Ambition Lord

Chapter 47 Breaking through the White Rock Castle

Chapter 47 Breaking through the White Rock Castle

Baishi Town does not have a strong city wall like Musen City. In fact, only Musen City has a city wall in Musen Territory, so Alan's cavalry can drive straight in and take Baishi Fort.

Suddenly, the sound of rumbling horseshoes rang in the ears of the residents of Baishi Town. From far to near, the residents looked in the direction of the sound.

Seeing Alan and the others charging forward on horseback with sharp knives, they were all panicked, shouting loudly, and fled in a hurry, lest they be hurt by this group of unknown people.

Allen, who entered the street for a while, found that all the people on the street had fled, except for some things that were discarded on the ground when the residents fled in a panic.

But that's good too, the province will hinder the march of the team and cause casualties, Alan thought in his heart.Before that, Allen even ordered the soldiers not to kill these residents of Baishi Town at will. After all, after Allen occupied Baishi Town, these residents were likely to become his own subjects.

But what surprised Allen the most was that he had been in Baishi Town for so long, but he didn't encounter any resistance from the Babi family. It should be impossible for them not to hear the voice of the cavalry!
Simply not thinking about what was going on, Allen led the team directly to the outside of White Rock Castle.

The appearance of White Stone Castle is very similar to Qinghuang Castle. There are some blue vines crawling on the low gray wall. The castle gate has a long history, but it is still strong. A group of people standing on the wall with nervous expressions is none other than Bobby. The two brothers of the family and the only 20 guards left in the castle.

Allen looked at Upton and the others above, and suddenly realized in his heart, no wonder the remaining armed forces of Baishi collar could not be seen along the way. It turned out that they had been transferred to the castle in time for defense!
"Who are you? How dare you invade the territory of the Barbie family!" Upton looked at the cavalry below, and sternly scolded Allen and others.

Upton had already known that the town had been invaded by intruders, but because Baron Balck took away most of the soldiers in the territory, there were only about [-] guards in the territory now, and the enemy was not many whites, so Upton could only shrink. Go inside the castle for defense.

"You are Upton, right! Well! The one next to you should be Grover!" Allen smiled playfully when he saw the speaker.

"Who the hell are you? What do you want to do!" After hearing Allen's words, Grover next to Upton couldn't bear it first, and asked loudly.

Without Allen talking, Barton next to him said to the people on the city wall: "My lord is the baron of Qinghuang collar, and he is here to take over Baishi collar. I advise you to open the gate and let us in!"

"What? Qinghuang collar?" Of course Upton and Grover knew about Qinghuang collar, after all, Baishi collar was next to Qinghuang collar.

But now Qinghuang leader is coming to attack Baishi collar, Upton feels very puzzled.

"Baron Qinghuang, you dare to invade my Baishi collar for no reason, aren't you afraid of Viscount Musen's anger?" Upton reminded loudly.

Um?Hearing Upton's words, Allen knew clearly. It seems that Viscount Musen died in battle, and the news of the destruction of Musen City has not been sent back to Baishiling. It is estimated that Baishiling also knew about the death of Baron Balk. No wonder The two of them were still confidently playing the game of competing for the title of baron in Baishi collar.

Alan didn't bother to talk nonsense to these two people. Since the gate of the castle was very strong, Alan didn't plan to let his cavalry attack the gate. After all, unnecessary damage could still be avoided.

Allen turned his gaze to the two of Buttonbad next to him.

After receiving Allen's signal, the two turned and dismounted, and rushed towards the city wall with their swords in hand.

"Quick! Quick! Attack, don't let them rush up!" Upton, who noticed the two, stepped back in a hurry, and then ordered to the surrounding guards.

It's a pity that the speed of the two knights was beyond imagination. They grabbed the vines on the wall and climbed up the four-meter-high wall in two or three strokes.

Seeing this, the surrounding guards quickly attacked the two of them. Barton held the sword and swept away a few sword blades that were slashing towards him, and then exerted force on his feet and kicked!Leaping forward, the long sword in his hand swept across the bodies of the three guards in front, killing them.

After resisting the two spears with his armor, Bard moved quickly and approached the two guards. After piercing one of them with his sword, he punched the other guard in the face. Make it pass out directly.



"don't want……"

"Everyone run away..."

In just a few minutes, the two defeated the guards on the castle, and only a few escaped. Upton and Grover also escaped from the city wall early and hid in the castle.

After Buttonbad opened the castle gate for Allen, Allen led the team and rushed in. The most important thing now is to catch the Barbie family.

The cavalry dismounted one after another, divided into teams of five, and searched White Rock Fort house by house. Under Allen's order, all the people in White Rock Fort were brought into the hall.

As for those who resisted the non-stop orders during the search process, they had already turned into corpses. For a moment, there were screams, crying and yelling in White Stone Fort.

But until now, no one from the Bobby family has appeared.

With the search of the soldiers, finally, a group of soldiers found the Babi family hiding in a basement of White Rock Fort.

After destroying the two guards who tried to resist, one of the soldiers looked at Upton of the Barbie family and said, "Come with us! The baron wants to see you!"

"No, no... I won't go!" Upton was terrified, shaking his head in a panic, and kept backing away.


"Ah... what are you doing! Ah!"

Before Appleton finished speaking, he was drawn on the face by one of the soldiers with a scabbard. Suddenly, his face was swollen and bloodshot, and he staggered and fell to the ground. Being drawn by the soldier with the scabbard, he looked miserable for a moment, lying on the ground and dare not make a sound.

After dealing with Upton, the warrior turned his attention to Grover.

"Go! I'll go! Don't hit me!" Seeing his elder brother's miserable appearance, Grover nodded in horror, fearing that he would be hit too.

As the Barbie family was brought into the hall, Upton saw Baron Alan in front of him, too young.

"Lord Baron Qinghuang, why did you invade my Baishi collar for no reason? Viscount Mu Sen will not ignore it!" Upton said unwillingly, with a trembling voice.

"Oh! You don't know yet! Viscount Musen has died in battle in Musen City, and Musen City has been breached! You still expect Viscount Musen to save you?" Allen looked at the stubborn Upton in front of him, laughed.

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(End of this chapter)

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