of the carriage.

He looked at Ge Lan who was riding a horse and guarding beside the carriage.

"Glenn, do you think it's better to go to Earl Reagan now, or go directly to my uncle's territory!" Baird asked.

Baird now has two options. One is to go directly to meet Earl Reagan and ask him to protect him and others. The other is to go to the Viscounty Nightingale of Baird's uncle, Viscount Fuwe, which is located in the Earl of Reagan. To the north, if you want to go to the Nightingale Territory, you need to cross the Twilight Territory under the direct command of Earl Reagan in the Earl of Reagan.

"My lord baron, I suggest going to the Twilight Collar to meet Earl Reagan first. After explaining the situation, if Earl Regan doesn't object, we can go to your uncle's Nightingale Collar!" Grant suggested.

"Okay! I'll listen to you, let's go visit Earl Reagan first!" In fact, Baird is also inclined to go to the Nightingale, after all, Baird is more willing to trust his uncle, Viscount Fuwei, than the unfamiliar Earl Reagan .

Gradually the carriage began to accelerate, galloped along the road again, and ran towards Twilight City.


Musen Viscounty, Musen City.

In Musen Castle, Baron Jean sat at the head of the hall, listening to his subordinates report to him.

"Lord Baron, our people searched Musen City all over, but found no trace of the Greenton family. I suspect that other members of the Greenton family have already left the city!" Cavalier Captain Jason said.

"Didn't find it? It seems that the old guy Berner is really cunning and cunning! I guess he saw that it was impossible, so he transferred the members of the Greenton family away early!" Gene couldn't help but sigh that Viscount Berner is really good enough. Sly.

Baron Jean secretly estimated the gains and losses of betraying Viscount Bernard this time. Due to the sneak attack from behind, the two hundred soldiers led by his wooden vines were basically unharmed. In addition, he recruited another two hundred soldier-level fighters and One hundred cavalry-level fighters.

Calculated in this way, he has 150 cavalry fighters and 350 soldiers and soldiers in Musen City, a total of [-] soldiers. In addition, he also occupied Musen City, the only city in Musen Territory, which can be said to have greatly increased his power.

What's worse is that, except for the mysterious elemental chamber of commerce, other parts of Musen City were ransacked by the Viscount Nightlight, and his wooden vine collar followed him to pick up some residues. The Viscount Li was taken away when he left. Although this was the condition he had agreed to before, Jean still felt a burst of heartache.

There are gains and losses, and Jin got Viscount Curry's promise to help him become a viscount. Now he has only occupied Musen City, and there is still a long way to go. The shock of the barony.

"Jason, you lead fifty cavalry to the Iron Stone Territory and occupy the Iron Stone Territory first." Gene said to Jason.

Wood Forest City and Wood Vine Collar are separated by Iron Stone Collar. As long as they occupy Iron Stone Collar, the road between Wood Forest City and Wood Vine Collar will be opened. Even if Baron Jean cannot defend Wood Forest City in the future, he can return his The base camp of the Wooden Rattan Collar, if the Iron Stone Collar is occupied by other preemptive barons, then Baron Jean will fall into a passive position.

However, since the Iron Stone collar had no defensive power when Baron Curritt was alive, Gene only let Jason lead fifty riders.

At this time catch the collar.

Baron Booth sat on a chair with a gloomy face, the wounds all over his body had been bandaged up.

After Baron Buzz fled back to Fishing with the remnants, he soon got the news that Musen City was broken and Viscount Bernard died in battle. Although he didn't know what happened to the Greenton family, Musen City was destroyed. Boots guessed that the Greenton family is very likely to be wiped out!
Baron Booth knew clearly in his heart what would be brought about by the destruction of the Greenton family. It can be said that the leader of the fishing industry has now reached the edge of the cliff, and there are not many choices left for the leader of the fishing industry.

After a moment of contemplation, Baron Buzz's frown suddenly faded away, as if he had figured out something.

Immediately, Baron Buzz called two other knights in the territory, Osmond and Yves. Compared with other territories that only had one knight squad, there were two knights in the Fishing Territory, and both of them were the captains of the knight squad.

"Osmond! Call the team to take down the Bicao collar with me first!" Baron Buzz said.

Baron Buzz's strategy is to first occupy the Bicao collar which is closest to the territory, and then he can also occupy the Baishi collar next to the Bicao collar.

The most important thing now is to accumulate strength, expand the territory, and call in more troops. It is a very unwise choice to run against Baron Jean now. After all, Baron Buzz doesn't know whether Viscount Ye Shilan will stay for Baron Jean. What's behind.

The number of troops recruited by Yuchui collar has reached its limit, and now Baron Buzz has set his sights on Bicao collar and Baishi collar not far away.

Both Bi Caoling and Baishiling Baron were killed in battle, and the territorial knight squad also suffered a lot of losses in the war. It would be difficult to defend against the powerful Yuchowling. warrior.

"My lord, there is only Osmond's complete knight team in the territory. If Osmond's knight team is transferred, I'm afraid that if the sea monsters attack... Maybe..." The captain of another knight team, Yves Some worried to Baron Buzz said.

Yves' concerns are well-founded. When Baron Buzz participated in the battle of the Viscounty, he brought Yves' knight squad, a total of 200 people, one hundred cavalry and one hundred soldiers. After a battle, Viscount Buzz fled back to the At the time of the territory, there were only thirty or so cavalry left.

The remaining Osmond Knights in the territory have always shouldered the heavy responsibility of defending against the Kraken's invasion at any time. Now that the Osmond Knights are going to be taken away by Baron Buzz, there are only thirty or so cavalry guards left in the territory. , in case the sea-monster strikes, the fishing leader will definitely not be able to resist the ferocious sea-monster.

(End of this chapter)

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