Ambition Lord

Chapter 48 Cavalry Encounter

Chapter 48 Cavalry Encounter

"No, it's impossible! How could Viscount Musen die in battle!" Upton was startled, his eyes filled with disbelief, and retorted.

But looking at Allen with a serious face and the indifferent soldiers around him, Upton sat down dejectedly.yes!If it wasn't for Viscount Musen's accident, the Qinghuang leader would not have dared to attack the Baishi leader!Upton thought to himself.

The performance of Grover next to him was almost the same. After hearing that Viscount Bernard was killed in battle and Musen City was destroyed, his somewhat dark face was pale and bloodless.

Allen looked at the families of the two people behind, and waved to the soldiers to take them away from here.

"Baron Qinghuang, what are you going to do!" Seeing his wife and son being taken away, Upton lost control of his emotions.

"Me? Take it easy Mr. Upton!"

"As long as you reject the title of Baron Baishiling and surrender to Baron Qinghuang, Baishiling will be under the jurisdiction of Qinghuang from now on, and I will let your Babi family go!" Alan said.

"Don't even think about it, it's impossible!" Upton flatly refused.

"Actually, you should be clear that I am determined to win the white stone collar. If you don't agree, I will slaughter your Babi family, and you can also get the white stone collar. It's just that I am naturally kind and don't want to kill more!" Allen pretended False way.

And Bard looked at the kind Lord Baron with admiration, admiring him very much!

"You..." After hearing Allen's words, Upton's eyes widened angrily, wishing he could jump up and kill the guy in front of him.

Grover was also furious, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

"I'll give you 3 minutes to think about it. After 3 minutes, I will choose one of your Bobby family to perform the operation. You don't want your relatives to be killed by yourself!" He looked at the two with a grim smile.

As the time passed, Upton and Grover were struggling in their hearts. It was really difficult to choose between their relatives and the Barbie family's title inherited from generation to generation.

"Okay! Three minutes is up, it seems that the two of you have a choice!"

Then Allen motioned to Barton, and Barton left the hall.

"Ah! Ah..."

In less than a moment, screams came from outside the hall.

"It's Korla!" Upton's heart trembled, and it was his youngest son who screamed.

"You devil!"

"Okay! I promise you! Let Korla go! Let him go!" Upton laughed bitterly.

"Okay, stop!" With Allen's order, the screams outside the hall gradually subsided.

"Upton! You can't agree!" Grover said anxiously from the side.

"Shut up!" Upton snapped.

"What? Does Mr. Grover also want to hear the screams of his relatives?"

"I remember your daughter seems to be outside, Barton!"

"No, Baron Qinghuang, that's not what I meant!" Grover quickly denied, and stopped talking, acquiescing to Upton's thoughts.

"Okay, you can rest in the castle with your family first, and then you need the cooperation of the two of you!" Allen said with a satisfied smile.

For Upton's youngest son, Allen just asked Button to whip him a few times with a whip at will, which did not cause much damage, let alone endanger his life. After all, Allen just wanted to force the two of them to submit.

Of course, if the two really don't agree in the end, then don't blame Allen for using cruel methods.

The reason why it took so many means to make the two of Upton submit, instead of directly slaughtering the Barbie family, is because of Allen's calculations.

Compared with a dead Barbie family, a living Barbie family is still very symbolic. Compared with a cruel new baron, a kind-hearted new baron is more acceptable to the people of Baishiling.

When other baronies are attacked again in the future, after the castle is destroyed, there will be no incidents of resistance to the death. After all, isn't the Barbie family alive?As long as you surrender, there is still a way to survive.

However, the living baron family still has a great influence on the territory, so Allen decided to bring it back to Qinghuang Territory after using the Barbie family, instead of letting it stay in Baishi Territory, just in case one.

Then under the guidance of Allen, everyone in the Whitestone collar soon knew that the territory had changed to a new baron. With the help of Upton and Grover, Allen quickly mastered the Whitestone collar.


At this time, in the iron stone collar, Antonio brought two hundred cavalry soldiers to the wheat grass village. As for the location of Baron Kurit's horse in the wheat grass village, Andy had arranged for the spies from the shadow department to lead the way.

After not going far, after passing through a bush, Antonio finally saw his target this time.

I saw a piece of green grass in front of me, and I couldn't see the end at a glance. There were a herd of horses scattered on the grass. The horses were all tall and handsome, and they were all excellent war horses.

For these horses that were raised on the grass, it was not so easy to catch. Fortunately, Antonio caught a few grooms who specially raised horses for Baron Curritt here, and let the grooms catch the leader of the horse herd, that is, the head horse. As long as the winner is caught, it will be much easier to take the group of horses away.

Antonio was watching the grooms looking for opportunities to trap the winners among the horse herd, and the soldiers patrolling outside to report.

"My lord, a strange cavalry appeared in the bush!"

"What? All gather! Draw your sword!"

Following Antonio's order, two hundred cavalry warriors unsheathed their iron swords and assembled behind Antonio.

"Kant! Kim! The two of you lead a hundred cavalry to lurk on the right side of the bushes. Once you find them fleeing, surround them and kill them. Don't let one go!"

"Yes!" Kant and Kim took orders.

In this operation, Antonio took two of the knights, Kant and Kim, in the knight team.

Antonio was very wary of the cavalry that appeared in the bush for no reason. After all, it was impossible for Iron Stone Fort to have such a large force of cavalry.

If it wasn't from Ironstone Fort, it could only be from other territories, and apart from the Qinghuang Territory near the Ironstone Territory, only the Wooden Vine Territory and Baron Jean, who occupies Musen City, are most likely to send cavalry here.

After Jason led the soldiers to break through the undefended Iron Stone Fortress, he ransacked a lot, and the harvest was far beyond Jason's expectations. The wealth of the Iron Stone Leader is really amazing. There are more than 160 golden dragons alone. Jason even More than [-] fire element spars were found in the secret room of Iron Stone Castle.

Jason couldn't help but exclaimed, Iron Stone's possession of iron mines is indeed very profitable, even compared to the baron's magical plants, it is not too much.

After searching the entire Iron Stone Fortress, Jason suddenly remembered that Iron Stone Leader still has a huge amount of wealth, and that is a group of war horses from Mai Cao Village...

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(End of this chapter)

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